By Teddy Shabba
Imagine you find yourself with a woman who is everything you could want in a woman and more except her sex drive is so much lower than yours that both of you recognize it as a "issue" in the relationship.
What type of options do you realistically have as a man that will allow you to continue empowering yourself and your life?
Whether you like it or not you really only have two options if you are looking to maintain your own power and control.
1. Start sleeping with other women.
2. End the relationship with her completely
Anything other than these two options for the most part has you either settling for less that you deserve and/or hoping that you luck up and stumble upon something that increases the sex drive or rather sexual desire of the woman that you are with.
While there might be some different things that you can try to increase her sex drive for the most part her low sex drive has more to do with her brain than it does her body.
Meanwhile, here you are going without sex longer and longer which also means you are losing more control, power, and energy within yourself.
Not to mention the fact that considering this is her issue she is the one that needs to be searching for a solution not you.
Yet, if she isn't that should also be telling you that clearly you are the only one who seeking a solution because you are the only one who has a problem.
In her reality, there is no sex drive issue because she knows where she can get some anytime she wants it as you are willing and ready whenever she is.
To make matters worse as long as you continue to stay committed in a relationship in which you clearly aren't getting what you want the more power she gains in the relationship and the less likely she becomes to want or even find it necessary to change.
Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men who has a daily newsletter that provides you with a wealth of information on how to be more successful with women. You can sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men now. To learn more about How To Attract Women visit our article section Attract Women Today |
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