By Levi Reiss
Do you want to improve your sex life? It seems that most people do, whether they are heterosexuals, homosexuals, or somewhere in between. If you are like most of us, you want more sex and you want better sex, and you want it now. Don't believe that there is a magic pick-up line, pill, potion, or perfume that will make it happen immediately, if not sooner. But we do believe that our articles can make a major difference in your sex life, and even in your love life, if that's what you want. Why not give them a try?
We have so many suggestions for improving your sex life that we are putting together an alphabetical list of what to do. Just so you don't miss out, we are also putting together an alphabetical list of what not to do. Don't waste all your time, effort, perhaps money, and perhaps love by putting your foot in your mouth when what you really want; we all know what you really want. This article focuses on kinky, kiss, and know.
K is for kinky. I hope that you aren't shocked if I tell you that kinky sex is good. However, there are limits. If you are just getting out of the pool don't thrust your fingers in an electric socket or you will be truly shocked. Your hair may even go kinky. A little kinkiness can be a lot of fun. And it can take the kinks out of your joints. (What's a cute kink like you doing in a joint like this?) Just remember, one person's normalcy is another person's kinkiness. And one person's kinkiness is another person's sine qua non. To save time and energy when people meet they should fill out forms describing their innermost (no pun intended) desires. Wouldn't that be kinky?
K is for kiss. What, you complain. Why are you writing about kissing? Isn't this supposed to be an article about sex? Guess what, good kissing can be an important component of good sex. And great kissing... If you do it right, kissing can be a prelude to sex. So what does it mean to kiss right? Don't slobber. Don't overwhelm. Don't make your partner gasp for air, that may seem sexy but it's not. Use your imagination. Flutter your lips lightly on all the familiar and some unfamiliar places. If you have permission, but only if you have permission, you may nip. But be careful. Nobody wants to come to work with a neck that resembles a map of the oil fields in Saudi Arabia. And bleeding is no fun. Be careful. In the heat of passion it's easy to get carried away. You may not know your own strength. So take it slow and easy. Or fast and easy. Or slow and hard. Or. I think that you are getting the idea. Remember, kissing is part of the fun.
K is for know. Do you know what it means to know someone biblically? The other day (more accurately the other month) in the cafeteria at work I was surprised that my coworkers were unfamiliar with this expression. To know a person biblically means to have had relations with him and her and I don't mean good working relations. Knowing someone, really knowing someone can speed the process of sliding into the sheets and equally improve what happens between the sheets. The better you know what they (is it by accident that I'm using the plural here, or is it just too clumsy to write he or she) like, the better the chance of delivery. And redelivery. But be careful or there may be a delivery that you hadn't counted on.
Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine wine, eat fine food, and enjoy life. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new site celebrating all kinds of love including physical love at You will find a wide range of jokes, articles, and quotes devoted to various aspects of sex and a great collection of photos. If you don't know French, enjoy the translations. Check out his global wine website at |
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