By Steve Ubah
I feel that a sexless relationship is ok if both parties are perfectly content with each other and see nothing wrong with it. The problem arises when one person still has the urge to have sex and the other has totally lost it. Counseling can fix situations like this, but sometimes the person who does not feel the need to make love may not even want to consider counseling because they feel there is nothing wrong with the way they are.
Lovemaking is one of the deepest ways couples express their love for each other. A lot of times, when either the man or the woman is not getting what they want in bed from their partner, the likelihood that one person will cheat dramatically increases especially if both physical and emotional needs are both not being met. If you are in this situation and you are considering the possibility of cheating on your mate, don't do it. It is better and more ethical to either work through the issues you have to see if you can fix it. And when you can't fix it, it may be best that both of you go your separate ways if you feel that there is no way you can live a happy life together without sex. Talk to your mate and see how they feel.
If your lovemaking once curled your toes and all you are getting now (stress) has your stomach in knots, it may be worth finding out from your mate what has happened to quench their lovemaking fire. If they say their problem is due to the amount of work they have at the office, then tell them to consider lightening their work load and eliminate bringing work home.
However if the problem has arisen because your partner has gained a lot of weight which has made less attractive, then this is something that can be corrected with exercise. If this is the case, then perhaps getting your partner to joining a gym to lose the weight will turn things around for both of you.
Whatever your situation is, as long as both of you are happy with what you have, then you have no problem -- ignore the statistics. But if you are not happy because of it, then do something about, but do not cheat on your mate.
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