Sexuality Tips For You.

September 26, 2008

Abstinence is Normal - What a Shock!

By Sonya Gray

Abstinence is normal has become a "rock your world" statement. Now THAT is an abnormality. So is the sex-crazed, "this is how we get down" culture that began with the old 20th century sexual revolution. In American history, sexual purity was a common part of everyday life.

For instance, back in the day:

  • Most teens entered adulthood as virgins

  • Most adults did not shack up

  • Reserving sex for marriage was customary

Before the old sexual revolution changed and worsened the landscape of male-female relations, Americans held themselves to a higher moral standard. Their mantra, in so many words, was abstinence is normal.

Maintaining sexual purity was not considered offensive to so many as it is today. I do not mean to imply everything about our nation's past was perfect. Those were not the good old days. To say that we had serious issues from America's conception is an understatement.

However, when it comes to sexual morality, it was natural to keep your virginity until marriage and customary to remain married until death. Not so today. Anything goes and, supposedly, everybody is doing it.

Most of the population knows it takes little effort to become intimate with someone, which explains why lots of people choose to...

Take The Easy Way Out

90% of adults aged 20-29 have had sexual intercourse. It seems many Americans do not need much of an excuse to have sex. By doing so, they continue to disregard the life-altering repercussions promiscuity causes. Living a sexually pure lifestyle takes more discipline and too many people dismiss the benefits of it.

They believe the tired tale that it's not easy to:

  • Deflect peer pressure to have sex and focus on getting an education

  • Remain sexually pure until marriage, and

  • Have children AFTER tying the knot

But structuring our lives in this order is essential to healthy, successful relationships. So...

The Lines Are Drawn And The Battle Is On

The assault on our culture from those who promote the safe sex message is getting more and more extreme. There is no such thing as safe sex using birth control or condoms. Disease, infection, and unintended pregnancies still occur through these methods - no matter how often or proficiently they are used.

People of all ages need to hear the message that abstinence is normal. They can and should remain virgins or choose secondary virginity if they are now sexually active.

Almost 1 million births in 2004 were to unmarried women aged 19-29.

This statistic shows how imperative it is to educate men and women of the effectiveness and of the benefits of sexual purity. Informing singles of the power they wield by using self-control when it comes to sexuality is something I will continue to do.


National Institute Of Health

A Scientific Review of Abstinence & Abstinence Programs

Sonya provides information to help advance the message of total abstinence until marriage and its' advantages for people of all ages. She has maintained a lifestyle of total abstinence until marriage for the past three years...with no regrets and a lot less headaches. Discover the advantages of total abstinence until marriage at:

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