By Kelly Price
If you are a man or woman the herbs we are going to outline here can give you better sex by increasing performance and desire so you achieve greater satisfaction. Let's look at how they work...
So what saps libido and how can we increase sexual desire?
Let's look at the problems first and then look at the herbs to solve the problems.
Blood Circulation and Nitric Oxide
A common cause of lack of sexual desire is poor blood circulation and of course when we are aroused the blood is pumped to the genitals.
When it arrives in both men and women nitric oxide allows the blood vessels to expand and lets an increased flow of blood in, in a mans case it creates an erection, (in fact a man CANNOT get an erection without sufficient nitric oxide - it really is that vital) in a women it's a little less obvious but just as vital.
Lack of testosterone is not just a problem for men it's also a problem for women to and both sexes need it for strong libido.
Last but not least sexual desire needs a calm stress free mind and a body with plenty of energy. Passion killers include: Fatigue, anxiety, depression and generally low body energy. If you have problems in the mind and low body energy, your body diverts its attention away from sex.
So how do we improve all the above and increase sexual desire?
Here are herbs that work for both sexes.
A powerful herb from China which nourishes the blood and helps to circulate it to the extremities, as well as enhancing nitric oxide levels.
Horny Goat Weed
Another Chinese herb and after thousands of years of use in China is now popular than ever and helps sexual wellness in these areas:
It increases nitric oxide levels, as well as testosterone and also decreases stress and increases energy.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba is the ultimate herb to get the blood moving around the body. It improves blood flow and oxygen throughout the body, while its anti-oxidant action helps maintain healthy tissue, protects the blood vessels and reduces arteriosclerotic lesions within them.
Another great blood and circulatory tonic herb which, also decreases stress and lifts mood and enhances overall body energy. It helps increase free testosterone and has an affect on nitric oxide levels too. One of the most popular and effective herbs you can get which acts on both a physical and mental level.
Get them ALL and More in the Best Natural Sex Pills
These herbs are not the only herbs you can take to increase sexual desire but both men and women can benefit from them and gain an overall health boost too.
These combined with other herbs, can give you not just increased sexual desire but also give you greater satisfaction, better overall health and its all achieved naturally.
You can get them all in herbal sex pills for men and women and they work.
They are now more popular than ever, as people seek natural cures, for sexual health problems, try them and you maybe glad you did.
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