Sexuality Tips For You.

August 22, 2008

A Strong PC Muscle Can Help You to Improve Your Ejaculation Control

By Tony Higgins

The PC muscle is a hammock-shaped muscle, stretching from your tail bone to your pubic bone. This muscle e.g., controls your bladder, and when you go to the toilet, you can locate it by stopping the stream of urine. The muscle you feel contracting when you do this is your PC muscle. You can strengthen it by voluntarily contracting it, over and over again, during activities like driving a car or watching television. Strengthening the PC muscle will give men and women several sexual and health benefits.

One benefit for men is that a strong PC muscle can help you to improve your ejaculation control. You can use your PC muscle as a "brake": by tensing it as hard as you can for about ten seconds during intercourse, you can lower your level of arousal, and postpone ejaculation.

What happens after penetration is that your arousal increases, either slowly or rapidly, depending on the speed of your trusts. If the arousal keeps climbing without control, you will eventually reach the top and ejaculate. If you want to enjoy sex to the full, you will have to learn to stop this increase of arousal, to keep it below the level of ejaculation, until you want to ejaculate.

There are several ways of controlling this increase of arousal. You can slow or stop your movements for a while, you can breathe slower and deeper, or you can tense your PC muscle as hard as you can for about ten seconds.

When you tense your PC muscle, you will notice that your arousal drops, and that you do not have to stop moving, which can be frustrating for your partner. When you use this method of ejaculation control, you will be able to last much longer before you ejaculate.

This is a great method for ejaculation control that will increase the pleasure for both you and your partner. It takes practice, and most men will have to train the PC muscle for about two months before it is strong enough to do this, but it is well worth the effort.

Visit, to download the Ebook: "The Sex Muscle," and learn more about the PC muscle.
I ask for a small, voluntary donation, AFTER you have read the Ebook, and you donate ONLY if you are happy with it.
If you prefer a paperback version of the book, please visit - "The Sex Muscle" for more information.
Ebook or paperback: both options will help you to super-charge your sex life! Tony Higgins