By Megan Zoile
One of the biggest subconscious fears that men have when it comes to sex is that our partners are faking their orgasms. I mean, We've all seen the same movies, heard the same snickers from women about "getting it over with" and of course, everyone 25 or over has seen Meg Ryan's fake orgasm performance in the famous movie scene, well enough played that it leaves many of us just a slender shred less confident about our bedroom abilities than we were beforehand..:-) Well, the good news is this: After consulting with several of our female writers and co-workers, we have assembled what they promised was a no fail set of guidelines on how to tell if your woman is putting you on, when your showing off your romantic skills. Read on to see what they are!
1) Does she have a heartbeat? And no, we're not asking if she's alive, guys..:-) But EVERY woman we asked said that a woman in the true throes of a mind melding orgasm would have a heartbeat as wild and racy as a runaway train. This is an easy tell! If she has incredibly fast recuperative powers after the encounter is over, and doesn't seem to have broken a sweat...your girl is most likely putting you on! (and of course, wondering why you are underperforming in the sack!)
2) Is she begging you for more? Another easy tell we're assured! If it's over, and she's ready to go RIGHT to sleep, or grab some food, or simply wants some "ALONE" time...this is a very bad sign. A woman who is satisfied beyond her wildest passions will almost always want some REALLY close physical contact right afterwards. A guilty woman wants to get up and grab some ice cream. This is key..:-)
3) Is she sneaky overall? 7 out of 8 women we asked said that a duplicitous woman is FAR more likely to be sneaky in the bedroom as well. And guys, remember, a fake orgasm is sneaky. It is cheating you out of the knowledge you need to amp up your game, and learn some better tricks. If she's lying to you about the amount of pleasure you can provide....she might be lying to you in other areas as well. (plus of course, seeking satisfaction elsewhere). Ouch!
Overall, these are the simple signs you need to look for to tell if you've got an academy award winning actress sharing your bed. Remember, great sex is hugely important, and should be equally as enjoyable for her, as it is for you - and if it's not, you need to find out why...and learn how to improve it, and fast!
And One Last thing...Remember: Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better (understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable) You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-) So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG...she'll scream your name in her sleep! |
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