Sexuality Tips For You.

August 26, 2008

A Woman's Guide to Having a One-Night Stand

By Trudy-Ann Ewan

Saturday night, the crowd is jumping and the music is jamming. I was on the prowl. In walks one of the hottest guys I ever seen. Tonight looks promising and he's definitely coming home with me tonight. After a few drinks and a couple of dances that looked like we were making love in the club, we hailed a cab and half hour later he's in my apartment. With a touch of a button, slow music starts pouring out of the stereo.

After a few drinks of Stone's Ginger Wine, sexy sounds of Usher slowly wafting from the speakers of my stereo, we were ready to make love in my club. He was good, very good and I had a lot of fun but all good things eventually come to an end. I looked at the alarm clock on nightstand and it was reading 6a.m. I was in a good mood, so I'll let him sleep for another hour after which it would be time for him to go. An hour later I woke him up, called him a cab, thanked him for a wonderful night and went back to bed with Usher still playing in the background. Later I got up and called my girlfriends and told them all about the hot stud I picked up last night. Good memories. That was a one night stand!

Ladies, we all have a wild side, which we would like to explore and let loose before marriage, husband and kids begin to take up our time. So before you loose your precious single minutes begin living up your single life. There are no rules that say that you can't have and enjoy one night stands. It's not something that was invented just for men. But in order to handle a one-night stand, there are a few things to know first. While there is no need to be polite, there is no cause to be rude either unless the one night stand is having an attitude. If the sex was great then that gets them a ticket to spending the night, but if it was not that great, he needs to leave right after it's over.

Wish him a safe ride back to his place, turn the double locks in your door, take a shower and go to bed. Maybe finish that bottle of Ginger Wine. For a sleepover to occur there has to several redeeming factors, the sex was phenomenal, it's very late at night and there are no trains or taxi's that early in the morning. Also, it depends on the distance they would have to travel to go back to their place. With all those factors, then it is OK for them to sleep over for the next few hours until dawn, but at the crack of dawn they have to be up and out of your bed and your apartment.

A one night stand is not the beginning of a relationship, so there should be no dates the next day. That includes, brunch, dinner, supper and any other get together activities, unless it's for a repeat of the night before. You are not friends, it was just sex. If one party wants more out of the one night stand, then said party needs to consider a restraining order, because there maybe a potential stalker in the making. A one night stand is not a pre-cursor to a long-term relationship. Usually, when an individual partakes in a one-night stand, they have no intention of seeing the other party again.

Unfortunately, for one young lady who had a one night stand while on Spring Break in Puerto Rico, only to return to New York and run into the guy at her workplace on the first day of her new job. Not good. However there is one exception to the non-relationship one-night stand rule. There are times when a one-night stand can become a repeat situation. It can stand on its own or it can turn into a friends with benefits situation, which is a where you both get together every so often for some good sex, then that is an on-going relationship with some obvious restrictions. In this instance it is easy to develop some deeper feelings. If this happens you either express your feelings immediately to the other person and see if they are on the same page or you pull back from your involvement with this individual.

There are a few exceptions to one-night stands. If there was an emotional/spiritual connection on the dance floor, that means the sex will be phenomenal. Usually when that happens, by way of the connection, engaging in light, easy going conversation is ok. With that comes a feeling of relaxation and you may turn your one night stand into a friend's with benefits situation. Let things flow naturally. Do not look for a one night stand to have possibilities. Ladies, if you are looking for possibilities and start to have expectations, then be advised, forewarned or just plain have a friend slap you upside your head as a reminder, do not enter into one night stands. You will not be able to handle it.

This no-strings attached behaviour is not for the faint of heart. You have to be emotional stable and not be on the hunt for that special someone. A friend of mine had a one night stand while on vacation in Paris last year. It was a fitting end to a night of dancing and high energy. The other party seemed mature enough, but then after a few Mojitos and Caipirinhas all hot guys would seem mature. When the night was over, she thanked him and went back to her hotel. Since the guy was cool, she had given him her cell number and a year later he still calls to talk about that night being the best night of his life. And he lives in Paris! He just doesn't get it that it was just sex while on vacation and nothing more. My friend had to change her number.
One night stands are very common especially among college students. It's very easy to hook up with a dorm mate or with other hot college students partying on Spring Break. However, one night stands occurs all the time between all sorts of people. As long as the participating individuals act responsibly then it's their prerogative. Some people frown on one night stands and understandably so.

There are downsides to one night stands:

-You do not know the person you are taking into your apartment and that can be dangerous.
-You may not even reach home and then if no one knows where you are then you can be in even worse danger.

It is important at all times that if you do decide to have a one night stand, call a friend and let him or her know where you will be for the night or who will be in your apartment at 4am in the morning.

However, ladies, do not get in the practice of having only one night stands. Remember, that while they can be enjoyable and exotic especially if you are on vacation in an exotic location, continuous one night stands are empty and have nothing long term to offer.

About The Author:

Trudy-Ann Ewan, Founder and Director of Create Your Passion Enterprises, is a Creative Life Coach, Author, Freelance Writer, Photographer and Motivational Speaker specializing in the art of helping individuals to create their passion by defining who they are. To learn more sign up for her monthly newsletter on: or join her social network where you can participate in her exclusive discussions at:

2 of the Best Sex Games You Can Play

By Tristan Lee

Having a good relationship with someone means that you aren't scared to try new things, especially when it comes down to making love with your partner. Although making love in a straight forward way gets the job done, you'll feel more intimate with your lover if you think of new ways to make love like playing games. In addition, playing games can be seen as a prelude to foreplay, which will make the build up even more orgasmic.

So, if you and your lover are doing the same things over and over every single time you guys make love, take note that things can get rather boring fast and you're your partner may lose interest in you. Guys don't really care about this too much, but for women, creativity plays a pretty big role in a sexual relationship. Instead of having that same constant hi-and-goodbye quickie, why not try something new and exciting? Here are some sex games that you and your lover can play to heat things up.

1) Hide-and-Seek

This is how this game works. During the beginning of the game you and your partner get a container. This can be glass cup, a clear bag, or a clear bowl. Each of you guys will go to separate rooms and write down one fantastic thing that you would like your partner to do to you. This can range from giving you a nice massage or biting you on the neck. After you're done writing 10-15 items, go back to the same room and put those items back into your container. You may even want to wink at your partner for fun if you have some very inventive ideas. Now each of you guys will take one item out and go hide it in one place around the house. Hint: A good place to hide an item is under a flower pot. After this is done, don't tell your partner where you hid it. Now both will go back in the room and either do one or two things. Decide to go find the item in 5 minutes, seeing if anyone did find it. If both of you guys find it, perform the item task on each other. If one person finds it, then the other person has to perform the item on them. If no one finds it, grab another item and repeat the process. If you guys are good at holding in temptation, then you guys can agree to do nothing at that moment and go about your day acting coy but "knowing" that these items are floating around the house waiting to be discovered. The second method is more likely to build up a longer duration of anticipation, driving you and your lover wild if you guys aren't composed people.

2) Hide-and-Seek 2

This is the easier version of the game described above. Both of you guys will start out in the room. You will put a blindfold on your partner or vise versa. The person with the blindfold will count to sixty while the other person goes and hides. After the countdown is over, the person with the blindfold will go find the other person. When they find the person that is hiding, then most likely they can proceed to love making in that spot. This is a cool game to play if you want to discover love making in new areas around the house. However, if you're thinking of not hiding and laying on top of the kitchen counter, then that would be considered as cheating, unless the other person doesn't care. Warning: This game might be hard to play if you have a small house.

Hopefully you find these games fun and effective. For more games like these, go to

Three Ways to Start Having Hot and Steamy Sex

By Tristan Bailey

Whether you want to regain the passion you once had for each other or you just want to improve your sex life, you can easily do so by implementing a few simple tips. Having a passionate and fulfilling sex life should be a priority for all couples as it will help to strengthen the bond you have for one another and improve your relationship.

Here are a few ways to improve your sex life:

1. Concentrate On Foreplay

One of the easiest ways to instantly improve your sex life is to concentrate more on foreplay and not just rush into having intercourse straight away. Seducing and arousing your partner should be a priority and just the knowledge that a sexual encounter is about to happen can be a huge turn on.

Extending the amount of time that you spend kissing and caressing your partner before you have intercourse will make sex feel like an all night event rather than a flash in the pan. So take your time and give extra special attention to the erogenous zones of your partner's body.

Once you are both aroused, its time to move on to oral sex and take the excitement to the next level. There is nothing wrong with women having an orgasm during foreplay and they should actively encourage it. Men should concentrate on rhythmically stroking the clitoris with their tongue while stimulating the G Spot with their fingers.

