Sexuality Tips For You.

September 11, 2008

Disinterested Husband? Sexless Marriage Can Lead to Divorce

By Howard Guy

Living in a sexless marriage is a difficult and painful thing to do for a women, being rejected by the man that was once your lover and partner is not only frustrating but humiliating and a major blow to self esteem made worse coming from your husband. Sexless marriage is not an uncommon thing however with an estimated 18% of marriages becoming passionless and making love less than 10 times per year, when you also look at the 50% divorce rate we see some serious problems that could be linked.

You see, sexual intercourse is not called "making love" because it is some marketing slogan, it actually does help lovers stay connected and intimate. Many women who have suffered through a sexless marriage have ended up doing things they regret in a search for love and intimacy like having affairs. These never actually give intimacy and closeness only brief excitement and then guilt that can lead to anger and distrust and eventually divorce. Others will end the relationship while still in love because they cannot handle the loneliness but this form of divorce will cause major issues in your next relationship too which leads to the third outcome; a spilling over of anger and aggression aimed at trying to eliminate the feeling of love so that the lack of sex seems natural not something that is painful in a disastrous reverse psychology maneuver! The only other option is to fix your sexless marriage but usually a moan has tried with no success and starts looking for more advice.

Relationship advice for women in this matter is all too often sleazy and useless with tips on how to be sexier and arouse your man more with sex tips and seduction techniques which to me seem quite insulting to the intelligence and integrity of most women who have probably already done all they can to arouse their husband and becoming an amateur porn star will not really improve things ... it can actually make things worse!

If you want to know more disastrous mistakes that women make when trying to fix their relationship so you can avoid the same mistake and actually get the solution you desire then click below to find out more information.