Sexuality Tips For You.

September 12, 2008

Female Ejaculation - How to Make a Woman Reach Orgasm and Ejaculate

By Tristan Bailey

The female ejaculation is a phenomenon that is often misunderstood by many people and some men are simply unaware that it even exists at all. While some women will experience ejaculation naturally during sex, most will require extra stimulation of the G Spot in order to achieve it.

Women have a spongy cushion of tissue called the urethral sponge which surrounds the urethra and sits against the vaginal wall where the G Spot is located. It contains the paraurethral glands (also known as the female prostate) which produce a clear, odourless liquid that is ejaculated during orgasm. This fluid actually comes out of the urethra, but its not urine and should not be confused with it.

The most reliable way to make a woman ejaculate is by stimulating her G Spot manually using your hands so make sure they are clean with trimmed nails. Achieving ejaculation can take half an hour or more so you will need to find a comfortable position and make sure that you lay a towel on the bed before you start. Its also a good idea to have lubrication as well in case she starts to become dry.

Massaging and stimulating the G Spot causes the urethral sponge to become engorged with fluid which is then expelled during orgasm. As she nears climax, its common for her to feel like she is about to urinate, but this is almost impossible because when the urethral sponge is swollen it compresses the urethra and prevents any urine from escaping.

Before you find the G Spot, you first need to get her aroused by rhythmically stroking and licking her clitoris with your tongue. Then you need to insert two fingers into her vagina and search for the bean shaped mass of nerve tissue located on the front wall about two inches inside.

When you have found the G Spot, you need to apply firm pressure and stimulate the area until it starts to become enlarged and more solid. Touching and licking her clitoris will provide extra stimulation and the longer she is aroused, the more juice will build up in the urethral sponge.

As she gets closer to having an orgasm, the fluid will begin flowing into her urethra and she will start to feel as though she needs to urinate. The natural impulse is to hold back, but if she can relax and push out she will ejaculate and feel an intense orgasmic pleasure. The amount of liquid that is ejaculated will range from a small trickle to a large gush.

Being able to make a woman ejaculate is a skill that takes a lot of practice and experimentation, but if you are persistent and willing to spend enough time arousing her, you should be able to achieve it. Although harder to achieve than a clitoral orgasm, the orgasmic pleasure she will feel when she ejaculates is far more intense and worth the effort.

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