2. Start Giving Instructions

Its amazing how many people don't tell their partner exactly what they want and what gives them the most pleasure. Giving sexual instructions to your partner is the easiest way to achieve explosive orgasms and have mind blowing sex that satisfies your needs and desires.

Telling your partner what you want doesn't have to be a long, in depth discussion and it can be as simple as whispering a few specific commands during oral sex and intercourse. Women need to tell men exactly where they want to be touched and show them how they want their clitoris to be stimulated.

Some women shy away from telling their man precisely how much pressure they want from his tongue during oral sex and where he should concentrate his movements. But doing this will increase the chances of achieving a clitoral orgasm which is one of the most exhilarating moments for men during sex.

3. Have Spontaneous Sex

There is no doubt that instant gratification can sometimes be the best kind when it comes to sex, so the next time you feel the need to satisfy your cravings you shouldn't hold back. Spontaneous sexual encounters can often be the most passionate and vigorous which is why they should be had more often.

There is nothing wrong with women taking the lead and initiating sex with men when they feel the urge to do so. The traditional sex roles that say men have to initiate sex are outdated and women need to start turning the tables and have more spontaneous sex on a regular basis.

In many cases, a few simple changes can really make a difference to your current sex life with your partner and you can start to enjoy having intercourse on a regular basis again. Its important never to take your partner for granted and you should always be affectionate whenever possible. This will result in more intimacy and love for one another as well as more sex.

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Tips to Put the Sizzle in Your Sex Life

By Tracy Kristalakis

Enhancing your love life is something that every long term relationship eventually requires. Sooner or later your love life will be affected by the regular stresses of everyday life and many other factors that may make your love life seem lacking. Often we hear that our partners are too tired to make love or perhaps there is a problem in the relationship that make love making just a bit more difficult than it used to be. So many aspects of our daily lives are affected and reflected in our personal relationships. This is when learning how to enhance your love life becomes very important.

For starters it helps for you to be able to incorporate playfulness in the bedroom. Being playful in the bedroom is a key factor to you having fun during lovemaking. It also helps you to get closer to your mate.

Learning how to become more spontaneous when it comes to love making can also help you to improve your love life. The reason for this is because it lets your mate know that you still find them sexy and attractive, which is the key to a great love life. Here are some more tips to making your love life better:

====> Try to add some spice into your relationship by bringing toys to the bedroom with you. It can really make a huge difference.

====> Role playing is a great way for you to be able to make your love life a great deal better. It is also a good way to explore fantasies.

====> Explore your fantasies with your mate and be very specific in your requests. Just be sure that both you and your mate are comfortable with your ideas.

====> Be willing to talk openly with your mate about what you want in the bedroom.

====> Having an open mind toward sex is a key component in keeping your love life secure.

====> Having sex in different areas other than the bedroom can spice up any relationship and add a sense of danger to it.

====> Trying new and different positions can really make a difference in your love life.

There are just so many things that you can do to make your love life better that it can be difficult to settle on any one in particular. If you are willing to explore new territories it can lead you to a more fulfilling sex life with your partner. Most of what is needed is an open mind because that is when the inhibitions are lower. A good sex life is very important to any relationship and a willingness to do whatever you can to spice things up helps as well.

If you'd like to have more passion, playfulness and positively great sex, sign up for Your Great Sex Guideฎ monthly newsletter by visiting Sign-up now and get 101 Romantic Ideas by Michael Webb as your gift. Would you like more tips to make your sex life sizzle? Get your FREE copy of 100 Love Making Tips of All Time. All from Your Great Sex Guideฎ, Tracy Kristalakis MS, LPC.

Sexual Myths Busted - Get the Truth on Common Sexual Misconceptions

By Tracy Kristalakis

Sex education whether formal or informal is still highly lacking in the United States. There are many people that have received information from friends and family members that is incorrect leading to common mistaken beliefs. Here are some of those beliefs and the truth behind it.

The amount of lubrication or wetness a woman has tells you how turned on she is.

Although women do secrete lubrication when sexually aroused, there are many factors that determine how much is actually made. The most determining factor is genetics. Other factors that affect it are the natural hormonal cycle, stress, and medication to name a few. When in doubt, use a quality lubricant product.

If you have sex in the water, you can't get pregnant.

Sperm are designed to swim. If you do not take preventive measures, than plan on getting pregnant. All it takes is one sperm at the right time.

People that watch porn are perverted.

Watching pornography is not about perversion. It's a form of visual fantasy. It's just one of many ways people (including women) can get turned on sexually. There are no scientific studies showing a link between pornography and perversion.

Pills and pumps can make the penis bigger.

There is no pill that has been scientifically proven to increase length or girth of the penis. A pump may temporarily add size, but will lose any effect once the pump is removed. The only pump that works is
one that is surgically implanted, but this is typically for men with erectile disorders.

If a woman doesn't orgasm from sexual intercourse, than the man isn't doing his job.

Around 80% of women need to have their clitoris stimulated in order to reach orgasm, so intercourse alone doesn't necessarily bring one to orgasm. Imagination and variety are the best orgasm tools.

If a man is interested in anal sex he must be secretly homosexual.

The anus is rich with nerves and anal sex can be quite pleasurable. Homosexuality is about being sexually attracted to a person of the same gender.

Having good sex comes naturally.

Sex is a skill like any other-it must be learned. Good lovers are those that are kind and considerate and make their partner's pleasure a priority.

There are many more misconceptions out there. By reading articles like this and passing it on to your friends and family, you not only become well informed, you are a sex educator, too!

If you'd like to have more passion, playfulness and positively great sex, sign up for Your Great Sex Guideฎ monthly newsletter by visiting Sign-up now and get 101 Romantic Ideas by Michael Webb as your gift. Would you like more tips to make your sex life sizzle? Get your FREE copy of 100 Love Making Tips of All Time by visiting All from Your Great Sex Guideฎ, Tracy Kristalakis MS, LPC.

Inviting Sex Toys Into the Bedroom

By Tracy Kristalakis

If you've never used sex toys, it can be enticing, intriguing, intimidating and scary all at once. The Rabbit was made popular when Sex and the City featured it one one of the shows. It's not uncommon to hear that sex partners have broken them in a show of jealousy and "how could I possibly keep up with that!" There are a variety of toys to meet every need-everything from mild to wild. Toys offer the benefit of increasing the level of intimacy and closeness in your relationship and the satisfaction of knowing you can give your partner powerful orgasms. It offers the opportunity to for you to grow in your relationship by being able to talk about sex and desire and what's important to you in this area of your life. If you can talk openly and honestly about this, you can do anything! Don't let this opportunity slip away. Here are some tips to help you explore the possibility of using these "tools" with your partner.

====> Talk with a reputable sex toy dealer.

A dealer should make you feel comfortable and answer your questions frankly so you don't feel embarrassed or intimidated. You can find them through websites, physical stores and through the home party system. A dealer will have knowledge about different items and can help you choose the best ones for you.

====> Don't come at your partner with the mega beast dong attached to your harness and say, "I'm ready for you, baby!"

You will scare your partner so badly that they may never have sex with you again. Don't bring up the subject while you are in the throes of passion. Set aside some time when the two of you aren't distracted.

====> Start out slowly.

Start out with something that isn't so intimidating. You can use some sensual products like edible lotions, massage products, feathers. A great start is to use warming massage lotions for an incredibly sexy and sensual massage. If you're not sure about how to give a sensual massage there are great videos that will take you tastefully step-by-step on how to do one. There are edible body powders that you can apply with a feather. Dust this all over your partner's body with the feather and then lick it off.

====> Add a small vibrator that you can use externally.

A bullet or or any egg-shaped vibrator that fits in the palm of your hand is a great way to start. You can target highly erogenous areas of the body and and drive each other wild! A wireless bullet is great to put in the palm of your hand and caress your partner's testicles. It's also great to massage your partner's labia. If you like to play with each other in water, there are waterproof toys as well.

=====> Look at adding some other toys.

After you've talked with your dealer and experimented with some of the less intimidating products, it's time to ramp it up a bit. There are toys that are designed to be used internally in the vagina and anally; there are toys designed to stimulate the penis through pumping action or sliding it through a silicone sleeve. There are also toys you can use to introduce a little bondage and fetish action into your bedroom. If you'd like to explore the wild side and are not quite sure, there are great educational videos that demonstrate how to go about adding this aspect to your relationship or you can consult with a sex educator.

