By Maria Holland
Every guy in the world would love to make their girlfriend orgasm 100 times in one night, but unfortunately it is just unrealistic. I am here to tell you some great tips so that she will keep coming back to your bedroom time and time again.
1) Foreplay Foreplay Foreplay - Oh and did i mention foreplay? The thing most men do not realise when they sleep with a woman is that men take a much shorter time to orgasm than women! Not fair I know, but that is why foreplay was invented. It is not always about you, so before you jump into the deep end try pleasing her for while to get her in the mood this will have her more than ready for the main event.
2) Keep Fit - Keeping fit is really important for going a few rounds in bed, you need to be able to at least jog around the block without breaking a sweat. So keep yourself in the top physical condition so she will be grateful. On top of this women are turned on more by men with toned bodies. Just do not go over the top a nice trim and toned body will suffice.
3) Keep it Entertaining - You can not always be having sex the entire time you are together in bed, so in the times in between make sure you make her laugh and keep her entertained. If she enjoys spending time with you when you are not just having sex then she will be more likely to come back for more.
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