Sexuality Tips For You.

October 22, 2008

Female Orgasms - Consider These Crucial Factors to Give Her Electrifying Orgasms

By Susan Johnsson

If you would like your woman to have the most unforgettable orgasmic experience, it is important to understand that there is a lot more involved than just learning special techniques. First of all, you have to know what type of orgasm you would like to give your woman, then you have to decide what method of stimulation you would like to use in order to give your woman that type of orgasm.

One of the biggest mistakes that men make in the bedroom is by blindly jumping into a lovemaking routine without any clue as to where it will end up. Though it could be considered impulsive,and therefore exciting, in most case it just makes a man look clumsy and clueless.

Though the art of making love should never be viewed as a science project, it is still important to have some sense of logic and end goal.

The end goal will help you to determine a few important factors. For instance, if you are looking to first tease your woman, then give her a powerful clitoral orgasm, you would need to find the best methods for achieving it. In order to find the best methods, you would need to understand what is needed in order to tease your woman and give her a clitoral orgasm. Once you have figured that out, your next step would be to apply those methods in a logic manner.

So, in order to tease your woman, you would create a feeling of anticipation in her mind. This can be accomplished by giving her a taste of what's to come, then pulling back. After repeating this action a few times, you will have your woman begging you to feed her erotic hunger.

Now that you have teased her sufficiently, your next step would be to give her a clitoral orgasm. Clitoral orgasms are easily achieved by using a rubbing motion to the clitoris. The best way to do this is by either using your fingers or tongue. However, keep in mind that it is crucial that you always apply more than enough lubrication to the clitoris before and during stimulation.

Start by stimulating areas around the clitoris, and then once your woman is sufficiently aroused, you can then begin to directly stimulate the clitoris until it reaches an orgasm.

Download a Free copy of the Female Orgasms Sex Guide, and learn powerful techniques to give your partner Mind-blowing orgasms. To download your free copy, click here

She's NOT Having an Orgasm? Quit Worrying and Drive Her Wild With These Simple Tips Anyone Can Try!

By Megan Zoile

Okay guys, in this short article we are going to talk about what you can do when she's NOT having an orgasm during sex. You've tried all of the advice, the exotic positions and the other recommended routines and she simply CAN'T seem to get there. She may be close.....but as they say, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, right..:-) ? Let's take a look at some VERY simple tips you can try today that DON'T require any fancy philosophies or exotic stretches to accomplish. Read on..:-)

Filed Under: Conversational Creativity

This is for the woman who keeps getting CLOSE....but can't quite seem to go over the edge! Did you know that one of the BIGGEST secret turn on's for women of ALL types is hot and steamy conversation? Many women will tell you that just HEARING some spicy talk during sex pushes them right up to the brink by itself! If you can whisper in her hear and INSTEAD of sweet nothings say something MUCH naughtier, you will be surprised at the delicious doors that open in a hurry.

Filed Under: Experimentation is Erotic too......

This has very little to do with acrobatic positions or proving how strong you are guys. (although that doesn't hurt either!)

It simply means that many women simply get stale with sex..:-(

They get used to the same rhythms, the same roller coaster and the same ultimate disappointment at the end. The key to conquering this is to simply amp UP the adventure, and experiment with things she does NOT expect you to do..:-) This can be EASILY augmented with the advice above, and simply ASK her what she wants you to do when she's deep in the throes of intimate excitement.

The fact is almost EVERY woman is capable of having an orgasm ( actually MANY orgasms..:-) and it's up to you to help her get there! (no pressure of course..:-)

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

How to Last Longer in Bed - 3 Sexy Strategies For Longer, Stronger Sex

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to discuss how to last longer in bed. The simple truth is that many men are over eager lovers....and their enthusiasm translates into sex that is simply too short to be satisfying! So how do you turn that passion and enthusiasm into sex that lasts? Read on as we take a look!

First some facts: Stop being so hard on yourself! (no pun intended..:-) If you're exposure to great sex has been watching lots of late night cable TV, or hearing your buddies brag about how long THEY went the night before....simply stop buying any of it. According to LOTS of recent sex studies, the average sexual encounter is about 7 minutes! So if you're lasting longer than that ....congratulations, you're better than average! Below....well, lets see about some help..:-)

Start Slowly....and Selflessly!

A woman's body heats up FAR more slowly than yours does, so the key is to simply shower HER with passionate exploration and adoration BEFORE sex. Yes...foreplay DOES count for a lot, and even MORE so when you find yourself ending early. Bringing her to a boil BEFOREHAND is the smartest time management technique known to man ( or woman..:-)

Change Sexual Positions.

The more movement a man makes during sex, the more likely he is to experience premature ejaculation. To combat it, all you need to do is give her more control. The more stationary you are, and for longer.....the easier time with control you will have. On your back, with her on top is the recommended position for starters with men who suffer from endurance challenges.

The Jerry Seinfeld Theory

This may be one of the funniest episodes of the Seinfeld show...but it's also very true! If you practice the fine art and science of self gratification BEFORE you make love with your partner, your endurance will double (if not MORE) in short order! The simple truth is that most men have a fairly long refractory period...and this will go a long way in ensuring she has as MUCH fun as you....if not more!

Click Here to become a master of AMAZING seduction techniques, learn to last longer in bed and SO much more.....(even if you're shy, nervous and can't get a date!)

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How Can I Have More Sex? 2 Easy Ways to Start Getting More (Without Begging Or Bribing Your Girl!)

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to talk about how YOU can start having more sex! The simple truth is that if you are like many men out there who are simply itching for more action between the sheets, it can often feel like heavy lifting trying to twist her arm, right? shouldn't have to, and the ONLY reason you are probably having to beg is because she probably hasn't been seeing fireworks for a while! Let's take a quick look at how we can change that, for BOTH of you, in a hurry! Read on..:-)

Explore Her Fantasies

What REALLY turns her on? Do you want to know the truth? Most men have NO idea what really makes their girl hot! Why? They don't ASK...and maybe don't even want to know! The truth is though, her fantasies are probably revolving around something VERY intimate with you......and simply asking her to share these with you (with NO judgments) is a really easy to invite HER imagination to the passion party!

Make a Date!

This sounds SO trite....but it REALLY does work! Simply plan it out - pick a day, a time and make a real date. This gives her the opportunity to feel LESS unappreciated ( and believe it or not...the BIGGEST gripe many women have about romance is that there is NONE with sex once you've been together a while..:-) and will make her feel the edgy excitement of erotic anticipation that she felt when you had just met......Remember that? Trust me, SHE does!

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

Are You Afraid in Bed? Overcoming Male Performance Anxiety in Simple Steps

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to examine one of the most under-reported but often experienced anxieties that men everywhere endure in the bedroom: The ferocious fear of under-performing...both HER expectations and your own ego! Now, I'm going to tell you that for the most part this is an entirely unfounded fear...and one that can feed on itself in insidious ways unless you are careful. So let's take a look a what happens, and what you can do about it in short order! Read on..:-)

Filed Under: Size Esteem Issues

It seems like we proverbially come back to this doesn't it? It's of the BIGGEST (no pun intended..:-) issues that brings on an acute bout of performance anxiety is the fear that physically you simply won't measure up! The best advice I can give you here is STOP worrying about it! You are the size that you are...and the truth is that there are a veritable avalanche of ways to stimulate a woman sexually. And besides, unless you are unusually small, you are probably FAR harder on yourself than you need be.

Filed Under: Performance Issues

One of the biggest fears some men face is being able to perform well...especially with someone they really like and may have just met. The good news is MUCH of this is simply ALL in your head. The bad news is much of this is simply ALL in your head..:-) What do I mean? If you begin to obsess over these concerns, the truth is your brain is going to unconsciously enter what is referred to as "fight or flight" mode...and whether you fight, or flee is often WAY outside your control. They key is simply to BANISH these thoughts when they arise, and recognize that 90% of sexual issues regarding performance CAN in fact be overcome by mental exercises alone. In other words - when you BEGIN to feel nervous, or worried about your ability to satisfy in the sack...simply STEP back, change your mental patterns to a more positive thought or association, and allow the fear and concern to subside silently into the background where it belongs!

