Sexuality Tips For You.

September 12, 2008

How to Have Spicy Orgasmic Sex With a Girl - You Will Have to Get a Restraining Order on Her After!

By Misty Ruttan

Everyone wants to add spice to their sex life; but most people are lost with where and how; and even are lost with what boundaries their partners have. Variety in sex life increases the pleasure that you can have; and makes it more interesting in all manners. Sex should never be predictable that you always use the same positions; and so forth; it should be a very surprising, strong sexual arousal that leads to s climax. When things become predictable you get used to them; appreciate them less; and then get bored of them; this is especially particular to sex and more so- your sex partner!

Sexual variety means changing the routines, positions and so forth so that not every time you have the sex can be predictable, and bland. Sexual variety can be found in anything- and doesn't always require making your partner do weird things outside of their comfort zone. Different things can be used in sex, such as foods; clothing, dance, and so forth; anything that appeals to your emotions, and more so emotions you haven't tapped into yet is great sexual variety. Encouraging your partner and yourself to take sexual variety increases your bonds, and also increases your liking to each other as sexual partners; since you find them interesting and thus will always have the urges with them.

Sex with emotions- some may consider emotional sex a variety; for example- you are upset and are facing many problems; so you have sex to relieve it... another example need of the moment; or even the shocker of having sex just because your partner wanted to. Emotional sex isn't always variety; and it can be amazing sex; however be careful because women are touchy with this and don't want to feel blackmailed, or used- as in she agrees just because you wanted to. Some people only have sex when they have time, feel really happy- but over time this isn't always possible- so there needs to be a balance. Women actually don't mind emotional sex as long as its respectful and more so have a higher sex drive when they are angry than any other emotion; this is a fact; and strange as it is; she will be more aroused in this period and more susceptible to touch and be aware of you to climax and have you climax better.

Variety bonds more- whether you think it may make you more distant with your partner it actually brings you closer; since the ideal for having sex is to strengthen and assure the relationship- so showing that you can go other distances to please, and keep life interesting your partner will find a stronger connection to you this way. If you ate lemons all your life, eventually it would be so sour you cant stand it; at first it's a thrill but after a few more times; you just cant stand it-thus when you are variety different kinds of fruits, colors and so forth; you can still enjoy the lemons and also taste things you didn't expect. You will appreciate the lemons more this way; it's the same with sex and your partner... variety creates more appreciation, and more interest- it keeps the interest.

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