Sexuality Tips For You.

October 26, 2008

Female Masturbation - Listen to Your Body and Explore

By John J. Foley

Female masturbation is shrouded in much more mystery than male masturbation. Because women's genitals are more hidden than men's, and because women are typically taught to be ashamed or embarrassed of them, many women don't learn until they are older that female masturbation is a healthy and sexually liberating part of any woman's sex life.

It is seen as normal that guys masturbate, but for a woman to do it is something different, but in fact I really don't know how to explain it. Female masturbation techniques are quite numerous and much more varied than those of males. For females masturbation is a form of sex with no risk of disease, pregnancy or emotional upset available almost anytime.

For many women, this can be one of the best ways to get to climax, and to experience a very self satisfying orgasm. If you have a better understanding of what your body does when it is stimulated you can appreciate the delicate balance of touch and pressure.

Although there are various female masturbation techniques, most women learn to orgasm by manual stimulation of the clitoris. Take two fingers and explore the parts of their sexual anatomy, paying close attention to what feels good. Even though popular songs, movies, and television shows make mention of female masturbation, or the use of vibrators, it is not a common topic of discussion. Madonna's touching of her genitals on stage was seen more as an obscene gesture than as a public display of a normal sexual act.

A common misconception of women is that because they have a partner, they do not feel they should have to; or if they are single, masturbating would substantiate their single status. If they were not single, they would not have to masturbate.

There seems to be more open discussions and social acceptance of male masturbation because (after all "men think about sex all the time.").But the fact is women also have sexual needs to fulfill, and masturbation is a healthy way to satisfy those needs. Even though women don't necessesarily feel the urgency to masturbate that men do, but then again No two women are alike.

Today we are much freer, but there are still few women who admit to masturbating, though 45% masturbate regularly. Why is masturbation something to feel guilty or embarrassed about? The most sensitive part of most women's bodies is the clitoris. Learning about how it can be used to maximize sexual pleasure is an essential part of masturbation and lovemaking.

It has always been noted by analytic writers from Freud onwards that the attitude women have about masturbation differs from that of men. Freud remarks, for instance, that whereas a man would probably not hesitate to use masturbation when no other means of sexual gratification are available to him, a woman would be less likely to do so. What should be done is to look at what women are actually experiencing, what they enjoy, when they orgasm--and then draw conclusions. In other words, researchers and others (uninformed partners?) must stop telling women what they should feel sexually, and start asking them what they do feel sexually. The secret of female masturbation is simply to get in touch with the pleasure your body can produce. Listen to your body and to explore what you enjoy.

Article Written By J. Foley

J. Foley Has A Site Devoted To This Topic. If You Want To Read More About Female Masturbation, You Can Go Here