There is NOTHING about yourself that you can't change if you try. Each and every fear and insecurity is simply a gateway for growth!

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

6 Sexy Ways to Turn Your Woman on (Try a Few of These Before Someone ELSE Does!)

By Megan Zoile

Let's take a look at some really EASY ways to turn your woman on. If you are anything like many of the men who I talk to online, you are looking for a quick and easy competitive advantage that keeps YOU on top of your girls mind at all times. (and everywhere else as well..:-) The truth is, turning a woman on is FAR easier than you think, and requires far LESS heavy lifting and effort than others will try to sell you on. Let's look at 8 easy ways to make your girl MELT when she hears your voice! Read on..:-)

1)Her Body is a Wonderland: Explore, uncover and reveal. Find those special spots NO ONE has looked for before!

2)Look into her eyes after sex......tell her how much you LOVE being intimate with her and her body feels like home.

3)Slow is Sensitive: A woman's body responds VERY deeply to a soft touch......our skin and consistency BEGS for light and gentle brushing at least some of the time.

4)The MAGIC of Massage: Next time you lie down in bed together instead of sex......simply start with a slow and scintillating massage. Knead all of the tension out of every spot on her body as she quietly purrs her approval!

5)Ask her What She Wants......But Keep it Simple: DON'T engage her in a long laundry list of personal preferences...:-) Do ask her if it feels good...and if she wants more of it! Keep your questions short, and your attention long!

6)Experiment with Erotica: Yes, women LOVE games, toys and fun. But she very well might NOT bring it up unless you do, so let her know you want to experiment. Most women are EAGER and have a devilish delight in diving into the warm waters of experimentation, ESPECIALLY if you are doing everything else above the RIGHT way..:-)

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

Sex Tips, Ideas, Guidelines and Suggestions - Starting With E and F

By Levi Reiss

We modestly offer sex advice consisting of short alphabetical pieces. We aim to improve your sex life. Each article includes at least two positive and two negative suggestions, based on words that you never thought were sexy. Review these proposals and schemes before closing your door on the way out, and once again before opening your zipper on the way in.

Early. The early bird gets the worm. If you can do it early then you still have a chance at another round that evening. Of course we mean with the same partner. What were you thinking? Early to bed, early to rise...

Effort. Make the effort. What can you lose? Not much besides a put down, a punch in the mouth, a slap from his or her partner, or a sexually transmitted disease. The list goes on. Think positively. Make the effort. What's a little put down? Don't go after someone who is presently attached. Use a condom, guys. Make sure he uses a condom, gals. Make the effort.

Feeling. Show your feelings. And feel what's showing, and what's not showing. You don't have to go around singing Morris Albert's 1975 pop hit. If you do you will be in good company including Ella Fitzgerald (does Gerald fit Ella?), Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and Sarah Vaughan. I hesitate to suggest that you don't sing. Do what you do best. Feelings.

Fact. Does anybody here remember Jack Webb as Sgt. Joe Friday of the Los Angeles Police Department in Dragnet saying, "Just the facts ma'am"? What about that old joke, "Did you hear what happened to Helena Rubenstein?" "No" "Max Facked Her (Max Factor.)" Stick to the facts but you are allowed to embellish them once in a while.

And now for some things to avoid.

Endurance. Make it last. But the sex act or acts are not an endurance contest. Don't go for a personal best against the clock and in all likelihood against your partner's wishes. Otherwise you may find that he or she can no longer endure you.

Fake. I guess if you stick to the facts you can't fake it. What about going half way, moaning but not groaning? Or was it groaning but not moaning? That the trouble with faking it, you have to work hard to remember what you said and what you did. And watch yourself in some delicatessens where not only the Mock Turtle Soup is fake.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine wine, eat fine food, and enjoy life. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new site celebrating all kinds of love including physical love at You will find a wide range of jokes, articles, and quotes devoted to various aspects of sex and a great collection of photos. If you don't know French, enjoy the translations. Check out his global wine website at with his new weekly column reviewing $10 wines.

Sex Tips, Ideas, Guidelines, and Suggestions - Starting With G and H

By Levi Reiss

We modestly offer sex advice consisting of short alphabetical pieces. We aim to improve your sex life. Each article includes at least two positive and two negative suggestions, based on words that you never thought were sexy. Review these proposals and schemes before closing your door on the way out, and once again before opening your zipper on the way in.

Guide. There are so many guidebooks and guidelines that you need a guide to guide you through them. Their advice is often good, but what do you do when facing a contradiction? Forget the Contra, go for the Dick In.

Gutsy. It's good to be gutsy, but if you are too gutsy maybe you should go on a diet. Actually, you might want to dye it. That would be gutsy. You could also dye your gutsy.

Hunk. Ask around. Half the population wants a hunk. The other half couldn't care less. Or could it? Maybe they are just jealous. In the old days Hunkie (Hunky?) was a racist term for Hungarians and their European neighbors. I don't think you hear that much today. That's just hunky-dory (fine) by me. And you can bet that Dory wants a Hunk.

Hip. If you are hip and love hip hop you've go a chance to hop. What hops a lot? Bunnies. What xxxs a lot? Bunnies. I've eaten hip of beef, but never hip of rabbit. Is there a hip of rabbit? Be hip. When you are out to dine you may suggest hare, you may suggest rabbit, but don't ever suggest bunny. Or your post-dining pleasures will be alone. And the only hip will be your own.

And now for some things to avoid.

Gun. One connection between guns and sex is the possibility of protecting your loved ones. If you have guns, make sure to follow safety regulations. You may want to go to target practice together. But don't ever, ever get mad if your partner is better than you. And don't make a gun part of your lovemaking routine. Even if it's not loaded.

Hurry. What's the rush? As they said in Latin class, Ubi Ignis? (Where's the fire?) And when you reach the point where there is a fire in a very choice neighborhood don't rush to put it out. Let it smolder. Let it smoke. Let it burn. So hurry down to your favorite place to see if you can't get a little brushfire started.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine wine, eat fine food, and enjoy life. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new site celebrating all kinds of love including physical love at - You will find a wide range of jokes, articles, and quotes devoted to various aspects of sex and a great collection of photos. If you don't know French, enjoy the translations. Check out his global wine website at with his new weekly column reviewing $10 wines.

Sexual Arousal and Excitement - How to Maximize Them

By Knut Holt

You can stimulate the sexual excitement and lust both in yourself and your lover by the surrounding you choose for making love, by the atmosphere you create at that place, by special actions and by using special products targeted for this purpose.


On the market you can find many herbs or herbal blendings capable of increasing the sexual arousal. Many arousing herbs are also found as common spices. Examples of arousing herbs are ginseng, roseroot, cinnamon, cayenne, cardamom, ginger, damiana, horny goat weed, catuaba, maca, muira pauma and cuscuta. The herbs can arouse you both by their taste, their scent and by a physiological stimulation on the nerves and blood circulation.

The herbs create a general sexual mood in your mind and intimate zones, make these zones more sensible for stimulation and facilitate sexual reactions. Most herbal preparations are to be taken as a single dose each day. It is also a good idea to spice up your food with some of these herbs a day you want to have a strong sexual experience.


Some smells can strongly awaken the sexual arousal. This is done in two ways. Some smell receptors in the nose have a direct nervous connection to centres in the brain that are active when a person is sexually aroused. When something trigger these smell receptors, an immediate sexual interest and arousal is the result.

The body itself secretes substances with erotic scents. However, the body also produce wastes and secretions that have the opposite effect in a too great amount.

The proper degree of washing and hygiene is therefore necessary to get maximally aroused. The body should be cleaned some time before sex. But a very eager washing and a use of massive amounts of soap or cleansers can take away exciting bodily scents, and a strong smell of soap is directly anti-erotic.


A way of making both yourself and your partner aroused is the use of erotic perfumes or pheromone preparations on your body. These preparations contain substances, so-called pheromones, that trigger receptors in the nose directly connected to the brain centres involved in sexual arousal. They also contain substances that trigger sexual excitement by their consciously sensed smells.

