Sexuality Tips For You.

September 18, 2008

Christian Sex For New Couples!

By Chess McDoogle

Practicing Christian sex for new married couples can definitely be a challenge no matter how "ready" you both believe you are. There can easily be awkward moments and some trial and error periods. These are to be expected, and the following Christian sex tips for new couples can help immensely in getting your intimacy on track quickly!

1. Practice joy, celebration, and excitement.

These are elements often overlooked when dealing with sex within Christian marriage, especially for new couples. Always imagine these elements as the backbone of your intimacy practice. This is what it should be all about; a joyous, exciting, celebration of the love you have for one another. When you keep these elements in the forefront of your intimacy practice, then you won't allow the awkwardness or frustrations to become overbearing.

2. Don't worry about the Rules.

You will have time to fine tune your intimacy and discover what practices you want to allow into your sex life and which you feel should be abstained from. The rules of Christian sex should not be seen as some big overbearing hurdle that you need to spend weeks and months figuring out the best way to jump over. Christian intimacy rules should simply be based around two main principals: Safety and agreement.

Your intimacy practice should be safe for both yourself and your loving partner, and you both should be in agreement on which positions and sexual techniques you choose to practice.

3. Learn Christian sex tips and techniques!

This is a very important step for new Christian couples to take, because it will guarantee that they are celebrating and practicing their sex life to the best of their abilities and getting the most intimate joy out of it. Much too often Christian couples can fall into a routine that can make for a boring and less stimulating than should be sex life. This can all be prevented by getting a Christian sex manual which will outline new and exciting ways to practice Christian intimacy, guaranteeing a fun, exciting and loving sex life for many years to come.

Want to learn amazing Christian sex tips and techniques? Here is a Christian author who has put together ways to become more intimate and have a more stimulating sex life -

Specifically written for Christians, he answers all the common problems and questions both husbands and wives have regarding Christian sex -