Sex toys can never replace the human touch; they can't cuddle with you or tell you that they love you. What they can do is add a level of excitement and novelty that can take your sex life to the next level.

If you'd like to have more passion, playfulness and positively great sex, sign up for Your Great Sex Guideฎ monthly newsletter by visiting Sign-up now and get 101 Romantic Ideas by Michael Webb as your gift. Would you like more tips to make your sex life sizzle? Get your FREE copy of 100 Love Making Tips of All Time. All from Your Great Sex Guideฎ, Tracy Kristalakis MS, LPC.

Do You Satisfy Her in Bed - Find Out How to Tell If You Please Her Sexually

By Tony Ross

Many men will often be unsure of how well they are able to satisfy their woman in the bed. Even if she tells them that she is satisfied, she may just not want to embarrass the man. Is she faking her orgasm to make you think that you are providing her pleasure or are great in bed? Find out how to tell if she is really satisfied, and make her happier.

If she wants more sex all the time, then clearly you are providing her pleasure. A woman will not be asking for sex if it is not a pleasurable experience for her. This will be a dead giveaway that you are providing her pleasure. If the sexual experience is not enjoyable, there is no way she would be asking for more.

Is she really excited during sex? Is she is screaming or moaning during sex then she is clearly enjoying it. If her body is moving a lot as opposed to just laying there, then this is a good sign that you are giving her great pleasure. Pay attention to how she reacts during sex, and learn what drives her wild. She will thank you for it and you will both be happier.

She tells you that you are pleasuring her during sex or after. If she out of the blue tells you just how great you are in bed, then this is a great sign. A woman will not out of the blue tell you something like this unless she means it.

You ever think you will never figure women out? You ever wonder why it seems that sometimes you can never say the right thing? Being successful with a woman is not as hard as you may think. There are reasons that some men are successful. If they are successful, you can be too. Follow the link to discover the secrets: 7 Secrets of Women

Do Women Love a Bigger Penis Head Or a Big Penis Base?

By Temitayo Olatunde

One of the questions men who undergo one form of penis enhancement or the other have is whether to focus on a bigger penis base or a bigger penile head. All men know instinctively these days or maybe not instinctively. I think more like the influx of porn on the entire media outlets has given men the message that penis size truly does matter. Women nowadays have actually begun to speak the truth concerning sex issues of which a small penis size is one of the three top causes of sexual frustration in women.

So which do women actually prefer? Is it a big penis head or a big penis base? There are a large number of men who would prefer a big penis head to a big base. But is the head actually more important than the base? Let's analyze this from the pleasure achieved during sexual intercourse angle and leave out the issue of sight. At the entrance on the vagina, the clitoris is located and if you are the type of man that pays attention to the needs of your woman, you would agree with me that the stimulating your woman's clitoris is a very easy and stress free method of giving your woman an orgasm and relaxing her before you penetrate her. With a big head, once it is in it stimulates only deep inside of the vagina walls, Although women love the feeling of deep penetration, most women achieve vaginal orgasm only when their clitoris are stimulated simultaneous while being penetrated. And that's why a bigger penis base gives more pleasure than a big penis head.

If you are unfortunate to be born with both a small penis base (shaft) and a small penis head, you must be feeling a little overwhelmed right now knowing you do not have the penis size that makes sex extremely enjoyable for your woman. Before you start getting depressed, let me share some good news. Penis enhancement is now possible without surgery. How? You may ask. A combination of Penis enlargement exercises and penis enlargement pill would give you a bigger penis in a few weeks time.

I used to feel very insecure about my penis size, most especially my flaccid size, which was very tiny. But as of now I am 8.5 inches in length and 6.5 inches in girth. How did I achieve that? By engaging in a quality penis enhancement exercise program and taking a herbal penis enhancement pill. These two work wonders as they both stimulate penile growth internally and externally. Are you tired of your small penis? Then do something about it.

Visit for more details on how you can achieve a bigger penis head and base, yeah that's right you don't have to choose (I guess you're in luck).

Temitayo Olatunde is passionate about educating couples both young, middle aged and old on how they can enjoy a great sex life. Visit his blog where he discusses a lot more on how to achieve an explosive sex life!

Ultimate Sex Mistakes You Are Making Right Now! Discover How to Tell If She Likes Your Sex Or Not!

By Tamara Ruttan

It's good to know if you are a stud in bed as well, and if you are everything she says you are; or she is just lying. It boosts your ego, and can also tell you where you are going wrong, so you can start going right. Obviously men want to please her as much as you can get pleased; after all a real man can get and give at the same time. Here is how you tell if she's really into you during your sex:

1) Noises- they mean nothing, I can yell and not actually be mad. Point proved that things can be exaggerated... What you want to check is the physical things- is she sweating- when you are doing an activity which works you, you sweat, not everyone sweats a lot, but still people sweat. Also breathing, during sex you burn more calories than if you were running a mile; well same thing, is she breathing hard, trying to get oxygen; or is she calm. If she's mellow and calm, she does not like it, and she is obviously not involved; sex is physical activity, so the signs would be there, if there was any activity worth acknowledging.

2) Face- honestly when women exercise they will make the same faces as they do in sex. Check her face, does it look the same as when she is physically active in things other than sex. If it's blank and really not all there, like you usually see her in other things; then she is not enjoying. It's a known fact if you got kicked in the balls, your face would scrunch up too; because the nerves are connected up your spine to your brain. Same thing for her, you don't have to kick her, but obviously if you are giving her any pleasure or feelings in her nerves her face would respond as well against her will.

3) More please? - Well afterwords she wouldn't be repelled. Most women do not actually like sex, even if she tells you she does, it's just their mentality. However if it was good, she wouldn't be denying you after or making excuses, she may even ask you for more. If she is asking for more, then you did something right, since most women don't even like sex.

An Absolute must know for you- What You Are About to Discover is Something No One Will Ever Tell You About Women. Here's a "GREAT SECRET" which will help you to pickup any women without SAYING a word to them! Not a single word! And NO rejection either. This is the most controversial & shocking revelation of what women REALLY want in a man....You Simply Can not afford to miss this at any cost. Read on....- Tell Me The Secret

How to Know When She Wants Sex - Become a Stunning Womanizer Instantly!

By Tamara Ruttan

Many men have found out this not so secret, secret about women; is how they are with sex. Most of the time they make the mistake of trying to have sex with a woman in the wrong time, wrong manner, and wrong approach. She will just reject you, thinking you are trying to use her, and are being really inconsiderate, thinking with the wrong head. And you are left standing, slowly going down wondering what you did wrong. Here is how you know when it's the right time to have sex with her:

1) You feel comfortable so does she- this means you have discussed it, gone over it, relieved the tensions; shared things and boundaries, and are not too shy. If she is feeling shy, and not comfortable with it, even if you just bring it up; then it is not the right time to have sex. Also discussing methods of birth control are important in making her, and you comfortable, because as much of a concern for you it is, it's also for her; unless you want children now.

2) Trust- she has to trust you first, or get some sort of trust. If you want to be having proper sex (as in she is not drunk, and is fully aware, and is not forced); then there needs to be trust from both ends. Trust means not sharing sex secrets afterwards or before doing so with anyone, and also not putting down the performance of anyone afterwards. She is putting her trust in you to respect and please her body; as well as remain the same after having sex. Some men would make it a one night stand, then don't see her ever again; she trusts you to respect her.

3) When she consents. Obviously you cannot force her, and she should say yes. That's exactly when you know it's the right time, and make sure she is aware that she is saying it, and in a comfortable situation- as in you didn't pressure her to do it. When she comes in on her own, it will be good after relationship wise. Getting her to consent depends on the girl, what she wants, the relationship, and so forth. But respect, trust, and being able to be comfortable with you have to be established first.

An Absolute must know for you- What You Are About to Discover is Something No One Will Ever Tell You About Women. Here's a "GREAT SECRET" which will help you to pickup any women without SAYING a word to them! Not a single word! And NO rejection either. This is the most controversial & shocking revelation of what women REALLY want in a man....You Simply Can not afford to miss this at any cost. Read on....- Tell Me The Secret

How to Make a Girl Achieve Multiple Orgasms - Here is Something You Can't Afford to Miss at All

By Pushpa Pal Singh

It's every guy's dream to have his girl screaming with absolute pleasure in bed and virtually begging him for more and more. A lot of men out there don't know the perfect ways to actually thrill a woman completely into a blasting orgasm. It takes much more than what you think. Read on to discover how you can easily give any girl multiple orgasms and really make her reach the peak of pleasure in bed.

