By Judy Barton
Most people aren't aware of Mother Nature's great gifts or have little faith in their capabilities. Herbs have been around since the beginning of time and their value substantiated in therapeutic as well as sexual capacities. Nature provides for our needs, and unlike today's wonder drugs, both men and women may reap the benefits of their use. While only a few have been clinically tested, all have proven their effectiveness and safety over time. Man-made drugs come with many side affects and risks that usually put one or more parts of the body at risk, of harm, while fixing another. Drug manufacturers warn of the harm their miracle drugs can produce; yet we continue to use them.
Our sexual needs are basic essentials and nature has quite adequately addressed them without fear of risk or harm. Man-made male enhancement products carry a long list of side affects and warn of the dangers posed by an erection that lasts more than a few hours. Does that mean they are not only unsafe but are also designed for quickies, allowing for sex in metered doses? That poses a rather harsh and unnatural solution. Mother Nature holds the answers we seek. A few of the best are listed below.
1-Ginger is a common household spice by day and wild aphrodisiac by night.
It is a great stimulant, which increases blood flow to the genitals, stirring sexual sensations in both male and female users. It is also used therapeutically for gastrointestinal disturbances, as an anti-inflammatory, is a strong antioxidant and much more. A tea can be made from the shavings of the root as well as from the powdered spice. Extract and pill forms are sold at health food stores. Ginger has blood-thinning properties and is not recommended for those taking anticoagulants.
2-Damiana surpasses Viagra and any other sexual enhancer in its fabulous affects, safety and medicinal properties. It increases blood flow to the genitals, increases sensitivity, provides a marvelous euphoria and has a long lasting affect without posing risks. Its many therapeutic qualities make it an easy choice over the harmful drugs on the market. It is used to treat many ailments such as depression, digestive complaints and congestion to name a few. It is available in extract, drop or capsule form at any health food store.
3-Licorice has super energy enhancing properties, which make for a more active sex life. It stimulates female sex glands and is a great general health tonic for men. Some men who use licorice regularly, notice a significant increase in their sex drive. The list of ailments and problems it is used to treat is quite extensive. Licorice can be found at health food stores in extract form. The candy contains little or no licorice and is not useful for treating medical issues or for sexual enhancement. Anyone with high blood pressure should consult a physician before using licorice.
4-Ginseng is an energizer and revitalizer known as the king of herbs. Its name in Chinese literally means 'root, or essence, of man and its fascinating history dates back thousands of years. It is a general tonic, which can improve stamina for sexual activities and the potency of male sperm. The list of therapeutic uses is extensive. Ginseng comes in many forms and is available at most any grocery and health food stores. Anyone with high blood pressure, hypoglycemia, heart disorders or asthma should use caution when taking ginseng.
5-Vodka is a great aphrodisiac and an even greater antioxidant when mixed in a shaken martini. Orange vodka holds those same properties as well, and adds emotional affects promoting a sense of loving attachment.
The Kama Sutra Company offers a wonderful line of sex enhancing products, which includes a safe, subtle pleasure balm for extended erection time. Most all of their products are edible and can add a little touch of spice to any sexual experience.
A complete list of Mother Nature's contributions is available online or in bookstores. For further information please consult Nature's Aphrodisiacs by Nancy L. Nickell, Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A. Balch & James F. Balch,, or your physician.
Anyone planning to use an herb or other natural product is advised to check warnings for possible problems relating to existing illness.
All sexual activities should remain safe, sane and always consensual.
Judy Barton |
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