By Rion Williams
Today many men are wondering, 'Why am I not attracting women into my life like I should be?' Especially when they ARE so passionate and their energy is involved with the idea of women?
The question comes down to; WHAT are they attracting?
What 'kind' of relationship are they attracting?
Are they attracting what they think and believe is a woman's sexuality?
Or are they actually attracting more of the economic game of sexploitation and pornography instead of women themselves?
In our Western society today almost no one (let alone women) has a clue to what true sexuality is anymore.
It was lost ages ago yet is still alive in different cultures.
We can look at the cause and effect influence behind all of this and realize how things have developed and changed over the years.
Sexuality is natural and biological at it's root.
Sure there are social influences which come into play in the mating game between men and women but now things are so extreme that an average 19 year old can get a makeover and INSTANTLY be valued above millions of high quality men who have been conditioned to drool over her. This is nothing to say about the character.
Society has so corrupted and twisted 'sexuality' to it's own economic benefit that millions of people are lost and confused. Completely out of touch with attraction itself as sex is a commodity of social, economic exchange.
We have an unnatural society. We have a social culture that is extremely SOCIAL. And I don't mean open inter-dependent respect social; I mean program-receiver, stimulus-response social.
The sexuality of women is their nature. It's their biological behavior. It's not at all society's warped definition of femininity and definitely not sexploitation which men and women have been brainwashed and conditioned into valuing and believing to their disbenefit.
It is disheartening to see the popularity of pornstars and Vegas girls.
Millions of women have already sold out to 'the game' merely because it is now socially approved and desired. It takes a strong man to be equal to or above all of this power to reach through and bring out the truth that is suppressed within her.
Until men can value a woman's nature which is not behaviorally represented in our independent or socially valued women (and somehow on earth figure out what that is), they will continue to attract NONsexual relationships.
How can a man attract women if he believes that her skin and sassy prickteasing is her sexuality?
No wonder it doesn't work. And women know this; they know that their 'sexed' up behavior is social at the root but they'll never tell a man because 'he's supposed to know'.
So until men can build relationships with the alpha nature of women, it's going to be difficult to attract them consistently.
Independent, logical, career-oriented behavior of women is unnatural and nonsexual. Socially approved, bleached blonde hair, boob job, prickteasing, bitchy behavior is likewise unsexual behavior.
If these Prada's and Prickteases are the models of female behavior and sexuality, no wonder millions of men and women have problems attracting quality partners.
Women have lost touch with their nature because society literally raped them of it to it's own economic benefit. Bratz dolls are further evidence this is occurring at a younger age.
The conditioning is invisible because it's all these people know and are in relationship to. There is no counter-balance to check it with when millions of programming 'socially approved' signals are coming at them daily telling them what to value and how to act.
One of the few things that can bring the suppressed sexuality (natural behavior) of women back is economic fantasy outlets (how the system was built) and a real man who is their equal who knows what their true nature/sexuality is.
The fashion and makeup industry has so deeply entrenched and pervaded their concept of 'beauty' into the minds of millions that it's even become more important daily than the real thing (relationships).
Millions of women will go out every weekend for the attention and reinforced validation of their social shell instead of building real relationships (or even knowing how anymore).
The game is economic and it's a money system that works but it's influenced millions of men and women beyond psychological repair.
For a change of results; ask yourself what you value.
'Do I value society's concept of beauty and sexuality or do I value the true sexuality of women?'
The answer for millions of men and women lies in going back to nature; the root of sexuality exempt of social corruption.
That is what has always been real and that is where the real value lies beneath the crud of social influence. Deep down, we all know it.
Learning from behaviorally natural people can bring us back to our roots. Building our physiological relationship with nature is one way we can attract more of that sexuality out of each other. Some would say this equates to the natural process of seduction and love between two people instead of the commercialization of it.
Rion Williams is one of the foremost experts in dating advice, personal power and social dynamics. Learn how to be a confident male who is comfortable in his own skin and succeeds with women, dating and life. Join the free 'Natural Game Dating' newsletter and get instant access to .mp3 audio and top level dating advice including 'the secret of women' @ |
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