By Dale Rafferty
Men sometimes find that they struggle to satisfy a woman sexually, this shouldn't be the case. I know that there's a lot of pressure on guys to perform to the best of their ability in the bedroom but what you think is your "A game" may be nothing more to her than another boring sex session. I'm not saying that this is always the case; but I am saying that sometimes we only think of ourselves instead of her.
Have you ever given a woman an orgasm (without having one yourself), and then just put your arms around her and kissed her gently afterward? This is only one of the things which would class as satisfaction to her.
Men seem to think that unless we have a nine inch tongue and can breath through our ears or we can make love for seven hours straight, there's no way to truly satisfy a woman sexually.
If you perform oral sex on a woman the right way, you can satisfy her in a few minutes. Doing things the right way means doing things the way she likes them, most men would never dream of asking if they're in the right place or whether she likes what they're doing, so how are you going to find out if you're making her happy? You should communicate during sex, some people tell you to look for signs or body language but lets face it guys! Unless the signs came with a beer or a football program we really wouldn't know what we were looking for.
To learn you must be taught, who better to teach you than the person you're trying to satisfy? Satisfying women in bed shouldn't be a mystery; if she starts to groan loudly then the chances are that you're doing something right. If she lays there watching TV over your shoulder, you definitely need some help. I realize that women can and do fake orgasms but this is only because you're not that good in bed and they're trying to satisfy your ego.
If you can't satisfy a woman sexually you're only giving her a fraction of the pleasure she deserves. Stop being selfish and start to stimulate her in ways which you never thought possible. You can find out more by clicking - What women want in bed |
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