By Larry Warner
When we get married we may believe that the passion will go on forever or even the more realistic will imagine that the sex will continue to flow and be good if not as wild as at first. No woman thinks that after their vows they will be living in a sexless marriage devoid of the warmth and closeness that the expression of love that is sexual intercourse can bring. Because of this a sexless marriage is often followed by a bitter divorce.
So what is a woman to do to save her marriage? What relationship issues are there that is stopping the intimacy? How can you get a happy marriage, a loving marriage with a vigorous bedroom life? A long list of problems and the first piece of relationship advice for women stuck in a passionless marriage is this:
Living in a sexless marriage is not your fault!
This is a problem with your husband, not yourself. Too many women become hung up about their appearance and think that perhaps because they gained a bit of weight their men have abandoned their sex drive altogether. This can lead down the path of poor self esteem and sometimes serious identity crisis.
The truth is that men who are healthy of mind and body and love their wife will usually be sexually active and not be put off by any changes in their partner's body. To save your marriage you must look behind the mask that your husband may wear to find the reason they seem to lack a sex drive anymore. This can be a very complicated issue and when you are initially so close to someone it is hard to see why you are drifting apart and letting the fire burn out.
To stop living in a sexless marriage you must fix the relationship issues that have evolved over time that have psychologically turned your mans sex drive back to 0 in relation to you.
To discover how to get your man in the mood again and save your marriage from a lack of intimacy and even worse a divorce, click below to find out more on how to solve the puzzles of this problem and how to stimulate not just sex but a passionate intimate relationship with your man. |
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