Sexuality Tips For You.

September 7, 2008

Dreadful Mistakes Men Make During Sex - She Will Never Have Sex With You Again If You Miss This!

By Misty Ruttan

There are many things men do without realizing, aside from being lazy, which turn women off, without consciously realizing it. There are too many common sex mistakes that are made, however you want to utterly please your woman; and forgetting these main points will leave you out in the cold. So learn these tips before she leaves you:

Being too aggressive, to the point where you are ripping off her clothes, pushing her around, and thinking that she will love it. Men believe that women like a strong man, who is dominant in bed, however creating fear and overpowering in this way will make her completely turned off from sex with you. Women are gentle, and highly emotional, so when you approach her this way, she will see you as more of a monster than a sex god.

Having her do all the work; without you having to do a thing-! This can mean oral sex and you climax- whereas she has just experienced nothing. Foreplay is fine, but it has to be mutual, and sex is a thing between two people. She doesn't want to be used as your masturbation tool; she wants the pleasure just as much as you; and the minute you get lazy in bed she will want to move on and find a better beau who can take more control in bed.

Going out of the boundaries, and experimenting too much where she gets extremely uncomfortable. These are things in which she is obviously not alright with, forcing her to experiment to extremes; and doing actions which cause her more pain than pleasure, and make her turned off. Also always bringing it up, and making it an expectation of her to do the things, otherwise you will not is a major mistake before and during sex. She wants to get pleasure, and she has to be comfortable to get it.

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