Stimulate her most powerful tool- Well one of the most powerful sexual organs in a woman's body is her mind. Yes that's right her mind is the only thing which can turn her on within seconds. The best possible way to turn her on is to appeal straight to her emotions. Tell her how badly you desire her in bed and how good she makes you feel every time you get intimate with her. You see the more you make her feel good about herself the more she would get turned on.

Make her wait for it- Go close to her lips but don't actually kiss her. Try to rub them around her lips but never go into a full kiss. You see doing this would create massive amounts of anxiety in her which would really drive her wild. What you are doing is making her wait and almost work for it which would create enormous amount of passion as well.

Learn to run the long race- Women always take longer than men to achieve an orgasm therefore you must learn how to last long enough in bed. This can be easily done by training your PC muscles on a regular basis. It will give you the ultimate power to hold which would help you last long enough to make her achieve an orgasm.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but you absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover 9 most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know. This is something you can't afford to miss at any cost click here- Tell Me The Secrets

How to Hit Her G-spot & Give Her an Astonishingly Fast Orgasm - You Simply Can't Afford to Miss This

By Pushpa Pal Singh

Nothing can be more pleasurable for a woman than a strong G-spot orgasm. Stimulation of her G-spot makes most women orgasm faster than you can possibly imagine. But the main question most guys have is where is this G-spot located and how can one effectively stimulate it to ensure maximum pleasure for the girl? Read on to discover where this G-spot is and how you can effectively stimulate it to give her that ultimate pleasure in bed.........

It's two inches at the opening of the vagina- The female G-spot is located right two inches from the opening of the vagina at the top. This means the real G-spot is right below her pubic bone and feels like a spongy tissue when touched.

Use the right motion- Now you actually don't have to know the exact location of it but by using some simple yet effective techniques you can directly hit the G-spot and stimulate her to help her achieve an eventual orgasm. This can be easily done by using your middle two fingers and going in the up and down motions instead of going in the in and out motion. You see going up and down would directly stimulate her G-spot to the extreme and she will achieve greater levels of pleasure within no time.

Use the right position- There are positions too which directly stimulate her G-spot very effectively. Missionary position has been known to be one of the best when it comes to the matter of stimulating her G-spot, at the same time standing position is also known to be real effective as again it directly hits the G-spot.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but you absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover 9 most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know. This is something you can't afford to miss at any cost click here- Tell Me The Secrets

What Made Your Sex Life Lose the Real Fun and Sensuality?

By Neha Kaushik

Often you guys would have noticed that all of a sudden your girl goes slack in the middle of sex and even at times she is faking her orgasms. Have you ever tried to find out what makes it happen? If not, 'm going to tell you some of the points that you need to take care of while having sex with your partner. This will help you in enhancing your sexual experience.

First and foremost it's important to understand the basic fact that sex is not alone about seeking pleasure rather it is all about giving pleasure to your partner and seek it in return. There should be a mutual response from both the sides.

Directly fishing for the cherry is the most common of all the mistakes. This makes her feel nonplussed and the flame dies of there and then. You must know the fact that women take longer to achieve orgasm and the foreplay is the driving force. It makes her body hot and prepared for orgasm. And, when you instead of caressing, kissing, cajoling, fondling, and talking to her in whisper about her body heads straight for the finale she feels let down. She looses interest however she keeps up the rhythm so as to not to let you feel disappointed.

Again when you are about to reach climax, your asking her when she is going to get orgasm makes her slack. She may be on the way to reach her climax but you're asking for it in middle blows the passion off. She feels as if she has been paid for being in bed with you so get done with it as soon as possible.

Biting and gnawing at her nipples as if you are some distinct species of vulture trying to prey on her is seriously going to make the situation worst. Nipples are the most sensitive part of her body so be gentle towards her buds instead of pulling at them as if they are thorns in the bush.

Kissing roughly also leads to the disastrous end of the play even before the act has begun. Women love warm passionate kisses and not the going at it wildly. This can be reserved for few wild forays but not all the times. Keep these general but too important points in mind and sizzle up your sex life.

Is a Change in Sex Good For a Long Term Lovemaking Relationship?

By Mini Mongo

Ah, a relationship. When it's new and the "bedroom stuff" happens, it's great. All parties are excited and you're like rabbits, always wanting more. But what happens as it goes on? Sometimes, one of the parties involved just doesn't feel like doing the "bedroom stuff" as often.

Oh, it's not that they don't like it, it could be as simple as doing the same thing all the time. Humans need variety to stay interesed, the more variety involved, the better AND MORE FREQUENT stuff happens, which makes all parties involved happy, right?

Being in a position to constantly try different moves, positions, styles, ect is a position that most people want to be in. Ever here the term "Givers Gain"?

If you keep relying on the same old few postions and techniques when it comes to sex, someone will eventually get bored, right? Think about it, if you do the same thing day in and day out, it gets boring and not so fun to do. In the sexual world, this usually will result in at least one party to lose interest, and then guess whay...the actually "Bedroom stuff" will get more and more infrequent, which is NOT good for anyone involved.

Ever think about doing a different routine? Maybe try a different room? Instead of "bedroom stuff", what about "living room stuff" or "The Den stuff"? Just the fact that the routine changes scenery may be a HUGE turn on for some folks, but why stop there? Why not try differnent activites, different styles or even entirely different positions? If slightly changing one area causes more sexual reaction from either party, what would happen if you change multiple areas consistantly?

Do you think your partner will be more or less willing to engage in these "new sesantional sexual adventures"? Most people don't like change, but when it comes to sex, change isn't always a bad thing.

You are now invited to find out more about how change in your sexual "bedroom stuff" is good. Just go to and find out what the buzz is all about!

Premature Ejaculation Can Destroy a Relationship

By Mathew Gibson

If you are in a committed relationship, there is a good chance that you already know about how important it is to be in sync with your partner. For many people, having sex is one of the most important ways that they communicate, and one thing that you might discover is that that communication will be impaired if you have been affected by the issue of premature ejaculation, or P.E.

This sexual dysfunction is something that many men face, but if you find that it happens repeatedly that it can be the source of a great deal of stress between you and your partner.

Many men want to last longer in bed to help satisfy their sexual partners, however, if it becomes obsessive for a man to perform better sexually, then it can create a problem for both partners. Not only can a man's self-esteem suffer a tremendous blow, but his partner can become frustrated sexually as well. She might feel as though her partner isn't trying hard enough, or that he doesn't care about her sexual satisfaction. If she feels this way for long, you'll find that the relationship is going to have some severe problems.

The truth is that the man cares deeply about the satisfaction of his partner. The challenge is that he needs to communicate this with her so that she knows how he feels. Men often shut down when it comes to communicating, especially about sexual issues. A lack of communication can drive a wedge between a man and a woman in a relationship and lead to deterioration for the couple. This can stop you from feeling connected to your partner, which leads to even less communication and further deterioration. If you do not attempt to make amends quickly, then this vicious cycle continues to worsen.

Here are three quick steps to communicate to your partner:

1. Use "I" and not "You" during conversation.

When talking to your partner about sexual issues and your desire to perform longer, use "I" and not "you." For example, don't try and tell them how they feel. Maybe you are satisfying them already. If this is the case, your partner doesn't want to hear you telling them how they feel. Instead, say thing like, "I want to make sure that I'm doing everything I can for your pleasure." Or "I feel like I can do better."

2. Be specific.

When communicating with your partner, be specific. Don't just say that you want to go longer during love making. When you get specific, then you also reveal your true intentions that you want to communicate. For example, do you really want to go longer or do you want to make sure that your partner is satisfied every time you engage in lovemaking?

3. Practice talking about sex.

Schedule a seven day period where you refrain from sexual intercourse. During this time it is okay to be intimate with your partner, but do not have sex. During this seven day period, take five or ten minutes per day and talk about sex. This will get you in the habit of communicating and makes it easier for the both of you.

Part of your open communication may also include finding solutions to premature ejaculation that can help both of your achieve your desired results. So in summary, keep your communication open, do not tell your partner how "they" feel, practice talking about sex, and look for solutions. Follow these simple tips to develop a healthy, long term relationship that keeps you both passionate in your relationship.

Who else wants to discover how to stop premature ejaculation and how to last longer in bed? Visit us today.

Spice Up Your Love Life - Put on a Show For Your Partner!

By Maria Holland

Masturbation is normally regarded as a personal experience that is normally done solo, but I am here to tell you that this does not have to be the case. In fact performing for a partner can give the experience an added edge that just is not there normally.

Now guys you may be thinking "This is all well and good but she will never go for it". Well this is not necessarily true, just wait until you are both naked and really horny and ask her then, you will see she will be much more open about doing this for you.

