Sexuality Tips For You.

August 22, 2008

Great Sex - What My Father Didn't Teach Me

By Bruce Dennison Scott

Life at times is so funny. I'm 28 years old and am still learning about women or should I say, I'm learning about my woman. I guess you could say that I was some what of a nerd. In high school, I liked reading and computers. I played a couple of sports, but wasn't much of a jock. I was ignored by the most popular hot chicks, but somehow I managed to be noticed by other girls. Mainly the ones that didn't care what others thought of them. I think this is where I grew fond of women who speak their own minds and aren't afraid of going after what they want and doing what they love.

I can remember when I was 17 and my dad caught me masturbating in the shower. He sat me down and talked to me about girls and how to protect myself. Not just from diseases, but also from becoming a father before it was time. He didn't really teach me anything about technique or how to really satisfy a woman. Why don't fathers think that's important? Well, I guess they just want to discuss the basics and be done with it. But this left me with wonder. I would go to the public library and read books on the art of lovemaking, how to please a woman in bed, and just about anything that would help me with technique. Needless to say, this left me wanting to bed every girl who'd let me. Now, I was no dog, but a guy does have an ego and when he learns something that he thinks will have a woman screaming his name, then he wants to try it out.

After high school, I attended a junior community college to study radiology. I dated a couple of ladies at the college and actually lost my virginity while there. The first time I hear, is usually awkward, well, it wasn't like that for me. The first girl I had sex with was two years older than me and it seemed as if she'd spent a lot of time with other guys. She knew her way around the bedroom. But boy was she surprised to learn that she was my first. She showed me some things that I've never forgotten. And I showed her some things that she would not soon forget. She would arrange for us to get together every weekend. The girls that followed, paled in comparison. It seemed as if I was always the one giving the most pleasure, but was no longer impressed with the same old techniques and the same old responses.

After a while, I just stopped dating. I wasn't really looking for a serious relationship when Lauren walked into my life. Lauren is so interesting. On the surface, she's shy, but underneath, she's a pit bull! She doesn't really want me to mention her in this article, but doesn't mind me telling the world about how I make love to her and who taught me to.

You see, Lauren wasn't all that impressed with my sexual techniques. In fact, she had me screaming her name and demanded that I learn how to please her. And here I was thinking that I was putting something down on her. She does this thing with her tongue and my ear that makes me...OMG! She also does this thing with her mouth when I'm drives me insane! And not to mention what she does with her tongue. Somehow, she makes a W shape while her tongue is in motion on my, that move alone drives me to tears! She also discovered my anus and does this thing with her first, I wasn't too sure about her putting her fingers anywhere in that area, but boy, once she did it...I was trembling and begging her to stop! I've never felt pleasure like that in my life! She showed me things that the college girl didn't know about, and I didn't think anyone could top her.

I think I fell in love with Lauren the very night she told me she wasn't satisfied with how I made love to her. She stood up to me and my ego and told me exactly what she wanted. And she even came prepared to teach me. She taught me what her favorite sexual position is and why. She taught me about a "trigger point" she has and it's not the G spot, it's much much better! She showed me why size isn't important - not that I'm small or anything! She even showed me how to give her orgasms over and over again.

At first, I was a little pissed that she didn't even think my technique was all that! I'd had plenty of girls screaming my name and here she was telling me that she wasn't impressed! Because, of my love for her, I put aside my ego and pride and actually listened. I asked her where on earth did she learn about all of these techniques. She said she picked up a few tricks here and there, but she mainly learned about sex from reading some great books, but there's one in particular that she wanted me to read. She's had it a while, and was waiting for a great guy to come along that she could share it with. She said she was so tired of those lame ass guys who only thought of themselves and didn't even bother to learn something that would please their partner. I guess great minds do think alike!

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You both will be happy you did. Besides, if you really love her, you'll want to do it for her. Trust me, we are completely happy together, in bed and out! Sex for us has truly been revolutionized. We approach it in a way neither of us have in the past. I'm so glad she loved me enough to share her secrets with me.