Sexuality Tips For You.

September 7, 2008

3 Things You Should Never Do in Bed - Don't Even Think About Having Sex Before You Know These

By Pushpa Pal Singh

So what is considered to be the best possible sex you can give to a female? Does it mean getting her to climax? Wrong! Good sex is much more than just getting her to achieve an eventual orgasm. You see there are some things most men do in bed which might prove to be fatal in the long term. You must know these mistakes before it's too late for you. Read on to discover what these mistakes are and why you shouldn't do them at any cost......

Being too uptight about everything- Sex is something which is best when everything goes on smoothly. When you are too uptight and nervous about things you will always end up screwing up everything. It is extremely important to be relaxed yourself and at the same time make your partner relaxed.

Not understanding her needs in bed- It is extremely important to understand your partners needs in bed otherwise you will never be able to satisfy her. Sex is also about understanding your partner's sexual needs and meeting them instead of just doing what you please to do. Always ask her what she prefers and if you can't directly ask let her dominate you for a bit as that would give her the freedom to do whatever she pleases.

Asking her again and again whether she climaxed or not- Now even if she is about to orgasm you will spoil it if you ask her such questions. You should never ever ask her whether she has climaxed or not. Not only would this spoil her orgasm but at the same time you might come across as some what insecure as now you don't even trust on your skills as you are asking her. It's more or less asking her whether you are good enough or not since you are not sure whether she climaxed or not.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but you absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover 9 most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know. This is something you can't afford to miss at any cost click here- Tell Me The Secrets