Sexuality Tips For You.

November 8, 2008

The Female Orgasm - It's All in Her Head

By Tyler Privado

Ever had a lover that no matter what you did... she just wouldn't orgasm.

You worked your heart out, tried all your slick moves... but nothing?

She might have even told you she "can't orgasm" and maybe that released some of the pressure.

The fact is, she could orgasm... nearly all women can. Unless there's been a lot of trauma in her life... she can orgasm. It's just that you're both missing the one key ingredient.

Her mind.

Men (and women) don't seem to realise that a huge part of the female orgasm is mental. In fact, I'd go as far to say that how you make her feel is 80% of her reaching orgasm.

Because it doesn't matter how good you are at stimulating a woman's body... if her minds not there... there's no orgasm.

Trust me... I've experienced this for myself. I became so curious about these women that said they "can't orgasm" that I began to research it. And that's how I discovered what I was doing wrong.

My technique was pretty great... (if I do say so myself) but I wasn't fully turning on her mind as well. She was enjoying herself... she was asking for more... but as long as that little "mental lock" stayed on in her mind... there was going to be no happy ending to this story.

Now I'm not going to lie to you like some "sex gurus" will and say there's a 100% foolproof solution that will work every time (and instantly too!). Let's face it... women are a little more complicated than that. It's not like we're just changing a light bulb here...

But I do believe that if you learn to stimulate a woman's mind she has a much higher chance of reaching orgasm. There are some women that, due to their sexual past, will have a lot of trouble releasing this mental block. But I believe it can be done in a loving and trusting relationship.

Some women will find it a lot easier to release this mental lock and suddenly you're the best lover she's ever had. And I must say that's a pretty great feeling to have.

And if you're one of the lucky ones... your lover will have none of these sexual blockages at all. Then suddenly, by adding the power of her mind to the equation, she won't know what hit her.

So the next time you're in the bedroom... have a think about how you can arouse her mind, as well as her body. The results are worth it... trust me.

Tyler is a regular guy who enjoys sex and pleasuring his lovers. When he realised a lot of other guys were having the same problems he'd had in the past, he decided to do something about it. Visit his website to find out how to make love to a woman's mind and body and download his free report "Why You Might Be Bad In Bed... And What To Do About It."

He prides himself on being different and avoiding unnecessary hype and huge promises. While other "sex gurus" promise mind bending multiple orgasms from super ninja g-spot techniques invented by Tibetan monks... he focuses on the power of a woman's mind for creating a powerful sexual response that lasts a lot longer than a night of passion.

If you're ready for the real, straight forward answers about amazing your lover in the bedroom, check out his website for more free information and articles.