Sexuality Tips For You.

September 14, 2008

Christian Sex, Romance and Advice

By Amy Conrad

This letter was written for all the married couples longing for a more fulfilling, intense and enjoyable sexual experience. You will get valuable information here. So take your time to read through the information and you will be in a position to change your intimate relationship in no time.

How long has it been since something truly amazing happened in your bedroom?

If you are having difficulty answering this question, this might just be the most important letter you came across in a long time!

Sex, What is it?

* It was created as a gift from God to married couples

* It was created to be an exciting, intense and frequently practiced part of a married couple's relationship.

* It is a soul bonding exercise

Sex, What is it not?

* It is not a sin if practiced within the boundaries of a loving marriage.

* It is not a shame

* It is not immoral

* It is not dirty

* It is not to be practices outside of marriage

This is what you should be experiencing in your relationship; A sexual sensation that is intense, frequent and spiritual. Includes orgasms that are so overwhelming that you will both be amazed that such pleasure exists in this world. This CAN be achieved!

This is the reality that many couples are experiencing on a very regular basis and one that should be experienced by every loving married couple. If you are not experiencing this, you are lacking the skills needed to master this gift. Romance, making your spouse desire you more and more each day, having your spouse chase you all over the house for sex.There is so much more to making love than couples realize.

Although it is a gift, we should still put in a certain amount of effort into mastering this skill. You owe it to your spouse to take some time to get some information. For those of you who might be surprises at this, you truly do need skills to enjoy sex fully.

Sex is a soul bonding exercise. This is the reason why it is so dangerous in the wrong hands. If practiced outside of marriage, before marriage, with multiple partners, with someone you do not love it will break your soul and leave you crippled, scarred, confused and with a low self esteem. It will be difficult for you to recognize true love when it comes your way. Be very careful.

It is very important for couples to be careful when searching for material to help them in this area. Most material is pornographic, sensual and biblically unsound. We need advice that is both scripturally sound as well as technically correct.

Feel free to visit my website where you will discover:

* How to have longer lasting orgasms

* How to have multiple orgasms

* Say good buy to premature ejaculation

* Maximise the hardness of your erections

* Increase length of your penis

* Discover what God really say about sex

And much more.

We do not have to be unfulfilled anymore.

Will your sex life perish because of a lack of knowledge?

Educate yourself and acquire the skills that will bring sexual fulfillment to your marriage. Love your spouse with a passion and it will be reciprocated.

Ps. Sex is only one aspect of our lives. We need to be well balanced in all areas of our lives. Start working on every area of your being and you will be a very fulfilled person.

For more info on how to acquire the skills to experiencing an intense sexual relationship please visit my website.

To your health and wealth.

Amy is an experienced Christian writer and business woman -
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