Sexuality Tips For You.

September 22, 2008

Pleasing a Woman Sexually - Do You Make These 3 Critical Mistakes

By Ben Evans

If you want to be a great lover and keep your lady happy in the bedroom department, then there are some key things you need to make sure you DON'T do. Remember that women now expect to lead great sex lives so disappoint them! Pleasing a woman sexually is not an easy task so read on to get the edge over most other men.

One of the most annoying things men do, that all women complain about is rushing. Women take much longer to get aroused then men do so you need to slow down. Enjoy the foreplay and realise that if you put in the work early by being great at foreplay, you will get great benefits later.

Another major mistake most men make is not communicating enough (if at all!). Most women love to talk about sex so you should try to discuss your sex life and learn what your partner enjoys. If you can successfully find out what she loves in bed, you may be able to make love to her like no else ever has and she will adore you for taking the time to do this. This is a major part of pleasing a woman sexually.

The third mistake most men make is not making enough eye contact. Women love the emotional side of sex as well as the physical side. Normally, men only focus on the physical side and therefore, they leave their lovers feeling unfulfilled emotionally. The missionary position is a great position to make lots of eye contact. Next time you have sex with your partner, surprise them by making a strong emotional connection by using lots of eye contact.

You have now learnt 3 great ways to take your partners breath away during sex and you will have a major advantage over most men. However, there is much more to learn and if you want to keep things fresh and exciting you need to check out How to Pleasure a Woman. Here you will learn some life changing skills that will change your sex life forever!