Some of these substances give a distinctly feminine mark, others give a distinctly masculine signal and others are common to men and women. Therefore preparations of pheromones are often made in special versions for men and women.

Perfumes with smell of flowers or the like should be avoided. These types of perfumes may smell pleasantly, but they take the mind away from sexual thoughts


You can excite each other heavily by using sensual outer clothes and sexy underwear. You can use clothes with exciting colours or with colours or shapes triggering your erotic fantasy. The clothes should attract your attention towards your most intimate areas, for example by means of lines or structures pointing that way. Your clothes should also visualize the shape of your intimate zones and the shape of body parts you find especially attractive. Your clothes should look like an invitation to erotic activities, but without looking too vulgar. Avoid heavy or voluminous clothes looking like an armament. Such clothes signal to your partner that you do not want sex, that you are afraid of sex or afraid of your partner.

A careful use of make-up in order to strengthen and underline special attractive traits in you face can increase the excitement, for example some darkening of your eyebrows or some shading under your eyes. Heavy use of make-up will have the opposite effect. It will make your partner wonder what really is under that make-up, your partner will feel the make-up as a shield around you, and your partner will be constantly afraid of disturbing your make-up.

A simple, elegant and fanciful, but still natural-looking, heir-cut and hair colouring can also greatly enhance the excitement. However, a heavy hairstyle looking like a major artwork will take the attention away from erotic thoughts and thus have the opposite effect.


A romantic atmosphere will help to bring forth the sexual arousal, and there are many ingredients that together make such an atmosphere. The surrounding must be tidy and colourful. The colours should generally be somewhat discrete and held in a warm tune, but with some spots having a stronger colour, for example a carpet covering the sofa you sit in and the linen of the bed where you intend to make love. Having discretely coloured lamps in the background, or some colourful flowers or ornamental objects will complete the visual part of the atmosphere. The temperature of the air must be pleasant, somewhat warm, but not too warm. Pleasant and relaxing music will complete the picture.

Furthermore, the setting must be such that you naturally drew your attention towards each other. There should be some comfortable place where you feel it natural to sit or lie down near each other. The light in the surroundings should be dimmed, but with a somewhat stronger light upon the place where you intend to make love.


The food you eat some time before sex can greatly enhance your excitement and lust, or have the opposite effect, depending of the composition of your meal. You should have a meal that stimulates all your senses. It should contain ingredients with bright colours and you should use sensual and aromatic spices like cinnamon, ginger, musket and cardamom. Some amount of strong spices like cayenne or chilli will stimulate your bodily reactions and thereby make you more aroused.

Coffee or tea stimulate the activities of the central nervous system, and thus also the sexual excitement. A cup or coffee or tea just before the sexual act will often enhance your sexual mood. Small amounts of alcohol will help to take away tension and worries and make room in your mind for erotic thoughts and feelings, but heavy drinking will destroy your erotic intentions.


Looking at pictures in an erotic magazine or at an erotic video that depict sexy people and erotic situations can stimulate the right mood for making love. The best pictures and videos are those showing some new and surprising ways of making love. The best visual material will give you ideas about new things you can do yourselves. Directly comic pictures or videos should be avoided, because they awake other feelings than sexual excitement, but some degree of humour is fine.


The foreplay is important to increase your excitement maximally, and there are many things you can include in the foreplay. Kisses and caresses are classical ingredients in the foreplay, both when you still have your clothes on and later in your naked state. You should always take your time to kiss and caress each other, but you should also use your fantasy and play with each other in steadily new ways.

You can for example gently unclothe each other instead of each of you take off one's own clothes. Also place your partner or yourself in surprising and intriguing positions. Then you caress each other with gentle movements. Begin by caressing neutral body areas and gradually get closer to the erotic zones of the body, and eventually stimulate the most intimate zones by gentle strokes or gentle fingering.

During the foreplay and the sexual act it is often natural that one of you take a leading role, but you should try to shift being the leader, either from time to time or during different faces in the sexual act.


Massage can be a good way of enhancing your sexual excitement. The massage will help you to relax and take away the daily tension and worries. When these disturbing elements are pacified, your mind have greater place for erotic thoughts and feelings. The massage will also directly stimulate the feelings and reactions in your erotic zones. When massaging, begin very gently and increase the intensity gradually. Also approach the most intimate zones of your body gradually. However, do not massage too systematically. Use your fantasy and do some surprising manipulations.


On the market you can find a lot of oils or ointments you can use during erotic massage that have an arousing scents and a pleasurable consistency. The oils makes the fingers glide more smoothly against the zones you massage and increase the pleasure during the massage. Some of these oils are to be used on greater body parts.

Other oils are especially made to use in the most intimate body zones. These oils will give lubrication to ease intercourse, but will also often have ingredients that directly stimulate feelings and sexual reactions, for example enhancing the erections of the penis, enhancing the engorgement of the female lips and clitoris, increasing the vaginal secretions or creating exciting physical feelings by stimulation of the nerve endings or sensual bodies.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. Please see his web-site for natural erotic products, drugs to solve men's and women's problems, anti-aging products and products against ailments, for example digestive trouble, hemorrhoids, hypothyroidism, edema, over-weight, acne, circulation impairments, urinary problems and more:

A Christian Sex Site For Better Christian Sex

By Chess McDoogle

Now days the internet provides awesome opportunity to learn more about our religious beliefs and practices. For Christians it is an excellent way to research and find ways to be a better Christian lover, while abiding by Christian sex rules. Here are the best ways to find a Christian sex site for learning tips, techniques and rules for better Christian sex.

1. Blogs.

There are many Christian blogs out there which touch upon Christian intimacy. You can learn personal views from individual bloggers, as they share their own experiences. This provides you with different points of view, which you may agree with or find reasons to disagree. Either way, it is refreshing to find personal Christian points of view on Christian intimacy.

2. Message boards.

You can also look towards Christian message boards which may have a section or forum on intimacy. Not all will, but some do. This can be another great way to get differing views or unique personal insights from fellow Christians. The downside to this, is you never actually know who you are communicating with on the internet, and whether their points of view are genuine. It may take months to figure out who is trustworthy and legit on message boards, and who is less knowledgeable and less trustworthy.

3. Internet Ebooks on Christian sex.

These are excellent options for easy, quick and generally reliable internet research from a Christian sex site. They are usually written by individuals who have spent months researching the material, and then they present it in a straightforward, easy to understand fashion. Internet Ebooks can be downloaded from the Christian sex site immediately and you can gain all the knowledge you need right away.

Here is an excellent Christian sex site with a Christian sex Ebook available for immediate download -

Learn immediately everything you need to know about Christian sex. Check out -

How to Make Passionate, Orgasmic Love to Her Using One Simple Technique You Need to Know!

By T. Lee

For many men, the most important thing is for US to get the orgasm and then that's it. For women, it's a little different. They don't just need to get an orgasm, and in fact can have just as much pleasure not getting an orgasm and just feeling that intimacy between you and her. But if you can give her the "full package", meaning give her an experience aimed to pleasure her needs first AND give her the orgasm before you get one, then she'll definitely treasure you and you will be categorized as one of the very FEW men in the list of people that she's been with that actually puts "her needs" before "his needs" first. If you can accomplish this, you'll be set with many enjoyable love making sessions with her night after night behind those elegant bedroom curtains.

With that said, I'm going to tell you about a technique that will guarantee you to make passionate love to her and then get her to orgasm so she'll fully appreciate you. What you need to know first though, is that making love to a woman isn't about what most guys do - thrusting away until they get the orgasm. But it's more than that. You need to always be thinking, "How am I going to find her sweet spot that makes her uniquely aroused?" Sometimes women will be good at faking like they are having a good time by moaning too loud (after all, they want to pleasure you and make sure that you're doing okay up there too). Other times, if it's completely silent then the sex is probably not that exciting for her. You'll want to find that medium.

The second thing you need to know about this technique is that it works regardless of your size. I know, I know... having a larger size may give you an advantage but not with this. Too many men worry about this and in the end, just lose their confidence all together. But understand that if you KNOW the right technique to do every single time, then it won't matter what size you have, she'll LOVE you for what other guys can't do.

