Sexuality Tips For You.

November 7, 2008

Female Orgasm Secrets - 2 Ways to Give Her a Longer and Stronger Orgasm (Even If You're Clumsy)

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to discuss a few ways that you can amp UP your erotic energy and learn a few simple female orgasm secrets she may NOT be telling you! Now guys, be forewarned, there are MANY ways to give her an unforgettable orgasm, and very few have ANYTHING to do with how "skilled" you are in the sack! A woman's body is FAR different than a man's, and is stimulated (in OUR opinion) actually MORE easily if you know what you're doing! So let's take a quick look at a few things that will amplify her ability to have an orgasm, and do it in rapid fire turn around time to boot! Read on..:-)

Filed Under: Communication is Key

The first thing that you TRULY need to do is understand her body. What feels best...and HOW to get her into that sensitive state of extreme arousal. The best advice here is to simply ASK! Yes, it's true...the number #1 thing that women secretly confide they would like to have is MORE communication between the sheets. Ask...and you SHALL receive..:-) She MAY be shy at first...but if you let her know how MUCH you truly want to turn her on, she will reciprocate with LOTS of information you need to do it!

Filed Under: Learning the Landscape

It's true that the one of the biggest impediments to great sex for HER is that you simply DON'T understand the female body. For example, did you know that the clitoris is the ONLY body part known to man (or woman..;-) whose SOLE biological purpose is to receive and generate pleasure? It is! There is NO other physical function that this sexy and sensitive spot fulfills OTHER than to allow a woman to orgasm. If you don't know where it is, or don't know what to do with it when you find it, learning a bit MORE about her body is an excellent way to give her the KIND of orgasm she so desperately wants!

And do NOT want to be one of the MILLIONS of men whose woman is secretly sexually dissatisfied with her lover. Research has proven repeatedly that with so many girlfriends, wives and lovers fantasizing about being with a MAN who DOES know how to satisfy her, divorce and relationship dissatisfaction continues to rise at unprecedented levels. Master the magical art of making her quiver with delight...and you will NEVER have to worry about her even THINKING about another man...that much I know for sure..:-)

Click Here --> to Learn to Give Your Girl an Orgasm SO strong She'll scream your name in her Sleep!