Sexuality Tips For You.

July 6, 2008

Increase Sex Drive - Men and Women These Herbs Will Increase Your Libido and Sexual Satisfaction!

By kelly Price

Here we are going to look at how to increase sex drive and increase sexual satisfaction. Your sexuality can be affected by a number of inputs and here we have outlined some herbs men and women can take which are proven to increase libido naturally...

The male and female sex drives are of course different in many respects but they both share one thing in common and that's blood circulation to the genitals in vital for a man be needs an erection and the female organs also need to take increase blood flow - but its not just blood flow you need, you also need the vital chemical nitric oxide which has a huge influence on libido in both men and women.

Circulatory Health

Your circulatory health is critical not just for your sexual health but your overall health and you need blood pumping strongly to the extremities, such as the genitals. When the blood gets there, it must enter the sexual organs and this means nitric oxide must be realized.

The key Role of Nitric Oxide

The key role of nitric oxide is to relax the blood vessels, so they are wide enough, to take an increased flow of blood, in men it creates an erection and if men don't get enough of it, an erection cannot take place. It's also very important in the female sexual organs though not as visible!


Is obviously important in terms of male sex drive - but also important for women as well and women need enough of it for peak sexual performance to.


Stress, fatigue and tiredness kill sex drive as the body doesn't have enough energy to devote to this area and you simply become too tired for sex.

So What Can You Do About The Above?

Simple take some natural herbs which have been proven to boost libido and work for both men and women a great combo to start with is Ginseng and G Ginkgo Biloba.

Ginkgo is one of the best blood tonics and increases blood flow to the brain which accounts for around 20% of oxygen usage and throughout the body. It increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters and generally lifts energy and mood.

Ginseng stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, which secretes adrenal corticotropic hormone (ACTH). Which attaches itself to brain cells, reducing, fatigue combating stress and enhancing mood. It is also believed to assist in testosterone production and acts as a blood circulatory herb, again helping to pump blood to the extremities.

The next herb we are going to look at is Horny Goat Weed, which enhances testosterone and nitric oxide levels and also helps to combat stress, fatigue and gives the body an energy boost.

These 3 herbs are probably the best combination for both men and women and will increase libido and sexual desire naturally.

There are other herbs you can take - but these 3 make an excellent base for increasing sex drive and giving you greater sexual satisfaction. Not only does you libido increase, so to does your overall health - try them and see.

About the Author

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Mind Blowing Sex With A Chlorine Shower Head Filter And A Common Food Item

By Donald Ray Smith

Using a chlorine shower head filter and a common food item found at your local health food store can really spice up your sex life, and produce mind blowing sex. If you are like me and have been in a steady relationship for any period of time, you’re always looking for something new in the sex department. My wife and I stumbled on this quite by accident, and I promise you if you finish this article it will be well worth your time.

My wife and I are health nuts, and try and keep on top of the latest developments which led to this little gem. We’ve all tried the sex in the shower thing at one time or another. Many people get mixed results with it.

It is essential that you get a chlorine filter for the shower. It’s a good idea in general to use a chlorine shower head filter due to the high chlorine content in our water supply. Chlorine can and does cause your skin to become dry, itchy, and flaky which is definitely not sexy. Chlorine has also been linked to certain types of diseases including cancer.

Also did you know that water that is not filtered may contain dissolved toilet tissue, traces of human feces or worse! So don’t be cheap and purchase one, they are not that expensive. When you use a chlorine shower head filter you will notice an immediate difference on how you and your partners skin feels. It will feel soft, smooth, and silky. Stay with me here…

The common food item that you will need is coconut oil which can be found at most health food stores. Coconut oil is fantastic erotic oil. The smell and taste of coconut oil will blow your mind when you use it during sex. It will really enhance the sexual experience. Because of its anti-microbial properties it does give some protection against some diseases that are sexually transmitted. If you are with a new partner you should still use a condom. Coconut oil comes in a “butter” type form, and melts at room temperature. This does not hurt the oil. Coconut oil is a very healthy oil and can and should be taken orally. It is great for your heart and really makes your skin smooth a silky. Take 2-3 tablespoons per day for great results.