Anyway, this technique is a something that can be learned very quickly, it doesn't involve having a "big size" or doing what MOST people tell you - to try and position woman's body so you can "get deeper" in her. It's something that involves a different area of your body. I promise you it's the easiest and fastest way for you to get her to climax and give her a uniquely different orgasm that other guys won't know about. Enough talking, learn more about this one simple technique by clicking here!

Sex Positions - 2 Powerful Sex Position Tips to Ensure Your Woman's Night is Filled With Passion

By Susan Johnsson

Before you bring any sex position into the bedroom, it is important that you understand how to perform them correctly. This will ensure that your woman can successfully achieve mind-blowing orgasms without any difficulty.

Here are a few points to help you get the best results out of any sex position you bring into the bedroom;

Is Your Partner is Comfortable With It?

Many women find it very annoying when their partners go about positioning their women in all sorts of positions without even asking their women if they are ok with it. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with acting impulsively in the bedroom. This is a great way to add spice to any lovemaking session. However, you also have t keep in mind that certain actions in the bedroom could also offend a woman. In order to prevent this from happening, it is usually a better idea to first learn what boundaries you are allowed to cross.

For instance, there might be a sex position you love your woman to perform because it makes her look sexy. However, she might hate that position because it makes her feel degraded. Now, you would never have known that unless you asked first.

Are You Performing The Sex Position Correctly?

In order to get the best results from any sex position you bring into the bedroom, it is important to first find out what it can do for you and your partner. For instance, some sex positions are great for visual stimulation, yet they lack any effectiveness in helping a woman achieve an orgasm. However, other sex positions might not be that visually exiting, yet they are great for stimulating the g spot and bring it to orgasm.

Let us take it a little further;

Say that you do decide you want to give your woman a clitoral orgasm, and so choose the right sex position to enable you to help your woman achieve that type of orgasm. The next step is to use that position correctly so that it enables your penis to effectively stimulate her clitoris during intercourse. The way you would do this is by keeping an eye on the angling of your penis during intercourse.

By adding this bit of knowledge to your lovemaking session, you will soon be able to give your woman a sexual experience that will have her begging you for more.

Download a Free copy of the Female Orgasms Sex Guide, and learn powerful techniques to give your partner Mind-blowing orgasms. To download your free copy, click here

Female Orgasms - How to Intensify Your Woman's Orgasms and Have Her Begging You For More

By Susan Johnsson

By following one important tip in this article, you will be able to easily increase the intensity of any orgasm you give your woman. This powerful tip has nothing to do with applying any of the techniques in cunnilingus, fingering or intercourse. However, what this tip will do is help you easily get the results from any of these techniques that you might have had difficulty achieving in the past.

She Must Be In The Mood

There is nothing more tiring for both the man and the woman when she is expected to have sex with her partner if she is not in the mood. If she reluctantly agrees to it, the situation becomes a chore for her. She is doing it just to stop her partner moaning about how she never wants to have sex with him. Because of this, a woman will most likely want to get it over with as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the opposite will occur. This is because she is not really enjoying her self, so achieving an orgasm actually becomes more difficult for her. As for the male, the situation gets more frustrating as each second ticks away. This is because no matter what he does, his partner just won't seem to achieve an orgasm.

There are many reasons to why a woman might not feel like having sex. For instance, she might be too stressed, tired, or busy to even be thinking about making passionate love to her partner.

So how do I get My Woman into the Mood?

Well, there are many things you could do such as helping her with anything that might be causing the stress, or making her tired. By helping her out, you will be freeing up some of her time. With more time on her hands and less stress on mind, the passionate side of her life could ignite once again.

There is another way to get her in the mood;

All you need to do is find out when she has her natural "in the Mood" times of the month. Yes, you heard me correct; every woman has a time in their menstrual cycle when they get naturally "horny". Usually this happens between ovulation and menstruation. During this time, they will be more than ready to allow you to rock her world with every sexual technique that you have hidden under your sleeve, or in this case, the blanket!

All you need to do is pay attention. When ever you feel that she looks hornier than usual, make a mental note as to what day of her menstrual cycle she is feeling this way. Once you have that jotted down in your mind, wait until her next menstrual cycle occurs, then see if she gets horny in the same times as she did with her previous cycle. Once you have it figured out, you will be on your way to giving your woman some of the most unforgettable nights that she has every imagined.

Download a Free copy of the Female Orgasms Sex Guide, and learn powerful techniques to give your partner Mind-blowing orgasms. To download your free copy, click here

Cunnlingus - Important Cunnilingus Tips to Help Your Woman Achieve Mind-Blowing Orgasms

By Susan Johnsson

Most women find it easier to achieve a clitoral orgasm through cunnilingus than through intercourse. The reason for this is because the tongue of her partner is able to easily stimulate the clitoris directly or indirectly. In addition to this, the tongue is able to produce enough lubrication This is due to the saliva produced in her partner's mouth.

However, because of the ease and agility of movement that your tongue can achieve when performing cunnilingus on your woman, it is important that you learn to use it correctly. Aimlessly shooting your tongue in every direction possible might create a nice feeling for your woman, but could still fall short of giving her an orgasm.

In order to perform cunnilingus correctly, and always get the desired results, you have to keep a few things in mind;

Direct stimulation on the clitoris from the word "go" is a big mistake. Keep in mind that a woman's clitoris is very sensitive to touch. Due to this, rubbing directly onto it without first getting her turned on will cause discomfort and pain to a woman. So, always take the time to stimulate other areas close to the clitoris until your woman gives you the signal for direct stimulation.

Find out what type of stimulation your woman prefers. It is important to realize that every woman will have her own preferences as to how you should stimulate her. For instance, while some woman would like their partners to use light, gentle stimulation, even until the point of orgasm, others prefer that you start off gently, but then gradually move to a more vigorous type of stimulation that also involves more pressure on the clitoris directly.

The only way that you can learn your partner's wants and needs is by paying attention to her body movements and vocal noises that she makes while you are performing cunnilingus on her. When you are kissing her down there, she will either move her pelvis from side to side, or up and down. At times, she might also pull your head closer to her, or push your head away and close her legs slightly. These are all signs as to when she wants you to continue, stop, go harder, or be more gentle with her.

By learning to read these signals, you will be in the right path to mastering the art of cunnilingus, and ultimately helping her achieve mind-blowing orgasms.

Download a Free copy of the Female Orgasms Sex Guide, and learn powerful techniques to give your partner Mind-blowing orgasms. To download your free copy, click here

She's Having Trouble Reaching Orgasm - Don't Worry! Try One of These Erotic Techniques!

By Megan Zoile

Let's talk about women who are having trouble reaching orgasm for a few minutes. Many men have a hard time understanding that this is NOT that uncommon for women today (it's actually MORE likely than not!) and there are LOTS of things you do to turn it around for both of you in a hurry! Let's look a some basic facts first...and then look at some easy solutions to boot! Read on..:-)

Orgasm Troubles You Really Ought To Know

You RARELY hear about a man who can't have an orgasm during sex, right? As a matter of fact, men's troubles OFTEN are the exact opposite - having an orgasm too FAST! Lots of women are thinking....MUST be nice! Why? It's quite simple - women EVERYWHERE report that they are NOT achieving orgasm during sex in record numbers...some of which are problems related to sub par sex...and others are just a reflection of our times. For example - did you know that with anti depressant medications being prescribed in RECORD numbers, one of the PRIMARY side effects these meds bring to the table (and your bedroom..:-) are sexual troubles and even orgasmic dysfunction? It's very true....and NO fun, ESPECIALLY for women who have a harder time achieving orgasm to begin with.

Let's look at a few easy fixes you can try with YOUR girl tonight!

1) Simply SLOW Down! Seems obvious, right? It SHOULD be, as women simply take longer to reach the right state of physiological stimulation necessary to achieve orgasm! Remember, just because she can't climax does NOT mean she isn't excited or turned simply means that her body doesn't have the time to catch up with her (or your) mind AND body alike!

