Sexuality Tips For You.

October 31, 2008

Women's Red Button - Don't Press

By Amir Rimer

Women love and enjoy sex even more than men!

This maybe be a startling concept to grasp for most guys, but play with this concept for a while before completely negating it.

The reason that most guys may reject this notion is that they don't see women manifest their inmost desires on the surface, like guys usually do.

You may ask now, why is it so?

Why women are so afraid to present who they really are to the guy's population.

I think that best way to answer this question, is by putting the spotlight on oneself.

Do you feel better when you get a good grade or a bad grade?

Do you feel better when you are popular or when you are unpopular?

Do you feel better when you receive compliments or harsh criticism?

99% of the people are determining their self-worth, in some way or another, due to society's conventions.

Most people feel good when they get positive reinforcement, and feel bad when they are not feeling valued and important.

If you say that you belong to the 1% percent of people who don't surrender to society conventions, all I can say that I applaud you, and that you shouldn't be reading this content.

But, if you do find yourself in the 99% of the "seeking approval" group, you should understand women's behavior more clearly now.

Due to society's brainwashing women were led to believe that manifesting their sexuality will result in society branding them as "S.L.U.T.S" (meaning not good).

From the day we were born we were consistently taught that our action is only good if it parallels with society's conventions of what is considered a good behavior.

Thus, women (like all human beings) will do whatever they can to match their character to the illusionary character of society's, so called, perfect woman.

So you see the problem here?

Women crave sex from within (even more than men), but in reality they are not explicit about it because of the fear that it may burst their bubble of their ideal conventional character (a respectable woman by the eyes of society).

You need to aspire to become the kind of man who can loosen the clandestine sex beast which lies dormant inside every woman.

If you do accept this notion, which I am suggesting here, you should know beforehand that you cannot wake this beast with your logical explanations:

Directly - do you want to have sex?

Indirectly - I have a lot of money.

I love you very much.

I am very fortunate for meeting you.

Don't say anything which is directly related to sex and don't show your intentions as such, because if you do, you will signal to the woman that she may be labeled as a slut by society.

What you do want to do is to develop such an intense joy about who you currently are. This intense joy will radiate such a powerful vibe to women that will override their logical conceptions, and contact with their inmost biological desires.

Amir Rimer gives the complete story on how to attract women, using the most groundbreaking, innovative psychological techniques in the world in his new eBook The Dating Doctrine, which has now become available.

To learn more about how to become a women magnet, download the FREE 7 day mini course he has especially prepared for you at the following link: