By Rufus Steele
With something as potentially involved as talking dirty, learning what to say is just as important as learning how to say it.
You could just try lying back and saying the first thing that comes into your imagination but that does sort of depend on how good and free ranging your imagination is.
When you are not quite on the boil and feeling off key, actually thinking of something to say can be seriously difficult.
Now, this article being printed on a family site, it's a bit hard to actually give you any written examples of dirty talk.
But what we can do is point your imagination in the right direction for finding examples of dirty talk.
Apart from the obvious source, there are a couple of great resources you could use.
The first would be via an adult film. Now granted, the majority of conversation in these films wouldn't exactly gain a pass mark in the most basic of English exams but there are quite a few snippets of comments and lines spoken that you can easily use when alone with your partner.
Heck, why not go even further with this idea? If you and your partner would be comfortable enough, why not watch a film together? Make it fun as opposed to just sitting watching - start watching the film together and then one of you hits the mute key. The other partner then has to provide the speaking parts to the action on screen. This will either end up as a great laugh or a pleasant surprise as you find your partner or you are actually very good at articulating in dirty talk the action playing on screen!
Second option is to buy one or two adult books. No, I don't mean the kind that come in glossy covers perched high on the top shelf that help Hugh be able to afford even more dressing gowns - I mean the book type books!
There are adult books to sort all favor of taste and desire - finding something that lights your fire should not be a problem at all.
Once you have the book, again you have two options. Either read it to yourself prior to settling down with your partner, using what you have just read as examples and suggestions for you to expand on or actually read some of the juicier passages out to him. If you find something especially intoxicating to you both, make him act out what s written with you!
Finally, if neither of these ideas appeal - you can always just cast your mind back to any previous times you have enjoyed making love with your partner. Remember what he did, what you did and how it felt. The simply talk to him about it, tell him what you remember, how it made you feel and why it gave you pleasure.