Sexuality Tips For You.

September 18, 2008

Why Some Men Have Their Women Craving For Sex and Some Don't

By Teddy Shabba

Given the choice which would you prefer; a woman who craves having sex with you and can't get enough or a woman who has just enough sex with you to keep around?

Assuming that you man who is interested in having sex with the woman that he is with, which scenario do you think is more empowering to you?

Hopefully you believe and know that having a woman who wants to be with you sexually is much more empowering than one who doesn't.

So how is it that so many men end up in relationships where the woman is giving him just enough sex to keep him around if any at all?

For the most part it is because she was the first one to say I've had enough and once that happens a man finds himself chasing instead of leading in regards to the sexual relationship.

Women in general have long known and in a lot of cases even taught that if you give a man what he wants he has no reason to stay and more importantly no reason to give a woman what she wants.

Yet, the same holds true for women as well, give her what she wants or so much that she knows she can get it whenever she wants and she won't want it as much.

Now, that you know what you know about women and how to have them craving for sex with you a decision must be made in regards to your next sexual relationship with a woman.

Do like so many men do and keep on taking and giving until she knows she is the one in control and then have her ration it off or you can take and give until you are satisfied and then ration it off so that you continue to be satisfied and more importantly in control.

Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men who has a daily newsletter that provides you with a wealth of information on how to be more successful with women. You can sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men now.

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