Sexuality Tips For You.

September 18, 2008

Pheromones - Can They Attract Someone to You?

By Tracy Kristalakis

Pheromones are chemical signals that plants and animals use to communicate with each other. The origin of the word is Greek (of course!) pherein = to transport; hormon = to stimulate. Of course we are only interested in the ones involving sex. Those are designed to attract a mate. The best example of this is seen in ants. When ants are in a line and marching along, you may notice that when one ant takes a side step the other follows. Those are pheromones at work. Wouldn't you like to put out your own pheromones and have someone you desire follow you? There are products on the market designed to do just that.

Here's the catch: no scientific study has absolutely confirmed that pheromones directly influence human behavior. Pheromones do exist readily in many other plants and animals like the above example of the ants. There is good news, however. Some studies have found that there is a possibility of pheromones in humans. It may have more to do with the association of odor as there has been found a link with special cells in the nose that can detect minute amounts of chemicals. Some salespeople swear that it helps bring clients to them and that it has increased their sales. Veterinarians and their staff also believe it helps to keep animals in their care calmer.

So while the scientific community continues to work in this area, it certainly doesn't hurt to use products that have them. You just never know you might attract.

If you'd like to have more passion, playfulness and positively great sex, get your FREE copy of 100 Love Making Tips of All Time by visiting - All from Your Great Sex Guide®, Tracy Kristalakis MS, LPC.