Sexuality Tips For You.

November 2, 2008

Female Orgasm Facts - The Shocking Truth Your Girl Won't Tell You About Sex (But I Will!)

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to answer some more questions about female orgasm facts. The simple truth is that there exits NO more mysterious domain in the wild and woolly world of sex than the female orgasm! Why? It's quite simple....there is so much MORE to it than meets the eye, that it becomes difficult to put your finger on exactly (no pun intended..:-) what is happening in bed. Let's look at a common question, and the SHOCKING truth that many men's magazines won't tell you.....but we will for sure! Read on..:-)

Filed Under: Do Most Women Have an Orgasm Every Time They Have Sex? Mine seems to.....

A: The truth is...not even CLOSE! Unfortunately, in survey after survey, the ONLY fact we know for sure is that women are by and large NOT achieving orgasm on a regular and consistent basis. How irregular are we talking? Only 9% of women acknowledge orgasmic EVERY time they have sex...compared to well over 90% ( or 10 times more!) of the men.

Filed Under: Faking Orgasm. That only happens in the movies, right?

A: Don't we wish! In truth, over 50% of women admit to having faked an orgasm in the last year . ( in some popular surveys) Guys...these numbers are NOT good, and this means that most likely...either you, or the other guy reading this RIGHT now has a girlfriend who has faked it with you!

Filed Under: At Least She Loves Sex With Me.....Right?

A: Not so fast! Of the same group of women surveyed ( over 10,000) about half said they PREFERRED shopping for shoes over sex with their present partner. Ouch is right! And this is NOT the kind of enthusiasm that is good for relationships, OR that fosters monogamy either.

And do NOT want to be one of the MILLIONS of men whose woman is secretly sexually dissatisfied with her lover. Research has proven repeatedly that with so many girlfriends, wives and lovers fantasizing about being with a MAN who DOES know how to satisfy her, divorce and relationship dissatisfaction continues to rise at unprecedented levels. Master the magical art of making her quiver with delight ...and you will NEVER have to worry about her even THINKING about another man...that much I know for sure..:-)

Click Here --> to Learn to Give Your Girl an Orgasm SO strong She'll scream your name in her Sleep!