Now the payoff…Assuming you’ve got your chlorine shower head filter and coconut oil, turn on your shower and let it run for about 3 minutes on hot. Make sure you are NOT in the shower yet, and leave your bathroom fan off. We want some steam here.

After 3 minutes turn the setting to luke warm or whatever is comfortable. Now both of you enter the shower and soap each other and rinse. Now, turn off the shower and slightly dry yourselves off leaving just a little moisture on.

Reach for the coconut oil and start to apply it on each other over your favorite body parts. Coconut oil is a great lube also. A little coconut oil goes along way, so experiment to find the right amount for you. If you’ve used chlorine filter for the shower and coconut oil you and your partners skin will feel and smell like never before. Now both of you can explore each others new skin by touch, and taste. I’ll leave it up to your imagination!

One great position in the shower after a little (or lot of foreplay) is for the man to back his partner up against the shower wall and lace your partner’s fingers with yours above her head facing each other. By now both of you will be so lubed up from the coconut oil, and natural lubrication, and foreplay, you will experience possibly the most mind numbing sex ever as you go at it!

Another great position is if the woman has something to hold on to and can bend over, rear entry intercourse will make both of your heads explode! You can also take it out of the shower for a cool feeling before going at it some more. Try this exactly as outlined. You’re going to love it! As we are health fanatics really consider using coconut oil as part of your daily diet. Use pure organic, cold pressed for great results. If you want to spend a little more money, instead of a chlorine shower head filter, consider a whole house water filter. Your overall health and skin will never be the same. Either will your sex life.

About the Author

Donald Ray Smith and his wife are really normal people and health nuts. Donald has done extensive research to save you time and money so you don't have to. See which chlorine shower head filter or whole house water filter he recommends for best results mentioned in this article at


By Michael Knell

Not long after HIV / AIDS first raised its ugly head in gay communities, threatening to cruelly decimate them, we discovered a way of protecting ourselves from it. Originally called safe sex, it was soon renamed as safer sex because that is a far more accurate description which doesn't leave anyone open to prosecution for misrepresentation. After all, what in life is 100% safe? Fortunately safer sex comes very close to it.

Safer sex involves the correct use of a condom during sexual intercourse, and in those engaging in sex having an awareness of how the virus is spread so they may avoid or cater for the riskiest practises. Once learned, it is simplicity itself - and one day it could save YOUR life. For make no mistake about it: AIDS is still a death sentence, not an inconvenience. The marvels of medical science may be able to prolong that sentence remarkably these days, but believe me: it is rarely life as you would wish to know it.

Today, with gay pubs and clubs everywhere, our gay communities don't exist in the same sense they did in the 80s when AIDS became a deathly reality to us. Then, in a far less commercial time, whole groups of us could be found sitting around in people's houses practising how to open up a condom packet (DON'T use your teeth!) and correctly fit a condom on a candle - and very often after a few drinks on to the real thing! At frequently hilarious nights we practised this until we could all do it second nature - even when blind drunk - and that undoubtedly saved many of our lives, at the same time making a mockery of the predicted number of deaths by the turn of the century.

Before the 80s, the chances of meeting a condom being used in anal intercourse were pretty damn remote. Condoms were simply to prevent babies, and none of us seemed to be able to have them! Then, just like today, there were people who thought condoms would take all the "fun" out of having sex, and remove a lot of the "feeling" associated with the act. Well, actually they don't.

Many of us were pleased to discover we could have a lot more fun, and for a whole lot longer, by using condoms. No more was it the grope, a little bit of oral if you were lucky, all quickly followed by a: "Wham! Bam! Thank-you, man!" before an annoying cock scrub in a bathroom was called for - not always available! - should you want to continue (a bit more oral?) or go on to find another partner. Correctly using condoms allowed us to cleanly have fun all night, get around and have sex a great deal more, and nobody walking home afterwards was ever at risk of that once messy nightmare commonly known as a: "follow through". Anyone who has had their arse pumped all night long without condoms and not made it all the way home without leaking will know exactly what is meant here!

