By Megan Zoile
In this article we are going to look at some female seduction tips that really do work....especially for men who seem to be having problems when it comes to seducing the women that they like.
The simple truth is that most men are completely oblivious to the things that women REALLY want in a seduction scene, and because of it....most of you are simply a bit more awkward and ill informed than need be! Now, that DOESN'T mean that many women go a long with it MOST women's standards have sunk SO low when it comes to TRULY getting excited by a man's moves that we'll just about take ANY cheesy line or come on as ok..:-) But it doesn't mean we aren't disappointed, and don't laugh at our friends later and what you said!
Here are a few quick, easy and erotic ways to amp UP your seduction suave and strategy.
Time in a Bottle
You can ( and should) slow down with your seductive approach. Women grow INCREASINLY interested with each and every moment you AREN'T making an overt move to the bedroom...and this goes especially important when you are alone. Conversation is just about the BEST seduction strategy that a suave man will muster, and so many men drop the ball right here. I've said this before, and I'll probably say it another 100 times just THIS month alone...but a woman's MOST errogenous zone is her mind. Stimulate this with words and her body will fall shortly thereafter ( and MUCH harder to boot!)
Ambiance is Amazingly Erotics
Another easy way to seduce your woman? Create an atmosphere that is conducive to her WANTING to get closer, and more physically comfortable..:-) Women are more sensory than you guys this means music, sounds and even the thread count in your sheets can be AMAZINGLY erotic if they look like she wants to feel them on her skin! Candles are a huge aphrodisiac as well...just remember to blow them out when things get TOO hot!
And One Last thing.....Remember: Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable) You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-) So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep! |
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