By Eileen Henderson
A recent sex survey revealed that 68% of women are unsatisfied with their husband's erection strength and staying power. It's also likely the man isn't satisfied with himself. The resulting tension can be very damaging to a marriage. But steps can be taken to relieve this frustrating problem.
If your husband is receptive to the idea of improving his sexual performance, there are many things he can do. Exercising for at least 20 minutes a day, for example, is very helpful. The Harvard School of Public Health studied over 31,000 men and concluded that those who exercised had a 30 percent lower risk for erectile dysfunction than men who didn't exercise.
If your husband smokes or drinks too much, that could also be a problem. Try to limit his alcohol intake to a couple of drinks a day. And definitely cut out the smoking!
Kegel exercises can also greatly increase the strength and duration of an erection. A kegel exercise consists of contracting and relaxing the muscles which form part of the pelvic floor. When a man stops the flow of urine midstream he is doing a kegel exercise. Try to get him to do a minimum of three sets of 10 kegels every day. They really make a difference!
Herbal supplements are also very popular right now, with good reason. Natural remedies don't require a prescription and have no significant side effects. Herbs have been used for thousands of years to help men achieve and maintain an erection. Today, there's a growing body of scientific evidence that these herbs really do work.
It's very important to buy a supplement from a reputable company that thoroughly tests its ingredients. Only the highest quality herbs will work effectively. Also try to find one that's manufactured only in the United States and follows strict FDA guidelines. A money-back refund policy is also desirable. If your husband follows all the advice in this article, I can guarantee you that sex will be better than ever--and so will your marriage!
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