We soon found out safer sex was much more fun, and there were many benefits to it too. Yes, it was certainly different, but then no less pleasing, and now not only were we protected from the HIV / AIDS virus, we found that fewer of us were going down with "the clap" - the loose term for any sexually transmitted disease - necessitating a visit to our special clinics where, with the treatment, usually a period of abstinence was involved - sometimes from both sex and alcohol.

Along with all the freedom safer sex now gave us, we started to learn many more ways in which to please each other - after all, even the fittest of us has to take a rest occasionally to recharge. We began to explore frottage (masturbation by rubbing against another) and onanism (manual stimulation of the genital organs - yours or another's), and all kinds of strange toys now began appearing on the scene and in people's bedrooms to tease and satisfy. Suddenly gay sex had become a million times better and much more fun, its scope bound only by the limits of our imaginations.

It is not the purpose of this article to teach you the mechanics of safer sex, or how to correctly fit a condom - you can find out all about that here: under "preventing hiv", or at countless other websites. No, this article is simply to assure you that safer sex is not only responsible behaviour, done properly it really and truly is much more fun. And I know, for I was putting it around long before we invented it - so don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise. Once it has been conquered and become a routine part of your life, you will never again have to wonder: did I get away with it last night? Or panic whenever someone you've been with suddenly disappears off the scene, or is rumoured to be ill.

Today few of those gay social groups still exist where safer sex could be learned in a series of memorable nights, but don't let that deter you. You can still learn how to do it correctly on your own, all the info is out there on the internet, or you can have unforgettable fun with a few close friends or your lover(s) as you learn together. It is worth that little bit of effort on your part to make sure you are doing it right. Remember: that condom won't protect you or your partner if you are using it incorrectly, or falling down on some of the other important issues. Get it right.

Learned and practiced correctly, you are likely to carry on having fun with safer sex throughout a very long and healthy lifetime. The odds are heavily stacked in your favour. The alternative might be to one day find you are lying in abject pain prematurely dying in some hospice bed whilst knowing your mates were at that very moment likely to be screaming their tits off on a dance floor somewhere, or sniffing their poppers and screwing away with some gorgeous chicken in an ecstatic euphoria. Of those two vastly different scenarios, I know which one sounds more like fun to me. It also sounded more like fun to someone I shall call Adrian here, a dearly missed close friend, who told me so about an hour before he died, still holding my hand.

I have many memories of Adrian, he was a loyal mate for years, but indelibly etched are just two special ones. The first, not long after I met this young Adonis, is the day we spent in Bournemouth. We went swimming and nude sunbathing in nearby Studland Bay, and had mind-blowing sex in the little dunes behind the beach. It was the only time we had sex with each other, so it can never be forgotten. The other memory is of that darkened room which had such an unsavoury smell to it in the hospice several years later where, now little more than a bag of bones, he tried to joke as painfully we spent his final hours together.

Many of his friends WERE at the disco that night, less than half-a-mile away, as I had the announcement made. They were all expecting the news at anytime, of course, but nonetheless were shocked to hear it. Maybe, just maybe, there weren't so many gorgeous chickens shagged in an ecstatic euphoria that night. Safely or unsafely.

The choice of whether or not to learn all about safer sex - and to ALWAYS insist on having it! - is yours and yours alone. Just be sure you make the right decision for you, not forgetting that whatever you do decide may have an effect on someone else's life too. There will be many people out there who will love you, and who would miss you should anything untoward happen to you, probably many more than you might at first believe. Attending twenty-two AIDS funerals has taught me that, so - do I know you? Because I don't want to do twenty-three. I just want fun.

Slogans: Bare-backing feeds furnaces. People with a brain keep it in a condom. A condom in him is a part meant.

About the Author

Article by Michael Knell. - A gay man, an author and columnist, and "out" to all for most of his lifetime. More info: and