Sexuality Tips For You.

September 30, 2008

The Answer to Lousy Christian Sex is Sexual Skills For the Christian Husband

By John Garret

As you're probably aware of by now... many folks have hang ups about sex that is totally ruining the pleasure of marriage. In fact... have you ever really read the Bible and notice how many references to sex in a Christian marriage?

Tons of 'em!

But note carefully that I said within a Christian marriage... because there are also tons of references condemning sex... outside of a Christian marriage!

And for some reasons... I think this got translated into ALL sex is bad and this is why so many folks never enjoy sex within a Christian marriage...

And that is so wrong because the Bible does have strong positive language to enjoy the God-blessed ritual of pleasurable love making.

And not only that we have hang ups about learning to improve our love making skills... our society and culture is practically drowning in "sex."

Hollywood starlets, symbols, music, and marketing to name a few... Did you know that one of the most common theme for marketing has a pretty woman in it... why? Because sex sells!

And not only that... you got pornographic sites on the internet... and sadly... these websites are the most frequented and biggest money makers on the net...

And my point is this... all those symbolism of sex mentioned are NOT the kind of sex the Bible is referring too. That type of sex is "evil" and tends to distract us away from the "good" sex... namely making love within a Christian marriage.

And let's cover the positive aspect of that... you strengthen your love with your committed partner. Both of you are happier, closer to God and with each other. And this... will make your family unit that much stronger to resist temptation when it comes...

But if you fall to the evil side... you can wreck your marriage... you can feel humiliated and weak. And you will look back with regret.

So if sex within your marriage is boring... stale... and doesn't feel the same as it did in the beginning... and truth be told... even at the beginning... sex can be disappointing!

And why? Well... it isn't like you want to talk about this with your Mom and Dad while growing up... That would be a bad idea by the way...

And most books on love making and sex are well... dreadful... they have lurid pictures that distract... they walk on eggshells when trying to make the connection between Christian faith and sex within a marriage.

Well, this is when a fellow by the name of Robert Irwin comes in... He wrote two extremely popular books. One for the husbands and the other for the wives. But you can find out how to grab your copy below in my bio section.

Is sex within a Christian Marriage frustrating... boring... no big deal? Do you feel yourself or your partner pulling away from you? Find out how you can reconnect and access the powerful feeling of Christian sex within a marriage again by improving your sexual skills and pleasures -- As God intended for you to!