Also make sure to reassure her that you are enjoying what she is doing. Tell her how much you are enjoying watching her do this to herself.

Obviously not all women are going to be this easy to put themselves in such a vulnerable position so try and make a game out of it. A good game you can try is a spin the bottle variation where when the bottle lands on your partner they have to do whatever you want them to do. This will open her up more because she knows she can get you to do anything in return.

Just make sure you truly know your partner before attempting this as you never know what she will get you to do!

Other variations on this sex game that you could try would be to get a deck of cards and play high card, or if your a poker fan you could have a round of Texas Hold-em with the loser having to perform a dare!

Sex Games can be a very good way of spicing up your sex life, 100 Sex Games is a great resource that will keep you and your partner occupied for years to come.

For more information and a review of this product check out Top Seduction Techniques

Great Sex Game For You and Your Partner - Beat the Clock

By Maria Holland

'Beat the Clock' is quite a simple game at heart, you make a bet with your partner that you can give her an orgasm within a given period of time. It is a good idea to start high and keep lowering the time (like levels in a video game). If you win and you give her an orgasm you get a prize, if you fail to give her an orgasm then she gets a prize!

It's advisable that you know what your partner likes before attempting this game as you may find yourself losing more than winning!

Here are a few tips for you and your partner for when you attempt this game:

Decide who is the giver and who is the 'taker' - Make sure your roles are clear from the beginning and that everyone knows the rules.

No Cheating! - There is no putting your partner off during this game and no trying to hold back an orgasm!

Determine the prize before hand - Always make sure both of you are aware of the prize before the game otherwise you are going to be in for some arguments afterward.

Get yourself an alarm clock - Because lets face it neither one of you is going to be looking at the clock during this game.

And finally remember - Your going against the clock here so get busy!

This is a perfect game for couples who love sex games. It is very exciting and something you will play again and again.

Sex Games can be a very good way of spicing up your sex life, 100 Sex Games is a great resource that will keep you and your partner occupied for years to come.

For more information and a review of this product check out Top Seduction Techniques

3 Great Tips For Great Pick-Up Sex

By Maria Holland

So you have picked up an attractive woman, be it at a bar, grocery store or even the dog pound. Now you are back at your place or hers and things are going to the next stage. At this point in time you are just hoping that you do not disappoint her in bed because you would love to see her again. So here are 3 great tips for great first time sex:

1) Foreplay, Foreplay and Foreplay:

It is all about the foreplay, as you may have heard before it takes a woman almost twice as long to orgasm as it does for a man. So think of this as a warm up to the real thing. Get her going and turn up the heat.

2) Chop and Change the Positions:

Remember this is the first time you are having sex with this woman, you do not know what she likes so remember to keep it different. Every ten minutes or so change the position until you find one she really enjoys and stay there for a while longer! This makes for much longer and a much more exiting sexual experience.

3) Show Her Something New:

Obviously this tip is really hard to find out because this is the first time with this woman so you have to use your imagination, do anything and everything you can think of (within reason of course!). If needs be ask her what her deepest fantasy is that she has never tried before and take her through it.

If you follow these tips you will always have her coming back for more time and time again.

For tips on how to pick up women and how to seduce them on the date i highly recommend GuyGetsGirl It's quite simply the best seduction guide on the web at the moment.

To read more about GuyGetsGirl take a look at our in-depth review on the guide at Top Seduction Techniques

Problems in Getting the Sex Life You Want and Deserve - Starting With N

By Levi Reiss

Whether heterosexual, homosexual, or somewhere in the middle we all want to improve our sex life. Who wants to be alone? We can't offer you an article, magic pill, perfume, potion, or pick-up line that will automatically send you and your intended partner to the bedroom. However, I really do believe that you can perk up your sex life whoever you are.

This article focuses on the problems and pitfalls that prevent you from improving your sex life. Another series focuses on what you should be doing. Both our "negative" and "positive" suggestions will help you get what you want. Here we look at neurosis, numb, and nymphomania.

N is for neurosis. Neuroses (that's the plural), who doesn't have them? But don't bring them with you when you are looking for a mate or to mate. Yes, no matter how you stifle them (neuroses, not mates) they are sure to pop up in all the familiar places. Put a lid on them; keep them under control when you are having fun. And remember, a major neurosis is sexual starvation. When you are enjoying each other, some of your neuroses may just start to weaken and fade. It's worth a try.

N is for numb. If you are really numb you should go see a doctor. Don't be without feelings. You don't have to be operatic or dramatic for a little love affair, or even a big one but there is no need to be numb. You're cheating your partner and yourself by feeling only with your feelers. Don't paint by the numbers, numskull.

N is for nymphomania. When we were young punks we thought that the greatest pleasure would be to meet a nymphomaniac. Boy, were we boys ever wrong. Nymphomania means the inability to derive satisfaction from sexual activity. This is a curse. If that's the case for you (really against you) please seek medical treatment. Why shouldn't you have a satisfying sex life, one that brings pleasure to yourself and your partner? On a perhaps related subject; lots of guys are intimidated by gals with a stronger sex drive than theirs. Many will feel quite inadequate under the circumstances. They too should seek medical treatment. It seems as if a substantial percentage of the population should seek medical treatment. And for the rest of us, keep reading my articles.

Are you tired of all this negativity? Take a look at our companion series that accentuates the positive.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine wine, eat fine food, and enjoy life. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new site celebrating all kinds of love including physical love at You will find a wide range of jokes, articles, and quotes devoted to various aspects of sex and a great collection of photos. If you don't know French, enjoy the translations. Check out his global wine website at

Getting the Sex Life You Want and Deserve - Starting With N

By Levi Reiss

Do you want to improve your sex life? It seems that most people do, whether they are heterosexuals, homosexuals, or somewhere in between. If you are like most of us, you want more sex and you want better sex, and you want it now. Don't believe that there is a magic pick-up line, pill, potion, or perfume that will make it happen immediately, if not sooner. But we do believe that our articles can make a major difference in your sex life, and even in your love life, if that's what you want. Why not give them a try?

We have so many suggestions for improving your sex life that we are putting together an alphabetical list of what to do. Just so you don't miss out, we are also putting together an alphabetical list of what not to do. Don't waste all your time, effort, perhaps money, and perhaps love by putting your foot in your mouth when what you really want; we all know what you really want. This article focuses on naughty, need, and notorious.

N is for naughty. In the old days naughty was about as far as things went without really being naughty. Hey buddy, do you want to buy some naughty pictures? Today you don't have to buy naughty pictures; you can go to my website and see as many as you like for free. I hate to say this but you can go to other websites and see much naughtier pictures. Bring a little naughtiness into the bedroom. It won't be for naught. In fact, there's naughting like it.

N is for need. Where would we be if people had no sexual needs? We'd be missing out on so much, and not only the sex. What a great feeling you have when you first realize that other people need sex, sex with you. Does this make them needy? You need not think that way. Maybe they just have good taste. And taste good as well. Need I say more?

N is for notorious. Now I am going to say something that I'm not supposed to say. One of the best ways to be sexually popular, especially when you are young is to become notorious. "Did you see how Nick dumped Nancy (or vice-versa)? He or she can't do that to me? I'm going to go out that jerk and show him (or her) a thing or two." The dumper becomes an object of choice; the dumpee becomes an object of ridicule. Did you ever hear a teen say, "I'm dying to go out with Ned or Nora, he or she is so nice and unnotorious?" And to think; all this in spite of parent's advice. Being notorious may be a negative characteristic, but believe me it can be very positive when finding playmates.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine wine, eat fine food, and enjoy life. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new site celebrating all kinds of love including physical love at You will find a wide range of jokes, articles, and quotes devoted to various aspects of sex and a great collection of photos. If you don't know French, enjoy the translations. Check out his global wine website at

Chinese Herbs to Increase Libido - A Potent Combination For Increased Libido

By Kelly Price

Chinese herbs to increase libido have been used for thousands of years and are now more popular than ever as people seek natural cures to increase their libido and sex drive...

Of course, you can take synthetic drugs and they can give you an erection but they don't give your libido a lift and you don't get the tingling sensations of desire that make for a complete sexual experience.

Chinese herbs to increase libido can give you both and here we will outline some of the most popular ones and what they can do in terms of enhancing libido.

Horny Goat Weed

Of course this one has a great name and it's very apt, as it works in 3 ways to enhance libido.

It will raise testosterone levels and it will also reduce stress and increase energy.

It also helps enhance levels of nitric oxide levels the key to getting an erection.