2)Experiment with Different Positions! Yes, this is a FUN way of helping her get reciprocal reward from your erotic experience. Remember, every woman has slightly different spots that are especially sensitive or erotic, and simply trying new things, in combination with COMMUNICATING with her regarding what (and where) she'd like to explore can be a magical and MAGNIFICENT way to amp UP the mojo for both of you in a hurry! Plus...if she's like a lot of women I know, the simple conversation alone is hot enough to help her along in a major league way! Never underestimate the value of some creative conversation in between the sheets for HER..:-)

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

She's Addicted to Sex - Help! My Girlfriend is a Sex-a-Holic!

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to take a look at a rising phenomenon (no pun intended..:-) in todays dating and social scene: Women who APPEAR addicted to sex! Sounds like a GOOD thing, right? Well it is....but ONLY if you share a similar appetite! One of the most amazing revolutions of the past 5 or 7 years has been the sense of incredible liberty and sexual self expression that many women have begun to exhibit in ways that not EVEN the crazy stories from the 1960's can compare with. Lots of men are finding themselves with a lot MORE than a handful on their hands, and are asking for help and advice on what to do when they can't keep up! Read on..:-)

The first question you need to ask is....

Is it a purely physical thing, or is it an emotional neediness that you seeing? Some women ( and men as well) use sex primarily as a way to feel connected to their partner in emotional ways. Rejection of sex can feel like being rejected outright! In these cases you have to be VERY careful in what and HOW you say "I've got a headache....or I'd rather be watching the World Series..:-)" My best advice is that if you FEEL this is the problem, communicate! Let her know how much you LOVE being intimate, but you ALSO enjoy doing other things with her as well - i.e. - watching movies, going to dinner and whatever else you do together. Sometimes this sort of sexual clinginess will dissipate if she becomes more confident that the relationship won't end when the bedroom door re-opens.

Find Out What Her Fantasies Are....and Pursue Them!

If she constantly wants to have sex, even AFTER most normal couples would be fast asleep, ask her what her fantasies are? Do you know? Maybe she's really aggressive in bed, but really BAD at communicating what she really wants sexually and intimacy wise. Sometimes finding out what REALLY turns her on is a GREAT way of amping UP the enjoyment for both of you, and simultaneously releasing some of that unrequited release she may NOT have been getting before!

Lastly - thank GOD you've got a girl who digs you as much as she does...and LOVES to show it! You are a lucky man indeed!

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

Mistakes Men Make in Bed - 2 Things Men Do Between the Sheets They Probably Shouldn't!

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to talk about mistakes men make in bed..:-) Now, I'm sure lots of my sisters in the dating wars out there are going to appreciate this, as we get SO many women who write in with these sorts of horror stories that it it's probably a public service announcement to post them! And of course, yes...women make plenty of mistakes between the sheets as well...but these are for the guys out there who are looking for MORE action, or at least a second date after the first one has gone well..;-) Read on!

The Felonious Phone Call: Do NOT Bring Your Cell to the Sack!

Do you know how many women have said that their date has brought a cell phone into bed? Lots! Okay, I DO understand that you may have the phone with your stuff, on in a pocket and that is fine! Just don't ANSWER it..:-)! There is NOTHING that tells a girl you've got something to hide, or someplace you'd RATHER be than answering a phone in the middle of a very erotic moment. Unless you are an emergency room doctor or are out saving the world......just say no!

You are NOT an Adult Film Star....and NEITHER is She!

There is nothing worse than hooking up with a man who believes he missed his career as an adult film actor. Remember, guys...most of the stuff you've seen in those movies were NOT made with your woman's libido in mind! They were made BY guys....FOR other guys! Don't try all of those moves you thought the girl really liked on screen....or at least not the first few nights you're together!

Remember, she likes sex as much as you do...(some even MORE!) but women are funny and finicky creatures. She wants to feel you physically as well as emotionally, and the quicker you learn to appeal to both sides of her mind (and body) the MORE fun you are going to have, I promise!

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

How to Increase Female Libido Fast! This Should Work For You (Without Hypnosis Or Expensive Gifts)

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to discuss how to increase female libido and fast! Now, if you've read any of my other articles on this subject you are certainly aware of lots of my feelings on some of the articles on unethical approaches to seduction that simply don't work! I'm NOT a big believer in hypnosis, or using tired and trite cliché pick up lines, and I'm NOT even a huge fan of expensive gifts! (although SOME women will hate me for sharing that..:-) In my view, the simplest, safest and EASIEST way to amp up her erotic energy is to stimulate her most erogenous organ. Read on..:-)

Turn Your Woman into a Ferocious Love Making Machine......

Want to know what women REALLY find amazingly erotic? Mental stimulation. Ferocious flirting. Teasing. Tantalizing conversation, game playing and role reversals..:-) Turn her on with your talents in THESE areas and you WILL find her libido is on PERPETUAL overdrive.

The Real Reason a Woman Will Lose Her Desire for Sex?

In my experience, it has very little to do with sexual attraction. It's boredom between the sheets. Women are FAR more sensory stimulated than men, and that means for her to be aroused, it's not as simple as physical arousal or stimulation. As a matter of fact, I'll go as far as to say that the absence of real emotional and intellectual arousal is the BIGGEST reason why so many women feel wholly and completely unfufilled in bed.

The Rest are Small Details

Own her mind. This is the place where ALL of her arousal hot buttons REALLY live! Keep these alive and firing and sparking with sensual energy, and her libido will stay UP long after yours goes to sleep...I promise!

Click Here to become a master of Turn YOUR Girl ON .....(even if you're shy, nervous and it's your very first time!)

Just For Men Magazine Everything YOU Need to Know About Health, Wealth, Sex, Success and Happiness.......FINALLY - ALL in ONE Place!

How to Become a Better Lover - 3 Sexy Strategies to Keep Her Begging For More

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to discuss some simple ways to become a better lover! The truth is if you are like most men I speak to, your most silent and secret concern is that you are NOT satisfying your girl in bed. And WHY would you have this sort of fear? How about because it appears to be true! Well OVER half of women admit to being TOTALLY dissatisfied in bed and with their partners, and only 9% of us admit to having an orgasm every time we have sex. ( compared to just about 100% for men!) So if you are worried that your girl may be STARTING to get a bit of a wandering eye when it comes to wanting MORE in between the sheets, continue reading as point you in the right direction! Read on..:-)

Filed Under: Communication is Key

Want to know what the number 1 thing most women crave in bed? Communication! I'm talking EVERYTHING running the gamut from hot and spicy conversation to simply asking her what she wants....and HOW she wants it! If you learn nothing else from this article, take this ONE fact away and you will be IMMEDIATELY better in bed for both of you!

Filed Under: Speed is NOT Your Friend!

The biggest enemy of great sex for her is speed! Your speed..:-) A woman's body takes FAR longer to heat up than yours does, and simply moving to fast, EVEN if she's amply erotically energized in the beginning is a climax killer! You need to synchronize and harmonize your bodies to truly give her the experience she craves, and simply SLOWING down is the easiest way to do it.

Filed Under: Her Body is a Wonderland

Yes, the song is true..:-) If you really want to give her an amazing adventure in erotic anticipation, learn the parts of her body that NEED and crave attention. Go OUTSIDE of the obvious, and find that parts of her that no other man has dared explore! Women have FAR more erogenous and sensitive spots than the ones you normally think about, and exploring these for her can be a revelation that she WONT' forget any time soon. (and neither will you!)

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

Female Libido Problems - Help! My Girlfriend's Sex Drive Has Totally Disappeared (& I'm Going Nuts!)

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to talk about female libido problems. I know, I know, she ALWAYS has a headache, right? And no amount of Tylenol EVER seems to get her in the mood, either..;-) It's true, for men and women alike, one of the BIGGEST problems for mature relationships (those that are 6 months old or more) is that the woman simply seems to LOSE her sex drive altogether. Not a good place for YOUR ego....or HER sexual satisfaction quotient either. Let's take a quick look at some of the common problems (and how you can fix them!) below! Read on..:-)

Do you know one of the BIGGEST female libido spoilers is medication? Yes, it's true...and meds of ALL types and stripes can actually annihilate her sex drive and blow the whole bit to pieces. Some of the biggest culprits? Anti-depressants! If you've noticed your girl has had a SUDDEN and inexplicable drop in drive, this very well COULD be a big reason. What can you do? Talk to her! Find out if in fact this is the case and see what you can do to improve upon the situation, or even discover if there are alternatives that might NOT be equally as problematic. (there are for many!)

