Sexuality Tips For You.

September 12, 2008

4 Incredibly Arousing Foreplay Tips and Techniques - How to Make Her Want it BAD

By Daniel Scott

If you're not completely satisfied with the frequency of sex with your partner, then likely there's one driving factor.

She's probably just not "in the mood".

However, there's no need to put up with a situation that leaves you sexually frustrated. In fact, there are some killer, sure-fire tips and techniques to make your foreplay ridiculously arousing to her - and make her want to have sex even more than you do. And guess what? I'm about to share them with you.

Some people get pretty disbelieving when I tell them that women LOVE sex. In fact, if you do things right, they want it all the time.

Why is this?

Well, if you had the ability to have 50 orgasms in one night (and yes, I have given one woman that many in one night - although admittedly it was a long night!) and had skin that was thousands of times more sensitive, then you'd probably love sex a hell of a lot too.

The problem is most women just don't get in touch with this fact because their men don't know the secrets of how to build sexual tension correctly. Because, at the end of the day, that's what foreplay is all about - building sexual tension and getting her to want you to "give it to her" more than she thought was possible.

I know, I know, you're looking for details. So here's my top tips and techniques to make your foreplay arouse her like crazy.

1. Be Confident

Confidence goes a long way. There's no bigger turn off for a woman than a guy who doesn't believe in his own abilities. If you don't have confidence, then you have to fake it until you DO have confidence. All it is, at its most basic form, is an incredibly strong belief in your own abilities. Know that you are going to give her the greatest level of pleasure she has ever received. Think about how you are going to absolutely rock her world. KNOW that you are going to be the best she's ever had... and let her know that you know. Even just thinking about it and believing it will make you broadcast thousands of signals, subconsciously, in your body language, tone of voice and so on, that she will pick up on, again, completely subconsciously.

2. Give Her a Massage

As much as it may sound like a cheesy 80's tactic, massages are fantastic to get her in the mood. For a start, it will relax her, making sure that she's in a receptive mood for your efforts to seduce her. Start with her shoulders and neck, and move down her back. For killer results, have her laying on the bed topless, face down. Straddle her while you are doing it. When you're in a position where your face is close to her back, just breathe on her, around her neck and shoulders. The combination of your hands and your hot breath will drive her wild.

3. Take a Shower Together

Often women can be hesitant to indulge in sexual activities because they're afraid of how they smell, especially "down there". To combat this, try taking a shower together. You can lather each other up and make out in the shower. You could always do it in the shower, but watch the hot water levels... It's a bit of a mood-killer when you get blasted with ice-cold water in the middle of having great sex.

4. Pleasure Her Without Expecting Her to Return the Favor

If you don't usually finger or go down on your partner for the sole purpose of giving her pleasure (ie. not asking for anything in return) then there's no better time to start. Get her naked, lie her down on the bed and explore her body. Even if she wasn't aroused when you start doing this, most women find having a tongue in their vagina is quite the turn on.

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