This is the chemical that is realized in the blood vessels near the penis which allows them to expand and take enough blood in to create an erection. Not enough nitric oxide? Well you won't get an erection - period.


Another great herb to increase nitric oxide levels and not only will it help enhance levels naturally it will also help pump blood strongly around the entire body and to the genitals. A strong libido is based on strong blood flow and this herb gets the blood pumping.

Ginkgo Bilboa

Another great circulatory herb which helps pump blood and oxygen to all areas of the body. It also protects blood vessels and reduces arteriosclerotic lesions. Finally, it increases the half-life of the endothelium relaxation factor, to ensure a long hard erection.

Tongkat Ali

The Glygopeptide compounds in Tongkat Ali increase free testosterone and decrease SHBG levels. This contributes to a mans erection ability, performance and sexual desire. Tongakat ali also helps keep sperm healthy, by increasing sperm count, size and motility.

Jujube Fruit

Jujube acts as an all over body tonic and helps relieve the following - tiredness, debility, restlessness and stress. The herb contains vitamins A, B-2, C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and complex sugars. This herb nourishes the blood and increases energy.

Get them All in Herbal Sex Pills

The above are not the only Chinese herbs to increase libido but as a combination they coverall the common causes of low libido and not only give your sexual health a boost but your overall feeling of wellness.

Today you can get all these herbs and more in super strength herbal sex pills. These pills, offer a great way to get harder erections and more libido, while at the same time improving your overall health.

Try Chinese herbs to increase libido and you maybe glad you did.


For more about natural cures for low libido and the best herbs for a Best Chinese Herbal Sex Pills and comprehensive info on Chinese Herbs to Increase Libido visit our website.

A Wonderful Moment

By Hermilando Aberia

In a reproductive health workshop for Filipino adolescents, the facilitator asked the young participants what they thought about, or how they would define, sex. The participants, in their teens and early 20s, almost covered the board with their responses. To cite a few, one said sex is "a tool for enjoyment." Another said sex is "intercourse-'the act'." (I thought the participant could have added a smiley on the card.) Another simply wrote "pleasure." And then another said sex is "a wonderful moment."

It seems there is so much magic in sex that most people are ready to say something nice about it. I myself think that "the act" can be so good that those who are "trapped" in the middle of it may not mind its possible consequences, including risks to their health. The sexual act can transmit various viruses, the most fearsome of which being the HIV that leads to AIDS. Recent reports say that at least 32 million people worldwide are infected with HIV/AIDS. In the Philippines, the reported casualties have already reached 728 since 1984. Worse, instead of going away, the HIV/AIDS problem is showing signs of growing. The Department of Health reported last week that the number of HIV cases doubled this year compared to last year, from a monthly average of 25 to 49. The Department of Health (DoH) also said the recent HIV-positive cases constituted mostly of homosexuals. In the past several years, the overseas Filipino workers-notably seamen-constituted the majority of HIV cases.

The HIV/AIDS menace is everybody's concern. Containing it along with other nagging and equally deadly diseases like malaria is one of the Millennium Development Goals set in 2000 to be accomplished by 2015. Multilateral and bilateral agencies like the United Nations, the Global Fund, the HIV/AIDS Alliance, World Bank, USAID, among others, as well as international social development organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, have pooled resources (financial, technical, information, etc.) to address the problem. In the Philippines, the DoH and NGOs like the Philippine Support Program (PHANSuP), have linked themselves to the allied global networks to enhance their prospects of preventing the spread of the disease as well as of providing proper treatment to those who have been afflicted.

The essence of the global response to the HIV/AIDS problem has been to inform the people about the disease. The key is for sexually active people not to get themselves trapped into "risky" sexual acts. The reproductive health workshop I mentioned is one of the many ways by which information on HIV/AIDS, reproductive health and other related issues can reach and be understood by people all the way down-in the Philippine context-to the "purok" [area] and "barangay" [village or neighborhood district] level. Here, PHANSuP, along with its network of nongovernmental organizations, national and local government agencies, community-based organizations, among others, has led the way in spreading the light on AIDS.

Being ill-informed can lead one to so much trouble, even for those who think that sex is a "tool for enjoyment." It pays one to know and, on the basis of that information, to behave. As health advocates say: "Be good. If you can't be good, be careful."

I also guess that heterosexual couples who are lost in that wonderful moment would hardly think about other things even if they are open to possible conception. They would have no need to bother themselves with the "kill-joy" thoughts about the woman's "burdens" of pregnancy, not to mention the hellish pain she gets to experience during delivery. And then there are the risks. Child-bearing is one of the causes of maternal deaths. Many infant deaths are also associated with problematic delivery.

But maybe-just maybe-God made sex so good so that the cycle of pleasure and pain and-up a higher level-of life and death, will continue. If sex was not that good, humans may defy Him, and invent something other than sex.

Thus after a harrowing pregnancy and a painful delivery, the mother gets overwhelmed with joy at the sight and the first touch of her baby. From then on, the baby becomes a priceless treasure. And, to the delight of the world, babies like her own have their own ways of endearing themselves to everyone.

Life continues and the mother will always be there to raise and protect her child. She is ready to face even death if only to ensure the safety of her child. She won't even allow anyone to call her children ugly, no matter what they may think. She will be there until her time ends. At her advanced age, she may also see her own children go through pain, and even face possible death, if only to have a chance that the next generation may live.

The father may or may not be as heroic as the mother. But his shining moment comes before the conception of the child. The story of "Helen of Troy" tells us that kings, along with legions of their subjects, killed one another before they earned the right to go to bed with the queen. In movies, we see men fighting one another while the lady waits for the last man standing. Elsewhere in the animal world, the male species earns breeding rights only after subduing all male contenders. Today, there are countless ways to play the breeding rights game (power, looks, words, wallet, even deceit instead of combat).

Man is hero before life. Woman is heroine at the first sign of life and many times thereafter, trying to sustain life. The point at which their roles converge is sex. The drama that spins the cycle of life and death begins with sex. It begins and ends with a wonderful moment.

Hermilando Aberia is an expert in social development work with at least 22 years of professional experience as either consultant or key staff member of health, community development, education and local governance projects. He has a Master's Degree in Development Management from the Asian Institute of Management.

Contact Information:
B21 L59 Kassel Kristina Heights,
Tacloban City, Philippines.
Mobile: (+63) 9058664106;

Wonderful Male Survey - Male Sexuality Myths

By Francis K Githinji

There are quite a number of male sexuality myths which confuse many people and influence their way of thinking. The sexuality perception is highly biased and people go out of their way to try and be attractive. One of such myths is that men like big breasts better than small ones. This has seen increased number of breast enlargement procedures in our theatre rooms today. A study carried out recently revealed that guys are fascinated by big bosoms. The analysis reflected that only 25% liked them large. Many girls have a misconception that guys like big breasts more than they actually do. It is no secret that men like well-endowed women but for them to find a woman attractive they also consider personality traits, intelligence, and symmetry.

Don't we all think that men hate using condoms? It is among the male sexuality myths and so big a misconception to an extent that to show our love for someone, people avoid using protection off which this is a very risky move. They are used to save life but the truth of the matter the plastics are a pain in the neck for both men and women. For the women who lack enough vaginal lubrication, a condom is well lubricated and makes sex more enjoyable. For the woman, she is saved from painful intercourse and for the man there is no struggle to please the woman. Men love their lives as much as women do and that is why you will find a condom in every responsible man's pocket.

Among the male sexuality myths is that all guys love watching pornography. Scientific research has shown that men are naturally sexually visual while women are reason oriented. During the research the head scans carried out revealed that the brain was very active when a man was watching sexual movies but women were not very much turned on. Men are visually stimulated and that is why they like watching their women dress or just looking at their physiology. This does not mean that the visual stimulation has to come from watching pornographic material. There are men who love watching women but find pornography distasteful or disgusting. Another sexuality myth concern men lying to solicit sex. Your mother told you that you should be weary of men because all that they want is to get you laid.

This is a one of the male sexuality myths because not all men are after sex but we can testify of some one who lied to us or our friends that they were not married. He was not planning to marry you so you concluded he wanted sex. Human beings lie all the time for different purposes. In fact a research carried out in the Texas State university revealed that people who are truthful have very difficult social lives. Men and women lie for different reasons. Guys lie to appear more impressive or appealing while women lie to save people from getting hurt. It is for a fact that men lie but not necessarily for sex. They might want your tender love and care even if it is for a while. They want you to think they are great and imagine they are bigger than what you think they are.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Male Sexuality Myths Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Male Sexuality Myths

Guide to Prostate Massage - Part 1

By Drikus Botha

This guide to prostate massage will show you exactly how to give your partner a pleasurable but safe massage in 3 easy to do steps. It is very important that you explain to your partner what you are about to do, so that he can relax and be comfortable with the situation.

