Sexuality Tips For You.

August 12, 2008

Tips on How to Talk Dirty to Her - Making it Effective and Fun

By Rufus Steele

How do you talk dirty to a woman? This may be a challenge for many men but knowing how to talk dirty to her does not take a genius, neither does it require you to be a sex god. You simply need to understand your woman and her needs. Talking dirty is generally not a topic guys like to discuss with their friends which is why it is easy to feel alone and confused. Thankfully there are many websites and books dedicated to teaching men how to talk dirty to her. Once you master the basics and can relax in these situations, your woman will feel incredibly fortunate.

Ask Her Questions
Asking your woman questions is the best way to get her involved. Ask her what she likes, how it feels when you do certain things and of course what her fantasies are. Tell her you will fulfil all her fantasies and describe how you will do it.

Some women love when you say dirty things like "you are such a dirty girl" and "you were very naughty today, I think you need to be punished". This can drive women wild! These are the kinds of lines you may see in movies but they do work so try them out at least once to see her reaction.

If you have been with her for some time then you should be quite comfortable talking dirty together. The first few times are always the hardest but it is important not to give up. At times you both may even just feel like laughing but that's ok, you are making progress! Each experience gives you a new chance to expand your vocabulary and incorporate new words and sentences into your dirty talk. It can also lead to a host of new sexual positions and experiences too - something that neither of you are likely to complain about!

Tips on how to talk dirty to her generally involve making her feel relaxed and comfortable. That is all you need to do before you start talking dirty to your woman. If she enjoys it, she will return the dirty talk by asking you questions and directing your hands and body parts to what she likes.

Can you now see how easy it is to talk dirty to her? Women aren't as shy as you think, and many would love to take part in dirty talk. It just often takes the man to start her off but its all easy going from there!