Sexuality Tips For You.

September 22, 2008

The Downside of Frequent Sex

By Francis K Githinji

Everybody and especially most marriage counselors encourage couples to have more sex as a way of bringing back passion into their marriage. You tell anybody that you are having more sex and the interpretation is that you must be very happy. Nobody ever thinks that having frequent sex can actually affect your smooth relationship. Yes it can and it makes some women feel like giving it so freely makes the man take her for granted and this in result means less tender loving care is offered to her. Most are the times that it indicates that an ongoing relationship is thriving. However in some situations one or both partners might be using sex as the escape gate for their problems. If a relationship conflict seems too large for a partner, he/she might evade talking about it by having sex whenever the two are together.

In some instances, frequent sex is an indicator of waning feelings to one partner. It might be that every time he sees you he thinks of easy sex. If all over sudden you start having outrageous amount of sex, think twice. It might be because both of you have become more intimate and more closer but unfortunately it might be a sign of some stress factor in or outside the relationship that he/she does not want to address. The quantity of sex might not be a problem only if it is quality romance. What is it like? Does it involve foreplay and kissing? Is it fast and plain? If you feel that the act is impersonal there might be an underlying problem which needs to be overtly worked on.

Frequent sex is not good especially if it is mechanical. A perfuntionary love making does not always result because a partner does not love you. It might be because he feels angered by something and he objectifies you subconsciously. Do not be too fast to accuse him of cheating. You might be the cause of his coldness and you better try to find out before going wild with accusations. Talk to him about it using the right words and the right tone. Lovingly, get an explanation from him as to why the sex is curtailed. Do not just refuse to respond to his sexual advances because he might feel rejected and get even more resentful.

Familiarity breeds contempt. Credit to the person who came up with this saying. When you get used to getting something without much effort you tend to take it for granted. Men who get frequent sex from their women have confessed to getting tired and losing excitement in having the common sex. This is sad but true. Men who do not have frequent sex with their wives and girlfriends treasured the few moments they got intimate. This means that the amount of sex determines its quality. One man likened it to drinking water after a long spell of thirst. The water tastes and feels like something very sweet. There is nothing wrong with frequent sex if it is done with the same thoroughness every time it is done.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Frequent Sex Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success,