Sexuality Tips For You.

September 7, 2008

Shocking Sex Truths - Your Sex Will Suck and She Will Leave You If You Don't Learn These Tips Now!

By Misty Ruttan

Did you ever feel off during sex, or that your partner just wasn't themself...? Have you ever had times even when you weren't into it, and you can't explain why; because after all you want to do it; but when it comes to the chase you just can't get your feet running? The thing is sex is actually mental as well- all the stimulation you get anyways starts in the mind, and is stimulated from the mind. All the right chemicals can be there for the attraction, however not for the action. Here is how you can have the most satisfying action caring for the most important organ- your brain!

Attitude Adjustment: Well- you need one. If you are feeling guilty, ashamed, embarrassed, or judgmental; you need to change how you feel. How can you have sex feeling guilty, it will definitely be less than it should then; your body responds to your emotions, and acts from there; so whatever your emotion is your body will be displaying that in other ways as well; even during sex. If you are distracted by other things, forget it as well- consider that sex doesn't take that long for the average person, so you can wait the 5 minutes to half an hour for the other things; there are 24 hours in a day... be in the moment when the moment is there, or you will always finding yourself feeling like it wasn't all that great- guess why? Because you missed the moment.

Communicate, even if you aren't Mr/Miss Social; you need to know what's going on with your partner and you- and not about life, about the sac. Know what he she likes, and what you like- make sure they know as well. Communication builds trust and many things, without communication there is no understanding- and confusion makes terrible sex and life. Don't be afraid to share your desires, and have them share as well; tell when you can, how and so forth. Don't be vague; after all you are going to have sex, so it's not like there is anything after that which could be embarrassing or exposing; especially in the sac.

Pride, well to deliver you have to believe you can. If you are finding you don't like some part of your body, your partner will sense that as well; and this can be anything that you may find sexual; or perceive as that... If you don't think your package is all that- just remember it's not how it looks, it's what it can do. Size is nothing if you are limp, and cannot perform.. Same for her- if she thinks this and that isn't the right size and so forth- everyone is unique- and that's actually the only thing that is normal- is to be unique. If you don't like your body you wont like the sex- if its that bad things can be done- if you are overweight, work out; if you are really thin; work out- however anything beyond that is just mental, and you need to be more proud of what you have and can offer, so that you feel great having sex as well.

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