Sexuality Tips For You.

August 5, 2008

How to Make Women Happy in Bed - Part II

By Rajgopal Venkataraman

In a previous article (by the same name) I had mentioned some statements that ought to be used in bed with a woman and these statements are so powerful that a woman will want to go to bed with you repeatedly. Here are some more statements that will make her drool for you.

1. You are such a good lover: For many men ego is a big drawback. They just think and assume that they are the best lovers and women cannot match them. Remember ego has no place in the bedroom if you want pleasure. Tell her how good she is at making love and see what you get back.

2. I have been fantasizing being one with you all day: If you are in a mood to talk dirty this is a good beginning if you are with your girlfriend or wife.

3. I love it when you --------: Fill in the blank yourself. Let her know when she does something that makes you feel great. If you love the way she pleases you in a particular way then let her know that and who knows you might get a better performance every time.

4. Does that feel good? Communication is extremely important while in bed. Do not just go through the motions like a keyed up robot.

5. I could kiss you forever: Great to use either before or after sex. Do not thrust your tongue down her throat but instead kiss her with more passion and that is a sure turn on for women.

Try to use these simple statements often and see the difference it makes to your sex life. Soon you will be getting exhausted due to her raging urges!

Like I always say most men have more sex in their brains than in their loins. Sex gets better when you understand your partner better.

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