Step1 - Urinate or Bowel Movement

It is very important that your partner urinate or do a bowel movement before the massage. Both of you will be red in the face when this happens during the massage and it will probably be the last time you do it. Save yourself the embarrassment and ask your partner to do this before you start.

Step2 - Relaxing

It is very important to get your partner to relax because it will be very uncomfortable for him when you put your fingers in his anus. Men are not used to this and the body will automatically stiffen up. You should do some relaxing foreplay to get your partner in the mood for this.

Step3 - Giving The Massage

Make sure your hands are sterile and use some latex gloves. Put some water-based lubricant on your fingers and gently insert two fingers into the anus. You don't have to drill down the whole length of the fingers. The prostate gland is situated about 3 cm in the front wall of the anus. This means you just gently insert your fingers into the anus towards the navel of your partner until you feel a round piece of tissue.

Don't rub hard on it because there are sensitive nerves in the middle. Just gently massage the prostate gland until your partner ejaculate. This doesn't always happen but it still is a very pleasurable experience for your partner if you do it right.

This guide to prostate massage will teach you how to become very good at giving your partner this type of massage.

Drikus Botha has over 19 years experience in network marketing. His website is totally devoted to people who want to raise themselves from failure to success in network marketing. He teaches how to use the internet instead of old-time methods that are dead.

He beliefs that you must first remove the lies before you can be successful and therefore you can download a free ebook called "The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing" from his website

Full Body Sensuous Massage - Part 1

By Drikus Botha

Full body sensuous massage for women. The following steps will show you exactly how to massage women in a way that they truly enjoy.

Step 1 - Music and Connecting

Put erotically charged music on that plays softly in the background. It is very important to also connect to the person you're about to massage. One of the easiest ways to do that is to synchronize your breathing with hers. This create a flow of anticipation.

Step 2 - Lie Her Face Down On Table Or Bed

Lie her totally naked face down on the table or bed and put your hands on her upper and lower back. Keep it there for a while. This helps with the energy flow between you and her. Gently massage her back, shoulders, buttocks, legs and feet. Never take your hands of her and don't rush. Take deep long strokes when you massage. When you see she is totally relaxed, you can move on to step 3.

Step 3 - Turn Her Around

Turn her around so that she face you. Now massage the arms, hands and legs. Pay special attention to the breasts and nipples. Move down the tummy past the pubic area and onto the inner side of the legs. Keep in feeling with how the situation is building. When you see that she is ready for more, you can start with the sexual part of the massage.

Step 4 - The Sexual Part

Concentrate your efforts now on her sex centers until she reaches a climax or orgasm. Encourage her to enjoy the moment and totally free herself of any inhibitions.

Step 5 - Cocooning

At the end of the massage cover her in a blanket so that she can experience total languor in a warm cocoon of contentment. This is an important part of the massage and shouldn't be rushed.

Full body sensuous massage is an incredible way to treat a lady and she will love you for it.

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Step by Step Female Orgasm Techniques

By Daniel Scott

Shocking fact: 70% of females never have an orgasm during sexual intercourse.

Yep, it's true.

Furthermore, about a third of all females anywhere have never had an orgasm, EVER.

Again, that's 100% FACT.

There are multiple reasons why this may be the case, and every female has a different set of circumstances for why they have never had an orgasm. Some of them are quite severe and require counselling or medical intervention, such as a history of sexual abuse, or the extremely rare cases of women who cannot orgasm based on medical problems.

However, for most women, the reason they have never orgasmed is very simple - they just haven't met a man who can help them reach the "big O".

The reality is that women love sex. Way more than any guy ever could. Think about it. If you had ten THOUSAND times the amount of touch receptors in your skin, as well as the ability to have multiple orgasms all night long, don't you think sex would be better for you too?

However, women usually need a man who can lead them to orgasm. They've been told all their life that it's "dirty" or "slutty" or "wrong" to be forward at all in the areas of romance and sex. It's always the guy who has to go over and talk to her, the guy who has to get her number, the guy who has to initiate the sex. In the same way, it's the guy who has to help them reach orgasm.

So how does this relate to you?

It's simple. You need to take control of her sexual pleasure. That's not to say that she should just lay there and do nothing - in fact, that's a really quick recipe for disaster - but rather that you have to take the initiative during your sexual activiites.

Whilst whole ebooks can be (and have been) written on the subject of pleasing a woman during sex, I've written one myself in fact, which you can check out by clicking on the link in my author bio.

Having said that, in the space of this article, I will at least try to give you some really cool step by step female orgasm techniques, so here we go:

1. Build Sexual Tension/Attraction

You need to build attraction and sexual tension before you even start getting down to things. Women are very perceptive creatures and often know a lot more about us than we like. The way you think about yourself, the way you dress, the aftershave you are wearing, and so on all contribute to how this woman feels about you. And to be really, really good at making her feel really, really good, you need to build a strong attraction SEXUALLY. This is important because many women don't think about sex in the same way we do - they will sleep with someone because they "like" him, but because they're "attracted" to him sexually, probably largely because most women haven't gotten in touch with that really sexual part of themselves yet.

Exactly HOW to go about creating that sexual attraction is a subject all in its own, and it can be very hard to describe on paper. The best advice I can give you in such a short space is to believe you are desirable and sexy. That will project to her through thousands of subconscious signals and she will pick up on it. If you try and walk the walk without having the mental attitude to back it up, you'll just be putting the cart before the horse - and she'll see right through you.

2. Get Her To Relax

One of the biggest factors in women not being able to orgasm is that they're not relaxed. During sex they're worried that their hair is bad, they are ugly, the lighting makes them look bad, their stomach looks big from that angle... whatever. It may be hard for us to understand, but it does happen.

The best way to combat this is to get her to relax and to feel comfortable around you. Try joking around with her, putting her at ease, all that sort of stuff. In addition, if you find she's tense, just focus on doing something that makes her feel good that isn't necessarily sexual - massages are fantastic for this purpose, but there's a lot of other things that can work really well too - like just talking to her.

3. Be In The Driver's Seat

As we have discussed, most women won't advance things out of fear of seeming too "forward". So that means its up to you to take things to their natural conclusion. During each stage of the sexual process, from building tension, to light foreplay, to heavy foreplay, to the actual sex, you will need to guide her through each of these stages. Be firm but gentle, and if she says "no", then listen to her and stop. If she doesn't, however, take that as a green light to keep going.

4. Take Your Time

Nothing is more of a deal-breaker for a girl's orgasm than a guy who just wants to get naked and play "hide the sausage". You need to be more concerned with every single thing you are doing making her feel really, really good. Every part of a girl's body is very sensitive and receptive to any touch you might want to bestow upon it, so have fun. Nibble on her earlobes. Run your hands all over her body. Talk dirty to her (but not too dirty, keep it tame at first). run your tongue over all the parts of her body that you are willing to. All these things help gradually build her into a sexually receptive mindset, which is when you can begin to really make her feel good.

5. Foreplay is Important

Once she's really starting to get horny - for example, she's breathing heavy, moaning a bit, you're both naked, and her vagina is wet and probably a little red and swollen - it's time to start making her feel good. Begin with some more "heavy" foreplay. Try fingering her or, if you and her are comfortable with it, going down on her. Don't stop until she's either had an orgasm (preferably more than one) or she just can't take it anymore and has to jump you.

You will find, at this point, that giving her orgasms is probably very easy, provided you pay attention to what she likes and what she doesn't and adequately use the clit and her G-Spot. These issues are, obviously, far too detailed ot be written about in this article, but my e-book does include a thorough analysis of how to make her feel really good using these two areas (and everything else, for that matter).

As you might have noticed, an orgasm is the end result of a long result of effort applied in the right way. It takes work and preparation, but with the correct knowledge, you can easily give any woman an orgasm any time she wants one, in any position. The frequency and power of those orgasms will certainly increase with your skills improving, however, and that's why I recommend you seek out ways to further improve your knowledge - and then put it to the test. I'm sure she won't mind.


Daniel Scott is the author of Incredible In Bed - the web's best guide on how you can give women the most incredible sexual pleasure they've ever felt, again and again and again. Visit to learn how you can learn to be the best she's ever had by subscribing to our 100% free email newsletter.

