Sexuality Tips For You.

November 2, 2008

Great Sex is Like a Great Movie

By Tyler Privado

A quick search tells me about 600 movies are released in US theatres each year. Now have a quick think and work out how many of those movies you actually watched. Then have another think and decide what ones you thought were actually great movies.

Now, putting aside personal preferences, there are some movies that capture the imagination of millions of people. Sometimes these are the movies that attract a lot of buzz like the latest Indiana Jones movie... but that doesn't guarantee people will love it.

If you look at the various lists of top movies, I find there's one common thread that runs through them. They took the audience on an emotional journey.

Think about your favourite movies... what emotions do you feel? Do you fall in love with the characters? Or do you hate them? Do the movies scare you? Or do they make you laugh? All great movies cause an emotional reaction in the viewer.

And the same is true for great sex. Sure, you can have sex 600 times a year, but if there's no emotion it'll never be great sex. If you think back to your most memorable sexual experiences you can see how emotion played a strong role.

Maybe you hadn't seen your lover for a while or it was someone you had to chase for a long time. It could be that you just felt a lot of passion for that person or perhaps it was "forbidden" love. External events might have played a part and raised the emotion of the situation as well.

Emotion is what makes the difference between good sex and great sex. Sure, you can love someone and have good sex with them on a regular basis, but with a bit of a kick start you can turn this into great sex.

To do this you might try:

  • Having a special romantic evening

  • Teasing your lover

  • Having sex somewhere "naughty"

  • Abstaining... for a while

  • Playing out fantasies

  • Trying something "forbidden"

  • Creating anticipation in advance

There are many ways to heighten emotions during sex and I recommend you try everything you can think of. A little bit of thought is all it takes to take good sex and make it great sex... and who doesn't want that?

Tyler is a regular guy who enjoys sex and pleasuring his lovers. When he realised a lot of other guys were having the same problems he'd had in the past, he decided to do something about it. Visit his website to find out how to make love to a woman's mind and body and download his free report "Why You Might Be Bad In Bed... And What To Do About It."

He prides himself on being different and avoiding unnecessary hype and huge promises. While other "sex gurus" promise mind bending multiple orgasms from super ninja g-spot techniques invented by Tibetan monks... he focuses on the power of a woman's mind for creating a powerful sexual response that lasts a lot longer than a night of passion.

If you're ready for the real, straight forward answers about amazing your lover in the bedroom, check out his website for more free information and articles.


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