Sexuality Tips For You.

November 7, 2008

Things Women Wish Men Knew - What Losers Didn't Know

By Lee John

It has been more than 10 years since John Gray first published Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Besides, there are countless books, journals, and articles on this subject, all aiming to improve relationship between couples. However, there is never ending of complaints from women against men. Below you will find out the top 4 things women wish men knew.

  1. Foreplay is too short: there's popular joke on this subject. "Why do so many women fake orgasm?" The answer is: "because so many men fake foreplay". (Source: Sex: A Man's Guide). According to a survey in New Woman magazine, women cite foreplay as number one thing men don't understand about them. It's not hard to understand why the conflicts arise: we men are always ready for sex. However, women's orgasm and sensation is much more complicated. They warm up like an iron. Experts suggest it takes minimum 15 minutes of arousal time before a woman can orgasm. If you want to sexually please your partner, you have to spend a lot of time and efforts in foreplay. The key point is: do not rush. For women, the best foreplay involves a lot of body love like sensual massage, passionate kiss, and gentle touch all over her body.
  2. We love oral sex: according to a survey by Men's Health, oral sex always never fails to send women to orgasms. As a matter of fact, more than 60 % of women couldn't orgasm during intercourse. Thus, women love oral sex as it's a fantastic method to achieve the big "O". Unfortunately, most men overlook the power of good oral sex as they are too busy to figure out how to last longer in intercourse.
  3. My body is one big sex organ: Most men only bother to stimulate the triangle areas. (eg. breasts and genitals). Want to turn off your partner fast? The best way is to grab only her triangle areas. The truth is: her body is full of hot spots and erogenous zones. In addition, different women have different preference on where they prefer to be stimulated, and it may not be nipples or genitals. Thus, you must take the time to explore and understand her beautiful, artful body.
  4. Size does matter: no matter what your friends or the "experts" tell you, size does matter! According to a study published in, more than 50% of women had dumped a partner, or refused to have sex because their partners have small penis. If you have small penis, your partner probably can't feel you inside her during sex.

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