Another Less Popular Libido problem that men do NOT like to hear?

You simply are NOT effectively turning her on in between the sheets..:-( This is an unfortunate but VERY pervasive fact, that women typically ONLY talk about between their friends. (and day time TV shows..:-) The simple truth is that women EVERYWHERE are reporting almost epidemic levels of sexual dissatisfaction with their male partners, with some studies reporting that over half of us would rather shop for shoes! The remedy? to her. Find out what turns her on...and what does not? Be prepared for some honest answers, but often, these are the kinds of things you NEED to know to save your relationship. ( or worse - save her from going elsewhere for satisfaction!)

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

Facts About Female Orgasm That Will Surprise You (I Guarantee Your Friends Don't Know These!)

By Megan Zoile

In this article I'd like to to share a few facts about female orgasms that I'm pretty sure will surprise many of the men reading this! (and maybe some of the women as well..:-) The simple truth is that in the passionate pantheon of assorted facts about the sexes, there exists NO more mysterious (or magical) topic than the female orgasm. Continue reading as we take an up close and sexy look at some of the things you probably didn't know! (but will now!) Read on..:-)

The BEST Female Orgasms are.....

Had on the 14th day of her menstrual cycle! Why? It's quite simple! Purely from a physiological standpoint, her erotic energy (and engine!) is at it's absolute peak on this day, making her VERY excited, very easily...and much more orgasmic to boot!

Sex is FAR Better than Tylenol for a Headache, Too!

It's true...the endorphins released during orgasm are amongst the most powerful chemcials in the universe for fighting the deleterious effects of a headache, and do it FAR faster than medication. So the next time she tells you she's got a headache, let her know that YOU'VE got the cure!

Her very FIRST Orgasm?

Most likely as a result of self gratification! And you thought only men had their first that way, right? Well guess what - over 85% of women have admitted to experiencing their first climax this way, and NOT surprisingly it remains the MOST surefire way of having one for her later in life as well!

Speaking of Her First Orgasm......

Did you know that only 9% of women admit to being able to orgasm regularly from sex? It's true, and means there are LOTS of unhappy women out there. The best way to find out if yours is one of the silent majority? Ask her and tell her you WANT to help!

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

Creative Seduction Techniques - Warning! These Are Only For Men Who Like Older Women!

By Megan Zoile

In this article I'm going to discuss some creative seduction techniques that work PHENOMENALLY fast with women who are older than you are right now! The simple truth is that once a woman gets out of the high school and college ages, her sexual appetites evolve, as do what she wants, craves and EXPECTS out of a seduction scenario. So if you are STILL hanging out around the keg, you can skip these entirely....but if you are looking to score with sexy and seductive women who REALLY know what they want in (and out) of the on!

The Amazing Allure of Ambiance

This NEVER fails, guys. A woman who has a more discerning level of taste is MUCH more interested in the atmosphere. What does this mean? Lights, candles, wine and music are VERY erotic for her...and even if you are NOT quite as buff as you once were, this is still going to be a HUGE turn on. I've even had friends tell me they weren't so attracted to the man.....but the THREAD count on the sheets in his bed were very sexy and she simply wanted to feel them against her skin..:-) What could be easier, right?

Creative Culture & Conversation is STILL the Sexiest Strategy

Look, men and women are obviously a lot different in many ways...but THIS is still the most dramatic one for me! When a man is 35, he STILL finds the 18 year old girls sexy..:-) But at 35, women usually find the man who is her age or older FAR more erotic than otherwise. Why? Culture. Plain and simple, as a woman's tastes evolve, so does her craving for a MORE magnetic man. Talk to her about the world....about art, science and spirituality. These are the MOST amazing aphrodisiacs for a woman who yearns to be seduced, mind, body and spirit alike!

Click Here to become a master of creative seduction techniques and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

Just For Men Magazine Everything YOU Need to Know About Health, Wealth, Sex, Success and Happiness.......FINALLY - ALL in ONE Place!

Can She Have Multiple Orgasms? Good News For Men Who Want to Make Their Girl Very Happy!

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to tackle the topic of multiple female orgasms. Now, it MAY in fact be a bit silly to discuss giving her multiple orgasms, when in fact, we've spent SO much time discussing that many women can't even have ONE with their man. But the bottom line is BIOLOGY here, and your girl is most likely WELL wired to have multiple orgasm reasonably easily, and FAR faster than you might expect. Let's a closer look below! Read on..:-)

The Good News First.....

Any woman who is able to achieve one orgasm can most likely, have many more shortly thereafter..:-) Is it easy? Well, this depends on YOU, and your girl! But the simple truth is that with a little bit of effort, erotic energy and ambition you CAN make it happen in a hurry!

What Helps Her Have Multiple Orgasms?

Easy! How comfortable she is, how much energy she has left, the techniques you are using and YOUR physical size and construction. Many women will simply be satisfied with one, and be HAPPY to fall asleep along with you. Others are JUST starting to rev UP their erotic engine with ONE, and want nothing more than for you to continue the carousel of sexy fun!

Are Multiple Orgasms Different Than One....or Simply the same Only More of Them?

Great question! There ARE in fact two separate types of multiple's she can have - serial orgasms which are one after the other in very short time separation (only seconds) and what are referred to as sequential multiples, which are usually minutes apart, and the result of "new" or different stimulation.

Serial multiples are usually easier for larger men to accomplish, as they require that the woman remain in a state of continuous, heightened arousal for an AMAZINGLY long time. A sequential multiple are fun too...and are simply the byproduct of LOTS of work and attention!

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

A Fake Orgasm - Here is an Easy Way to See If Her Orgasms Are Real!

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to tackle the myth and mystery of the fake female orgasm. There is probably NOTHING that is more romanticized in erotic popular culture than the beautiful woman who is simply PRETENDING to be in the passionate throes of an amazing orgasmic experience....when in reality, she's REALLY hoping to be done in time for 2am Oprah re-runs..:-)

In my opinion, there are LOTS of reasons for this....the two most obvious ones being that men have LARGE sexual egos and need to visualize their partner in the throes of incredible physical pleasure...and the other is, IRONICALLY, that most women DO simply want to get it over with in time to get some sleep, SIMPLY because they are not genuinely satisfied in the sack!

Simple Signs Her Orgasms are REAL!

The truth is, ANYONE can fake sounds, screams and body movements, right? It's true...and as we saw in "When Harry Met Sally", some women are REALLY good at it too! But there are signs of a genuine orgasm, and they are almost IMPOSSIBLE to fake! (as unless she's from another planet, these are involuntary physical processes..:-)

Her Skin Will Become Flush With Color

An easy sign - you will see her skin turn a reddish color as GENUINE arousal sweeps through her nervous system.

Her Skin Will Lightly Perspire

Same thing! Now of course, this COULD be from the temperature in the room, too..:-) But seriously, as a woman approaches orgasm, her skin reddens, becomes flush and begins to lightly perspire as her internal thermostat tries to tap DOWN the heat you are causing her!

Her pupils will start to dilate!

Yes this is true, too...and has NOTHING to do with dating the girl from the "EXORCIST" either..:-) Another sign is her breathing will become shallow, and NOT wildly crazy like you see so often when someone on "film" is faking an orgasm!

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

3 Laws of Seduction - How to Become an Amazing Seduction Master (Without Looks Or Money)

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to discuss the immutable laws of seduction. Look, let's be honest. If you are like most men, you are attractive, intelligent and a good person to boot, right? Yet...if you like many of our readers, you simply CAN'T seem to pick up the kind of women you want and deserve. Why is it that YOU have such a difficult time getting the girl...yet OTHER men you see who aren't nearly as good of a guy (or a catch!) are getting all the best women around? It's very simple: The art and science of sweet seduction! Read on as we take a look!

