Sexuality Tips For You.

October 24, 2008

4 Sex Lies That Men Believe (But Are Really NOT True!) You'll Feel Better After Reading These

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to talk MORE about sex! Yes....but this time we are going to discuss some popular sex lies, urban myths and silly falsehoods that MANY men believe...but are simply untrue! Let's take a look at a few of them that come up a lot ( no pun intended..:-) by our readers regularly. Read on..:-)

Amazing Aphrodesiacs:

Running out at 12 am to buy green M & M's or a bucket of oysters is a good way to get her excited.

No, it's really not! There is NO good evidence that any foods create desire, lust or passion in the person eating them. She might get VERY turned on that you offered though - and that's important too!

The Endurance Challenge.

The average man can last 20 minutes. Anything less is unsatisfying for her.

False! The average sexual encounter is LESS than 10 minutes....even for couples who have been married for years! And believe it or not...SOME women's magazine's report that many women prefer it that way, claiming anything OVER 10 minutes is tiresome. (although not any of my friends for sure..;-)

Most women orgasm at LEAST once during Sex.

Sadly.....Not true again! Only 9% of women admit to orgasming EVERY time they have sex, with well over half saying they RARELY orgasm with their male partners. What's equal amount of women say they FAKE orgasms regularly just to get it over with!

Sex on the Brain.

Men think about sex 100 times per hour or more!

This very silly study became VERY popular a few years ago...and is NOT true! Only a very small segment of the men surveyed claimed to have sex perpetually on the brain. So you ARE normal if you only think sexy thoughts a few times a day. (although a few more wouldn't hurt either..;-)

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable). You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!