Sexuality Tips For You.

November 2, 2008

Have Her Scream Out For You - Great Tips to Have Her Having Earth Shattering Orgasms!

By Maria Holland

Every man in the world longs to be able to make his woman orgasm but are unfortunately unable to do so. The main reasons for this is that women need to be in the right mood and frame of mind in order to have a full blown orgasm. Another main reason for this is that it generally takes women a lot shorter time to orgasm than it does for a man. In this article I am going to give you some great tips so that you can really give your girlfriend or lover the earth shattering orgasms you have been trying to give her.

Here are 3 tips to make her have mind blowing climaxes (in no particular order)

1) Do not rush into penetrative sex - When it comes down to it men just try to rush into straight penetrative sex utterly unaware that the woman needs a lot more turning on before she will properly enjoy penetrative sex. So before you rush right into penetrative sex try a lot of foreplay stimulating all of her erogenous zones.

2) Kiss her A LOT! - Women love feeling close to whoever they are having sex with, kissing allows them to do this. When you are kissing her remember you do not just have to kiss her lips, try kissing her cheeks down to her neck and onwards. Don't stop kissing her until she is squirming with pleasure.

3) Cunnilingus is your friend - Women just love cunnilingus, and guys here is a secret, it is the easiest way to make a woman orgasm. The clitoris is the only part of the human anatomy that is purely devoted to pleasure. So use the clitoris to your advantage.

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