Sexuality Tips For You.

November 7, 2008

Hot Seduction Tips - Caution! Use These ONLY When All Else Fails (NOT For the Sexually Squeamish)

By Megan Zoile

Okay guys....let's talk about some HOT seduction tips that will make your weekends MUCH more eventful. Most of the questions we seem to get online are from really nice guys who seem to have A LOT going for them....but for some odd reason STILL can't seal the seductive deal. What you REALLY need to know that most of these other "guides" won't teach you is this: Women are EXCEPTIONALLY easy creatures to understand. If she is ANYTHING like 95% of the rest of us, the things that will make her FLY into the sack are pretty straightforward. (and very sexy) So read on as we share a few simple ones with all of you who've asked.

Filed Under: Adrenaline as an Aphrodisiac

Want to REALLY turn her on? Is she someone you know well...or simply JUST met? Either way...the KEY to really get her erotic juices flowing is be DARING! Yes, it's true...a woman wants to be SEXUALLY swept off of her feet...and there is NO better way than to introduce a little DANGER into a delicious date Take her somewhere she's NEVER been ( or maybe never WOULD go) and you'll get her a adrenaline PUMPING in passionate ways that you simply can't understand unless you're a woman!

Filed Under: VERY Public Displays of Passion

This is a bit FURTHER on the naughty side...but LOTS of women have a fetish for showing off...and I'm NOT talking about that new promotion she just got If she's comfortable with you...and digs you to begin with, taking her to a semi public, but very private place will get her heart BEATING, and her mind RACING with some very erotic thoughts...and if you CAN'T seal the deal HERE, you better send me an email an explain why! ( it works for ALL my guy friends for sure.

And do NOT want to be one of the MILLIONS of men whose woman is secretly sexually dissatisfied with her lover. Research has proven repeatedly that with so many girlfriends, wives and lovers fantasizing about being with a MAN who DOES know how to satisfy her, divorce and relationship dissatisfaction continues to rise at unprecedented levels. Master the magical art of making her quiver with delight ...and you will NEVER have to worry about her even THINKING about another man...that much I know for sure.

Click Here --> to Learn to Give Your Girl an Orgasm SO strong She'll scream your name in her Sleep!