Sexuality Tips For You.

September 12, 2008

The Healing Power of Sex

By Marie-Elise Allen

We have for years heard the quip "Not tonight darling, I have a headache". Guess What? If you have a headache, then have sex. Even Louise Hay recommends self pleasure for a headache. Lie quietly afterwards and you will notice the headache subsides. If you haven't experienced it - try it.

Orgasm and sex are single most effective natural means of tension release. This is undoubtedly due to the fact the more deeply you breathe, the more the blood vessels open up and so this oxygenated blood goes to the brain. Endorphins are released and so are oxytocins, a natural hormone, which is produced as a result of touch. Testosterone levels will spike also. Testosterone (in both sexes) fires libido, well being, confidence, and zest for life. How healing is that?

Menstrual cramps are relieved through orgasm. Of course this may be the last thing you feel interested in, however get out the vibrator and feel what happens as your entire pelvic area opens up. This nearly always works or will certainly reduce the cramping. Remember to breathe, deeply. There is no doubt that as the pleasure centre awakens your mind is taken off the cramping anyway, enabling a release of energy, rather than a holding onto.

The rush of vitality we can find through sex and orgasm influences us to the point where we feel that life has more meaning, which is one reason why sex has such a powerful attraction and why, when sex is lacking or unsatisfying life can seem dull and empty.

Sex is a great way to get in touch with your emotions. Have you ever been in full on melt down and burst into tears? What about feeling really angry? Or those times when you have laughed uncontrollably, the feeling of lightness and emptying out that occurs as you laugh and laugh? Many of us have felt these emotions arise during sex I am sure. It is all healing.

Imagine stuffing those emotions down in case we are worried about upsetting or offending our partner. It is way more healthy to let rip and risk looking a little foolish or out of control. Communication is the key is it not?

Another thing that makes sense after all these years is the overwhelming desire to use sex to cope with grief. When my granddad died all I wanted was to be held, to feel loved and safe and to make love. At the time I did not understand what the strong pull was to be in the arms of my lover and have him sooth my grief and sadness in this way. Now I have come to understand that to feel sexually aroused is a common reaction to the death of a loved one. It makes sense. The body knows it needs a powerful release of emotion, stress and tension so it wants sex. Death and grief often makes us feel disconnected and lost and very sad. Sex makes us feel alive and brings us into alignment with our bodies, taking us to that powerful precipice where we transcend our fears and need to control.

Sex leaves it mark not just on the mind but on our body as well. An active sex life may lead to a longer life, a strong immune system, an improved ability to ward off pain, improved heart health, and even protection against certain cancers, not to mention lower rates of depression.

So there you have it, sex and the 'after glow' of sex contributes to a healthier, happier, more content, YOU, than you possibly ever realised.

Copyright©2008 - Marie-Elise Allen

Marie-Elise Allen is a dynamic speaker and writer on Sexual Health and Harmony. She features in various Holistic Magazines in Australia. Marie-Elise can be contacted through her web site

Marie-Elise facilitates regular workshops and education evenings merging sexual wellbeing, sensual delight and spiritual connection.