Sexuality Tips For You.

November 8, 2008

Am I Good in Bed? 2 Crucial Questions EVERY Man Needs to Ask (Because She Sure Is!)

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to take a quick look at one of the most common questions we get asked by men JUST like you every week: "Am I good in bed....and how do I know for sure?" The simple truth is that with the scary statistics out there about women and faked orgasms ( a recent survey of over ten THOUSAND women revealed that 50% of us are faking at LEAST once per year...and with the man we claim to love!) men are literally finding their sexual esteem at VERY low levels. And with the female sexual revolution hitting levels NOT seen since the 1960's, there is GOOD reason to worry!

Women are simply NOT settling for unsatisfactory sexual relationships these days, and will continue to be more selective in the future as well. Let's take a quick look at 3 questions you NEED to be asking yourself...because if you're not, the likelihood she's asking them SILENTLY about you! Read on.

Filed Under: Have You Learned the Landscape?

There is NOTHING worse than a man who simply does not know WHERE to touch on a woman's body. With so many DIFFERENT sexy and sensitive spots, if you aren't familiar with EXACTLY where feels best, it's high time you learned. (or asked her to point them OUT)

Filed Under: Have You Mastered the Phenomenal Art of Foreplay...or Not?

Don't laugh - for many men, foreplay is SPORTSCENTER on espn. Look, the bottom line is a woman's body REQUIRES a certain amount of stimulation to have her erotic engine amped UP, and if you can't provide that BEFORE sex, she eventually, will find someone else who will.

And One Last thing.....Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better (understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable) You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold.

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!