Christians - Two Rules For Christian Sex

By Chess McDoogle

For Christians who often wonder what is allowable during intimacy, it can be a frustrating and confusing search as there seems to be differing opinions on what is allowable and what is not. What I've done is narrow things down to 2 very important rules which I believe is all you really need, or at least they will serve as a strong backbone to start out with.

The 2 rules to Christian sex:

Rule 1:

I think we all can agree that safety should be a strong and very important factor in Christian intimacy. It should be used as a backbone when looking at what is allowable and what is not. That is, one of the first things you should question, is safety. If it fails being a safe technique or practice, then it fails being allowable within Christian sex.

Now, a couple should not automatically disqualify every position in the book because it may have a chance of not being safe. Safety in regards to sex only refers to the things that are obviously dangerous and pose a greater than normal risk. Of course there are safety risks in everything we do in life. But it is the most obvious ones that we naturally avoid. The same holds true for Christian intimacy. Anything that poses an obvious high degree of harm should be disqualified from practicing.

Rule 2:

The second universal rule to Christian sex evolves around agreement. Practices, positions, tips and techniques, should all be agreed upon between you and your partner. That is, your intimacy practices should be practices which the both of you agree to be sound, enjoyable and safe within your relationship. If there is a position or technique which is very uncomfortable to your partner then you should discontinue that form of practice. If there is a sex technique that your partner objects to for whatever reason, then that is a technique which should be absent from your sexual intimacy practice.

To learn all the rules of Christian sex, and many exciting and intimate sex techniques, be sure to check out -

This was written by a Christian who has researched and answered all the common questions that Christian couples have in regards to sex. He also provides excellent ways to become intimate with one another. See

A Way to Stop Premature Ejaculation

By Chess McDoogle

There is a way to stop premature ejaculation, and avoid the embarrassing predicament of getting excited too early and ending sexual intimacy prematurely.

First, try to extend foreplay as long as possible.

What this does is build up sensation and brings your partner closer to climax without having to yet engage in actual sex. Basically, this buys you valuable, valuable time! There are many sex tips and techniques you can learn to extend foreplay as long as possible.

Next, make sure you are on the bottom position.

It's been proven that the bottom position for a male makes it much easier to avoid premature ejaculation and last much longer. If you think about it, it does make sense. You are in more of a thrusting situation with most other positions, but on the bottom it takes more effort for ejaculation to occur, thus enabling you to last much longer.

Finally, after you've extended foreplay, and placed yourself on bottom position, get ready to let your mind wander.

This is a great and easy way to stop premature ejaculation, simply by controlling the thoughts in your mind. This can be done simply by focusing away from sex, and thinking about things like sports or entertainment. Try to remove your mind from the activity going on with your body, for just a few minutes. As soon as you sense your partner is going to climax, you can resume thinking of sex and reaching peak excitement the same time as your partner!

This is a good way to stop premature ejaculation, but ultimately you should learn some control exercises and practice these on your own to develop better ejaculatory control. These will lead to permanent control where you'll be able to last as long as you want.

I made a FREE eBook which reveals a control exercise which can permanently stop premature ejaculation. You can get it right here -

In this free eBook you will also find an amazing sex trick you can perform while your still suffering from premature ejaculation. Check it out at

Make Your Sex Life Better With G-Spot Amplification!

By Beth Ortiz

You've always considered yourself to be a passionate person. In fact, you approach pretty much everything in your life with the kind of passionate energy that usually translates to great times in bed. Oh, how you wish that were true.

You're wondering if g-spot amplification might be able to help. Oh, you're a healthy woman with a normal sex drive, but something's been missing lately. You hope it isn't your husband. No, you don't see how it could be, since you still find him irresistibly handsome.

Maybe this g-spot amplification will help give you back that special feeling you used to have. Nowadays, each sexual encounter, no matter how risqu้, leaves you with only a slight tingle and a "That's it?" feeling. However, you can't help but feel a little naughty (sadly, not in a good way) that you are thinking of getting a g-spot amplification in the first place.

You decide to do what all women do when faced with a sexual problem - chat with your friends about it. They hadn't ever even heard of a g-spot amplification, and looked at you with amazement when you told them about how it's basically a short procedure in which a kind of collagen is injected into your g-spot.

It's worth a try, you think, since it doesn't last forever anyway. Yes, there are some risks, but you would really like to have a rough (in a good way) night of passion with your hubby. G-spot, get ready for some (finally) real action!

More information on g-spot amplification and a Las Vegas plastic surgeon in Nevada is just a click away.

What Herbs For Libido That Can Boost Your Sex Life and Intensify Your Orgasm

By Bernice L

If you feel that you are certainly lacking in the sex department, perhaps it is time to consider herbs for libido and sexual satisfaction. Sometimes, being too stressed out with everyday tasks can make women too worn out to enjoy bedroom pleasures.

Stress can take various forms, whether in the form of excessive thinking and worrying or in the form of extreme physical exertion. If something has been pulling you down lately, perhaps it is time to make some lifestyle and diet changes. Taking up more physical activities and consuming certain herbs may present positive changes in your sex life.

There are definitely excellent herbs for libido that you can try for yourself. These herbs target the specific female libido points to make sexual interaction more pleasurable. Gingko Biloba is one of these exceptional herbs. Since this herb allows for better blood circulation, it helps women achieve enhanced stimulation on their sensitive areas.

The Valerian root is especially useful for treating stress and preventing menstrual pain. By promoting better health all over, women will begin to experience greater sexual satisfaction. This root moreover, is known to enhance the over-all function of the female body.

Damiana leaf has been an important sexual enhancing herb used for many generations. This herb is extremely useful for women who want to make an upbeat change in their sexual performances. For years, this leaf has been utilized widely for its highly effective results in improving sexual intimacy.

The Black Cohosh root allows the female genitals to contract and release better and promotes better hormonal balance. The Epimedium Sagittatum on the other hand adds energy to combat the stresses and functional impediments of a busy lifestyle. These herbs for libido are proven to boost sexual stimulation.

If you plan to make an improvement in your sex life, these herbs can certainly help you achieve your goals. If taken regularly and in the right amounts, the ideal herbs will produce effective and long- standing results. Before long, you and your partner will experience pleasure as never before.

Sexual satisfaction need not remain an impossible dream for couples and partners. As a complement, using sexual enhancement products like HerSolution pills and HerSolution gel can double or triple your sexual satisfaction.

It definitely won't hurt if you try something to change the course of your weakening sex performance. With these verified supplements and proven herbs for libido, your sex life will definitely be back on track.

To find out the secrets of making your woman have an orgasm each and every time you make love visit Lbido911 for the best female enhancement products on the market guaranteed.

August 22, 2008

Sex - The Gift For the Guy Who Has Everything

By Kathleen Scarlett-Mancos

A great job, a beautiful woman (You!), nice clothes, a luxurious house, a yacht tied up in the harbor, . . . OK, maybe the yacht is still a fantasy, but it seems to you that your man is the guy who has everything. You love him and he loves you. He is always so thoughtful when your birthday comes and when it is your anniversary. Now, you would like to find him a special present, but the problem is that he won't ever tell you what he really wants. Not only that, but you've already given him all the obvious things on previous special occasions.

So, here's the prefect gift for your special man - SEX! (with you, of course). What better way to say "I love you" and really surprise your man than with a gift of yourself and an invitation to join you for an extended erotic adventure. Wrap up a variety pack of lubricated condoms and tell him you want him to use a different color every night for the next week. Or, give him the non-lubricated variety pack that comes with a selection of flavored lubricants and write him a sexy note inviting him to meet you at a different place and time to try out each flavor.

Did you know that you can get condoms in purple, red, yellow, black, and even special condoms that glow in the dark? And as for lubricants, they come in a tantalizing variety of flavors guaranteed to stir the senses and fire the passions.

Just imagine the smile on your man's face when he unwraps his special gift. Meet his look of surprise with a smile of love all for him. This will be a gift he will remember forever. It is a gift you can enjoy as well. What man wouldn't rather have a month of great sex with the woman he loves than yet another tie, sports shirt, or power tool?

While you are getting creative with your special gift ideas, consider the fun you and your man might have putting the condom variety pack to use with some sexy bedroom furniture that just begs for a creative imagination to put it to great use.

If you're feeling even more frisky, pick out a daring new outfit for yourself, maybe a slinky black cocktail dress or a sexy negligee. Surprise him with how great you look and tell him that part of his gift is that he gets to take it off of you - let him unwrap the best gift of all!

Be creative and use your adventure-loving spirit to liven things up with some of these sexy gift ideas, and a generous supply of condoms and other sexual health products. Then think about what he might decide to give you, the WOMAN who has everything!