The Immutable Laws of Seduction Exposed

First of all, know this to be true: Every woman is slightly different - and ANY guide or article that tries to say that EVERY woman will respond to a given technique is simply selling you a bad bill of goods. There are, however, UNIVERSALS that are 80-90% consistent with women, much the same way as there are with men. Let's examine 3 simple universal laws that WILL make you more attractive to the vast majority of women you've got your eyes on when making the initial approach.

Looks Do Matter....(But not the Way you Think)

Would you believe that the better looking the woman...the LESS she truly cares about how attractive you are physically It's true - a BEAUTIFUL woman wants to make sure SHE'S the hot one of the two you, and places far less import on looks than lesser women. She DOES however, place a HUGE importance on style, dress and presentation! This matters, and you CAN fix this with one quick stop at mall and by simply keeping tabs on styles and fashions trends. SUAVE is sexy...and VERY seductive to boot.

At EASE, Solider.....

Do you want to know what MOST women find IRRESISTABLY sexy? A man who is comfortable in his own skin...and makes HER comfortable as well. Funny is fantastic and phenomenally appealing. The more relaxed you appear, the more relaxed and "herself" she'll be...and the EASIER it will become to get even MORE comfortable later!

Intellectual Imagination is Amazingly Erotic.....

It's true, and I've said this over and over again. Ask ANY beautiful woman to give you the TOP 3 sexy qualities she looks for in a man...and what TRULY makes her weak in the knees...she WILL tell you a SMART man is very, VERY sexy! A woman is seduced from the TOP down, and that means STARTING (and ending) with her MIND! Master this and the kingdom of forbidden pleasures will be yours, I promise!

Click Here to become a master of AMAZING seduction techniques ....(even if you're shy, nervous and it's your very first time!)

Just For Men Magazine Everything YOU Need to Know About Health, Wealth, Sex, Success and Happiness.......FINALLY - ALL in ONE Place!

The Best Female Orgasms - Amaze Her With Your Skill in the Bedroom!

By Lisa Lee Evans

Most men believe that they are doing a great job of pleasing their partner in the bedroom department. Unfortunately, according to the countless sex surveys that are always being carried out, women are simply not happy with their sex lives. Most women cannot achieve an orgasm through regular intercourse and what is even more worrying is that most women are very sexually frustrated!

To achieve the best female orgasm possible and ensure that you are not one of the millions of men who are unable to satisfy their partner, you simply need to invest the time to try a few new things. One thing that will take you a long way towards achieving the best female orgasms is learning how to stimulate the G-Spot. Here's what you need to know:

The G-Spot is a bundle of nerves on the front wall of the vagina a couple of inches in. If you can stimulate this elusive area then you will blow her mind I bed. However, it can be difficult to find and she may not even know much about it herself, so its your job to help her discover it. To do that, you will first have to get her in a state of arousal. This is because the G-Spot is more prominent when a woman is aroused so spend some time on some great foreplay to get her turned on first. When the time is right, you can attempt to find the G-Spot by inserting two fingers inside her and performing a come hither motion with your fingers. You should be able to feel a slightly raised bump with an uneven, firm surface.

Concentrate on this area and keep doing what you are doing whilst paying attention to her. You should be able to tell whether you are hitting the spot or not. Once you know where it is and how you can stimulate it with your fingers you can also stimulate it with your penis by changing the angle of penetration slightly so that your penis hits the front wall of her vagina. Put this into practice and you will be able to achieve the best female orgasms possible.

There are some great things to get you started here but if you would like to learn EXACTLY what you need to do to drive her wild then visit How to Pleasure a Woman and learn everything you could imagine about becoming a master in the bedroom department.

Rear Entry Position - One Amazing Tip You Must Know!

By Lisa Lee Evans

One of the most common and enjoyable sex positions is the rear entry position or 'doggie style' position. This position offers a deep penetration for the woman and a great view for the man. Whilst this is a popular position, this one amazing tip will make it more enjoyable and exciting than ever.

As well as making a deep penetration possible, the rear entry position also offers the option of hitting the elusive G-Spot if you know how. Most men have no idea how to do this so if you learn how, you will really impress your partner! All you have to do is angle your penis slightly downward as you thrust. You should be aiming for her pubic region. If done right, this will feel completely different to her and will result in an amazing orgasm.

It may take some practice to hit the g-spot from the rear entry position but it will be well worth the practice. Another thing you should know is that the g-spot is easier to find and stimulate when the woman is highly aroused. This means that you should spend plenty of time on foreplay and try to give her one orgasm before you begin penetration from the rear entry position. This will make your job easier and she will be extremely impressed with your ability to deliver multiple orgasms!

When you get the hang of this great technique it will add an impressive new trick to your arsenal. As it is something practically no one else knows, your partner won't help but be impressed and it will give her a fresh new incentive to try to rear entry position.

This one technique will help transform your sex life, but if you want to have the best sex humanly possible time and time again then visit How to Pleasure a Woman today!

Female Orgasms - Facts All Men Need to Know

By Lisa Lee Evans

According to the countless sex surveys that constantly pop up, there is a lot of room for improvement for men everywhere. Men love to think of themselves as being amazing lovers but according to these surveys, they are simply not pleasing their partners by achieving female orgasms. Most women will admit that they would like a more exciting sex life, and with the right skills, you could be the man to make their dreams come true.

When women find themselves having sub par, unenjoyable sex, they will first start to avoid sex which will lead to frustration for both men and women. Women love sex so this needs to be avoided by simply investing the time to learn. The first thing you need to know is that the majority of women find it difficult, if not impossible to climax through penetrative sex. You may not know if your partner is one of the lucky few who can. You may think that you are able to make them orgasm through penetrative sex, but are you really that sure? Most women admit to having faked orgasms with their partner so don't take the risk. Ask your partner what she enjoys most and focus your time on what she really loves.

The next thing you need to do is pay attention to everything she does during sex. By paying attention to the way she breaths and moves you will be able to tell what she really likes and you may be able to pick up on things she is too shy to tell you. If you can do this then she will be amazed by your skill in the bedroom department. All it takes is some extra attention.

Whilst these tips will give you a big advantage over most men, you should really visit How to Pleasure a Woman to learn some of the most amazing techniques that will change your sex life forever. Your partner will be amazed by your new skills!

How to Talk Dirty to My Boyfriend and Get Him Aroused

By Joy Thompson

I didn't have a clue how to talk dirty to my boyfriend but I'm so glad that I had the confidence to learn. A friend of mine told me that she had started talking dirty to her partner and it had greatly improved her sex life. Men get very aroused when you talk dirty to them which make them a lot more receptive to a woman's needs. I never really understood the whole talking dirty concept until I tried it and I'm so glad that I did.

Talking dirty to my boyfriend has opened up a whole new avenue on our sex life. Some of the things I now say to him would have made me some embarrassed before but it all seems so natural, I've since found out that this is due to the confidence which you build between each other.

Not knowing how to talk dirty to my boyfriend was definitely holding me back from some of the greatest sexual pleasure I've ever had. Here are a couple of examples of the things which I've said to him, and trust me! They really did have the desired effect.

Knowing how to talk dirty to your boyfriend will remove a lot of inhibitions which you both may have. You can always start with the gentler side of talking dirty; these phrases would involve telling him what it feels like when he does something sexual to you. From these you can move onto being more explicit, tell him what you want to do to him in graphic detail, tell him about any fantasies which you think will turn him on.

There really are no limits to what you can say to him and it doesn't just have to be in the bedroom. Why not call him on the phone and tell him that you're wearing some sexy lingerie and stroking yourself in anticipation of him coming round. Send him a text to his cell phone telling him that you're missing his nice hot tongue caressing your nipples.

I didn't know how to talk dirty to my boyfriend but now that I do, our sex life is incredible. Talking dirty doesn't just work for him, it works for you too and before long he will be just as keen to talk dirty back to you.

If you want to know how I learned to talk dirty you can find out everything by clicking - Talking Dirty

How to Talk Dirty to a Guy and Make Him Beg You For More

By Joy Thompson

Knowing how to talk dirty to a guy can enhance your sex life and make you both more aroused. Before I knew how to talk dirty to my boyfriend I never realized just how arousing it is, just because I started talking dirty to him didn't mean that I wasn't getting anything out of the deal. I found that the more I talked dirty, the more aroused I got, and this made my orgasms more than twice as good.

The one thing to remember when you're talking dirty to him is to start off slow and heat things up gradually, don't just jump in with really erotic fantasies. Start by telling him that what he's doing to you makes you tingle with pleasure, tell him what you want him to do next. By starting slow you avoid arousing him too much, the last thing you want is for all of this to end too quickly.

I have actually talked dirty to my boyfriend with some really erotic stuff, one time I got him so excited that he actually had an orgasm without me laying a single hand on him (Ok I may have kissed and bitten him a little). The power of what you say and what they picture in their minds can be very powerful.

Before I knew how to talk dirty to a guy I often wondered what I would say if I did talk dirty to him. I used to have quite a good imagination so I thought that I'd be able to come up with some quite hot stuff, now that I really understand dirty talk I can look back and see that what I thought was hot then really wasn't as hot as the things I come out with now.

If you think that your sex life is good right now, imagine what it would be like when you can actually control his arousal simply by what you say to him.

I didn't know how to talk dirty to a guy but now that I do, our sex life is incredible. Talking dirty doesn't just work for him, it works for you too and before long he will be just as keen to talk dirty back to you.

If you want to know how I learned to talk dirty you can find out everything by clicking - Talking Dirty

How to Make a Woman Beg You For Sex

By Derek Rake

Here's the deal - if you have the ability to make a woman orgasm EVERY time she goes to bed with you - you will be able to make ANY woman beg you for sex. However, to complicate matters, women don't orgasm as quickly as men, and therefore require some special techniques that will make them slowly (but surely) reach climax. These are the techniques that you must learn if you want to satisfy any woman. Read on to discover what these techniques are and make her orgasm every time, guaranteed...

Three Ways To Make A Girl Orgasm...And Beg You For More

Method Number One - "The Oral Stimulator". Never penetrate her first before stimulating her orally. No matter how skillful you are, you will not be able to make a girl climax using penetration alone. Once she is sufficiently stimulated (preferably orally), get inside her and finish up the job. Don't make the mistake of relying solely on penetration to make her orgasm.

Method Number Two - "The Ultimate Fantasy". The absolute best way to drive a woman wild is to bring to life her deepest fantasies. Give her exactly what she desires and deliver what she wants - you will get her turned on like never before.

Method Number Three - "The Verbal Anchor". When you are about to make a girl climax, say certain words which will 'anchor' that intense experience to you. Using this method, you will be able to later 'bring back' the same orgasmic experience, hence enabling you to make her orgasm 'under command'.

Now a bonus tip on 'verbal anchors' that you will find useful if you want to make any woman beg you for sex...

There exists a secret two-step method that underground seduction masters use to make any woman orgasm literally by COMMAND: details are at this website -

The ZenGasms" system is chock full of unknown methods on generating female arousal - derived from the sex secrets from Zen masters of the East. Highly controversial and often perceived to be manipulative - this stuff is not for the faint-hearted.

However, if you are ready to give ANY woman mindblowing orgasms virtually by command, and don't mind pushing the envelope, then do this. Click on the following link for a free report on how to induce female orgasms by using only your voice: ZenGasms Leaked Chapter

How to Make a Girl Orgasm - Every Time, Guaranteed

By Derek Rake

According to most women, men who really know how to satisfy a woman in bed are pretty rare find. Most men absolutely lack the very important skills that they must have in order to make a woman satisfied sexually. The problem is that most men just don't get it when it comes to making women orgasm. Read on to discover the three easiest and most effective ways to make a girl orgasm - every time, guaranteed...

3 Ways On How To Make A Girl Orgasm - Every Time, Guaranteed

Method Number One - Hit Her G-Spot. This is the absolute best way to make a girl climax every single time in bed. First of all, get her to relax - if she's not at ease, it will not work. Once she is comfortable, use your fingers and start to touch her G-spot, which is the area located about 2.5 inches from the end of the vagina.

Method Number Two - Communicate... Sexually. Don't act as a know-it-all, and stop shooting in the dark. Always keep your ears open - and experiment. When you hit a certain spot and she moans, then you have hit the right spot.

Method Number Three - Using "Verbal Triggers". Do you know that you are able to make any girl orgasm literally by 'command'? This is done by using certain words as 'anchors' when you touch her - so that when in the future you use the same words, she will 'remember' the sensation, triggering her to climax.

Now a bonus tip on the 'verbal triggers' technique that you will find useful if you want to make any woman orgasm fast...

There exists a secret two-step method that underground seduction masters use to make any woman orgasm literally by COMMAND: details are at this website -

The ZenGasms" system is chock full of unknown methods on generating female arousal - derived from the sex secrets from Zen masters of the East. Highly controversial and often perceived to be manipulative - this stuff is not for the faint-hearted.

However, if you are ready to give ANY woman mindblowing orgasms virtually by command, and don't mind pushing the envelope, then do this. Click on the following link for a free report on how to induce female orgasms by using only your voice: ZenGasms Leaked Chapter

How to Make a Girl Climax and Experience Intense Orgasms

By Derek Rake

Some men are absolutely fantastic when it comes to sexual skills, while others are simply average or downright poor in bed. Why is that so? Here's a clue for you - it all boils down to the TECHNIQUES that a guy uses, and has got absolutely nothing to do with how good looking he is or even how long his penis is. Most guys simply don't know the techniques which are able to satisfy any girl and blast her into multiple orgasms. These are the tactics and techniques that nobody want to share with you - simply because they are deadly effective and so most men just want to keep those to themselves. Read on to discover these secret techniques that will make any girl climax into intense orgasms...

Two Techniques On How To Blast A Girl Into Multiple Intense Orgasms

Technique Number One - "The Right Thrust". When you are penetrating her, the way that you thrust her makes a huge difference on whether you will make her climax or not. As you might already know, a girl will orgasm really quickly if her G-spot is stimulated. This is the area located at about 2.5 inches from the opening of her vagina. When you thrust her, penetrate her in a way that you rub against this area.

Technique Number Two - "The Verbal Anchor". When you are about to make a girl orgasm, remember to place certain 'verbal anchors' which you can use later to make her orgasm on verbal command. This is an advanced technique that masters use in order to blast a woman into multiple orgasms, often using only words. Amazing, but true.

Now a bonus tip on the 'verbal anchor' technique that you will find useful if you want to make any woman orgasm fast...

There exists a secret two-step method that underground seduction masters use to make any woman orgasm literally by COMMAND: details are at this website -

The ZenGasms" system is chock full of unknown methods on generating female arousal - derived from the sex secrets from Zen masters of the East. Highly controversial and often perceived to be manipulative - this stuff is not for the faint-hearted.

However, if you are ready to give ANY woman mindblowing orgasms virtually by command, and don't mind pushing the envelope, then do this. Click on the following link for a free report on how to induce female orgasms by using only your voice: ZenGasms Leaked Chapter

Free Penis Enlargement Exercises

By Chris Kendrick

Can you really find "Free penis enlargement exercises" online? There are a few sites floating around that offer a little advice on the subject. Very few that really have safe techniques that work. I will try and write about the most popular and best way to exercises your male organ. Caution: Any exercises you perform are done at your own risk. The law of male enhancement is- If it hurts..stop and don't repeat. Now that we got all of that out of the way, let's get started!

Jelqing- One of the most popular penis enlargement methods.

1. Lubricate your penis

2. With the palm of your left hand facing towards you, make an (OK) symbol and grasp the base of your limp penis "firmly" in the hole made by your thumb and index finger

3. Now with your right hand, make the same (OK) symbol

4. With the palm of your right hand facing away from you, slowly start (milking) your penis, forcing blood from the base of your organ, through the shaft, to the head, but do it gently. (Your penis cannot be erect during the exercise)

5. Now continue this for at least a half hour every day, a full hour if you can find the time alone.

6. Just remember, as with any exercise, care should be taken. The last thing you want to do is go to the doctors office with a bruised up penis.

Penis enlargement exercises are a great way to develop your organ. But to really see longer lasting results, a combination of herbal pills and proper exercises is always the best way to go.

For more free articles on penis enlargement exercises visit -