By Levi Reiss
It seems that just about everyone wants to improve his or her sex life. It's just not that much fun to be alone. Unlike many others, we won't offer you an article, magic pill, pick-up line, or anything else to send you and your intended partner right off to the bedroom. But I really do believe that you can perk up your sex life whoever you are and whatever your sexual orientation. We present a double series of articles for the letter P, sneaking in a letter Q.
This article accents some of the problems and pitfalls that can prevent you from improving your sex life. A companion series focuses on what you should be doing. Both our "negative" and "positive" suggestions will help you get the sex life that you want, need, and frankly deserve. Here we examine provocation, put down, and question.
P is for provocation. Don't fall for provocations, even if she is dressing provocatively. Can guys dress provocatively? If you think the answer is no you should get out more. Or hang around in new places. Actually these are the kind of places where people try to provoke each other in more ways than one and I'm not talking about a variety of sexual experiences. Let me rephrase, some of these provocations have a clear sexual aspect to some of the provokers (even if they don't fully realize that) while not of such interest to those who are being provoked. It can be complicated. Or it can be very simple. Is this thought provoking? One last item, if you shouldn't provoke should you antivoke. What do you think, Auntie?
P is for put down. Put down that desire to put others down. If one must be down for the other to be up there's a problem. And even if the sex starts out well, there's a problem. Don't put your partner down. You can, some say should, go down on your partner. Let's hope that those so equipped will get it up. You both should keep it up. But don't put your partner down. He or she doesn't have to put up with that. You can be put out in more ways than one. And they are non-sexual positions. But not like those in brown paper wrappers with the number 101 in the subtitle.
Q is for question. Don't overdo the questions in the bedroom. You don't have to know your partner's complete sexual history. In far too many cases by the time your partner ran up the full list you would be too run down for a run through. Or even a dry run. If you got the feeling that your partner is overdoing it with the questions you could answer a question with a question. What do you mean by sexual experience? What is the meaning of life? But few bedroom questions are worse than: What did you say your sister's phone number was? Actually I can think of another question that sucks and eventually may lead to a lot of sucking: You're what?
Are you tired of all this negativity? Take a look at our companion series that accentuates the positive.
Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine wine, eat fine food, and enjoy life. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new site celebrating all kinds of love including physical love at - You will find a wide range of jokes, articles, and quotes devoted to various aspects of sex and a great collection of photos. If you don't know French, enjoy the translations. Check out his global wine website at |
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