By Chess McDoogle
It can be difficult to figure out what are good Christian sex practices when you may have come across differing views, or you simply don't know where to turn for legitimate advice in the matter. I'm here to set it straight and provide some basic, common sense answers as to what are good Christian sex practices. I'll also recommend below where you can find other legitimate advice, as well as tips and techniques for great Christian sex.
1. Sex positions and sex technique.
For sex positions and different sexual techniques and such, two rules should be followed: Comfort and safety of you and your partner, and mutual agreement on technique/positioning. If you can meet these two criteria, then you are participating in good Christian sex practice. Your choices must be safe and sound, not allowing discomfort to you or your partner. You also must agree on your sex practice. If one does not want to engage in something, the other must respect that.
2. Enjoyment and celebration.
Too often the focus of what are good Christian sex practices speak only to the negative aspects, as in "what not to do". But why not focus on the positive? Why not emphasize what good Christian sex really should mean? Well, what it should mean is enjoyment and celebration. These two aspects you should always remember and remind yourselves of, as sex was meant as a celebration of your love and thus should be enjoyed to the fullest.
3. Cursing during sex and other rules and restrictions.
Generally cursing during sex should not be allowed as cursing is too often connected with and used as a form of degradation. But, if cursing is mutually used to convey a sense of enjoyment and both couples very clearly recognize and accept this, then it should be their decision to make.
Other rules and restrictions should be read and discussed between Christian couples, and mutual agreement should be met. Below is a very helpful guide which can answer questions and provide excellent sex tips for Christians.
Here is an excellent Christian sex guide which shows ways in which you can have amazingly good Christian sex practice - Learn the rules, and learn tips on how you can greatly improve your Christian sex life - |
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