Sexuality Tips For You.

November 11, 2008

3 Places Where You Can Find the G-Spot - Yes! There is More Than One!

By Samantha Rogers

First, we need to know what we're looking for. What does the G-Spot feel like? I like to tell people that it feels a bit like sandpaper. It's a bit rough. Trust me, you'll know when you find it. It differs from the rest of the vagina. Another way to know if you found it is because your lover with react! She'll love it! TARGET="_new"

We must remember that all women are different, so the G-Spot might be located in different places. This is not to say that the G-Spot will be in entirely different places. Anatomically, the G-Spot must be relatively in the same spot. If you're confused, don't worry, I'm about to explain.

The first place the G-Spot can be located is just inside of the vagina on the upper wall. You will not find it, however, with a straight finger. You must crook your finger just a bit in order to probe the top of her vaginal wall. When you've found it, that rough little patch, begin to apply pressure and use a "come hither" motion. Some women enjoy stimulation directly on the center, but other women find it pleasurable when the sides are stimulated.

The second place you can find the G-Spot is deeper in the vagina. This spot is called the "A Spot." The "A" stands for anterior in case you were wondering. Using the same technique as above can prove very pleasurable for your partner.

Lastly, I'm going to tell you something obvious than many people fail to realize. You can stimulate both the G-Spot and the A-Spot at the same time! Using your pointer finger and your middle finger, crook both and find both areas, slowly massaging and applying pressure. Do not be afraid to apply significant pressure. Often women are relatively numb in this area, but when adequate pressure is applied, these two spots prove exceptionally erotic!

Once you're able to find these spots with your fingers, try it with your penis. Remember, however, that that A-Spot is not easily accessible without an fairly good sized penis.

Doing these penis exercises will help you get up to 4 inches bigger and help you do as the sex moves mentioned above.

Spice Up Your Sex Life - Keep Her Interested in the Bedroom and Coming Back For More!

By Maria Holland

As we know sex with the same person can become mundane over time if you are just doing the same routine over and over. This is why it is important for any relationship that you spice it up in the bedroom, this means changing what you are doing and making your sex life fresh and new. In this article I am going to be telling you guys how you can spice it up and leave her loving every single moment of your time together!

1) Porn Movies - Watching porn movies with your partner can really get both of you really hot and ready for some action, also if you do not normally do this then it is a nice change of pace and you can really feel naughty with each other. If you are lucky as well you may be able to pick up some good tips while watching!

2) Take a Walk Together - When I say take a walk together I do not mean take a nice moonlit stroll along the beach while holding each others hands and telling each other how much you love them because we are here to spice up your sex life! What I mean by take a walk together is go out into the public and find a nice secluded spot and get into it there! This is a great way to spice up your love life and is one that most women often fantasize about, just make sure that you do not get caught.

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Pheromones and Sexual Attraction

By Adam Quilt

Research has shown that humans are highly skilled at "sniffing out" compatible sexual partners. Evidence has revealed that natural body scents play a pivotal role in deciding whether we find someone attractive.The research was published by the Philadelphia's Monell Chemical Senses Center in the journal Psychological Science. By using brain scans, researches were able to show that pheromones in male sweat stimulated the brains of heterosexual women.

The Relationship Between Pheromones and Sexual Attraction.

While we may not be consciously aware of pheromones, they do have significant effect on behavior.In the study, researchers found that two compounds - the testosterone androsterone, and androstenol as potential pheromones. 36 heterosexual men were asked to smells samples of ansrostenone and androstenol.The results of the study revealed that androstenol activated a region of the brain called the hypothalumus that influences sexual arousal.

Pheromones Known To Cause Sexual Arousal

Much of the buzz about pheromones can be attributed to three active compounds found in high-quality pheromone products:

Androstenone -- This pheromone is found in both men and women, is predominantly known as a male pheromone. Users wearing androstenone typically project a dominating, masculine feeling towards women. Therefore, pheromone products containing this are likely to project an aggressive alpha impression (either alpha male or female), which might help you to be the centre of attention and be noticed more. There is also some evidence that it may cause sexual arousal and excitement in women. To cause members of the opposite sex to become slightly intimidated by you can be attractive, so this pheromone helps in this regard too.

Androsterone -- Androsterone is a human pheromone that produces a sense of trust around it's wearer. Thus, androsterone makes the wearer appear to be more masculine and/or dominant, but without the aggression of androstenone. This pheromone also creates an aura of safety, protection and reliability normally associated with a more peaceful alpha male.

Androstenol -- Androstenol comes int two types - alpha isomers and beta isomers. The alpha and beta have nothing to do with the pheromone projecting an alpha aura. Both seem to cause chattiness and friendliness. It can also increase sexual appeal, making it an "icebreaker" pheromone. The alpha isomer makes the usre more approachable to women by creating a friendly atmosphere. It seems to be more of a neurotic chatty pheromone than the beta isomer, touching more on empathy and romantic feelings.Androstenol also creates a feeling of youthfullness and health which can be a sexual turn on for women. The primary reported response to Androstenol or Androstenol containing products has been an increase in chattiness and friendliness from both sexes, but as mentioned above it can increase sexual attractiveness as well. It has been referred to as an "ice-breaker" pheromone.

These are the primary pheromones you should keep on an eye when comparing pheromone products. Understanding what these pheromones can do will help you select a pheromone that will give you what you want.

Get the facts and reviews of the strongest pheromone products at - an independent pheromone review and information site.

Adam Quilt is a pheromone tester and user.